It is ok to hold a belief.
Why would you want to believe in a vile God like what Christianity offers.

Can you not find a God who cannot be moved to do evil and has morals?

Job 2;3 ---- God says, Satan moved him to destroy without cause. The God you want to embrace is a murder and sinner by his own admition.
You are still missing the entire point. Its like you rush over the entire text just so you can get the last word. I see now that you don't understand the concept of free-will.

Job 2:3 says aboslutely nothing about how satan moved god to destroy him. I really do know for a fact now that you cannot even comprehend the simplest of scriptures. Job 2:3 says : Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. And he still maintains his integrity, though you incited me against him to ruin him without any reason."

ANYONE can be incited. Again, anyone can encourage anybody to do something. Does that mean that they will do it? No. You act as though a simple suggestion voiced by satan to god is supposed to somehow show that "god is evil, and hurting Job was his plan from the beginning".

Get over yourself. Almost every single one of you individuals who are against the Bible try using the Bible against itself when you have absolutely little to no knowledge at all of what the Bible verse meant whatsoever. Then you try to act so upright as if there is no doubt that you are right. Its such a joke really and always gives me a good laugh.

Stop posting scriptures until you can understand their actual meaning buddy. Even though I just said to stop posting scriptures because you are making yourself look stupid, I know for a fact that you are still going to post more even though you have no idea what they mean. Prove me wrong.

Everyone that is against the Bible tend to take everything within the Bible literally, and its really sad on their part. For the 5th time, not everything in the Bible is literal, most of the Bible is symbolism.

Maybe you read through this reply nice and slow huh? Maybe your reply will actually have to do something with what I said? I guess I'll see soon.