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    1. #51
      Member kage's Avatar
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      by the way, FluBB, i just want to say that it's cool that you're actually interested in this and that you are open to hearing what non- and former-believers have to say about it. this is more than many mormons i have known would be willing to do.

    2. #52
      Funk Slap Bass Achievements:
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      ya of course man, i always keep an open mind, why not ya know.

      but man that really pisses me off about mormons acting that way, so gay. i have never acted that way. is it really the majority? maybe your associated with the really molly mormon do everything right mormons, but whatever. i was going to ask my seminary teacher that question about racism and stuff but i sluffed it so i didnt get the opportunity. id ask my dad but he would probably freak for some reason. ill keep you posted tho.

      "inconsistencies don't necessarily mean that joseph wrote it himself. the original authors could have been inconsistent. that only works in some cases though."
      so your saying that there was more then one person writing it? or just one? hmm well i am still having a hard time thinking that some dude could write that book, it must have taken him a long while. so you think that he was just tryin to make a few bucks and then screwed himself and there was no way out? hmm interesting.


    3. #53
      Funk Slap Bass Achievements:
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      haha random question, do you guys lucid dream? just wonderin.


    4. #54
      Member kage's Avatar
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      ha! i used to sluff seminary all the time, but one day my mom told me if she found out i did it again, she would take my car. so after that, i always went, i just went probably half an hour late every day. i never did find out how she knew.

      yeah, when i was in high school i did pretty much associate with either the molly mormon do everything right ones, or non-mormons. there weren't really all that many in-between at my school. although i must say, since i came to college, most of the mormons i associate with are not nearly as prideful as the ones i used to know. of course, i also associate with far fewer mormons than i did in high school. these days there are probably 3-5 mormons that i talk to on a regular basis.

      "inconsistencies don't necessarily mean that joseph wrote it himself. the original authors could have been inconsistent. that only works in some cases though."
      by that i meant that, if you believe that joseph really was the translator, as opposed to the author, then perhaps the original authors (nephi, mormon, moroni, etc.) may have been inconsistent. but there are still some things that are most easily explained by considering joseph as the author rather than the translator.

      so you think that he was just tryin to make a few bucks and then screwed himself and there was no way out?[/b]
      i wouldn't say that's absolutely what happened, but i definitely think it's a pretty good possibility. although i wouldn't even absolutely say he did it for money; maybe he was just trying to have a good time. i couldn't say for sure. all i can really say is that i don't consider the BoM to be inspired writing. or at least no more inspired than any creative work is. it has interesting (sometimes) stories and good values and morals, but i don't believe it is fact. i think it is fiction. many works of fiction have interesting stories and good values and morals.

      haha random question, do you guys lucid dream? just wonderin.[/b]
      not nearly as much as i wish. i remember my dreams about once a week or so, and i'm lucid maybe once a month. i've really been slacking in my dream journal; i need to be better about that.

    5. #55
      Funk Slap Bass Achievements:
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      ya i definatley agree on the good values, and personally i guess i wouldnt really care if it was fake. because by following the principles i can have a good life. did you guys ever get your patriarchial blessing? i did, and its wierd how it has already helped me with some issues i have been having. its really comforting to know that theres a god out there that looks after me and all that. and if theres not, then i would have lived my life the way that is the best for me. in the words of some stupid email i got one time, "I would rather live life believing in god and find out after there wasnt, then going to life thinking there wasnt and there is." it was something like that anyways. well i think the only thing that can really prove the book of mormon to be the word of god is by testimony. unfortunatly we had a little assembly thing today in seminary so i didnt get to ask and wont get to for a while. but apparently were supposed to give up like 3 things out of a groups of things like chocolate, soda, TV, internet or something, and then we have to do all this church stuff. of course its "optional" which in parental and LDS languige means "you better f***ing do it or we will frown upon you as a society!" which really pisses me off. umm i would talk about this some more but i have a bass lesson pretty soon here. so what highschool did you go to? i lucid dream... umm.. 5 times i suppose, all within a few weeks... peace.


    6. #56
      Member kage's Avatar
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      i guess i wouldnt really care if it was fake.[/b]
      that's your decision to make, and i can respect that. incidentally, did you ever see the South Park episode "All About the Mormons"? a mormon kid moves to town and basically comes to the same decision. he says that it doesn't really matter if the church and the BoM are true or not, because, regardless of their truth value, they have given him a good family and a good life. and i will say that, since the mormons stress family values so much, there are probably less fucked up families in utah than in other areas. but i also want to say that you can have good values, follow good principles, and live a good life without the influence of any religion. atheists can have values and morals just as much as theists. (although, to avoid any misunderstanding, i am not an atheist. i do believe in a god, just not the mormon god.)

      did you guys ever get your patriarchial blessing?[/b]
      yes, i did, shortly before i left the church. it's been a long time since i've looked at it, but i remember thinking at the time that it seemed pretty generic. maybe i'll look at it again one of these days.

      of course its "optional" which in parental and LDS languige means "you better f***ing do it or we will frown upon you as a society!" which really pisses me off.[/b]
      yes, me too! this attitude is part of what i meant earlier when i was talking about a holier-than-thou attitude.

      i have a bass lesson pretty soon here. so what highschool did you go to?[/b]
      do you mean like bass guitar, or upright bass, or what? are you in a band or orchestra or anything? West Jordan High School. you?

      by the way, who is that in your avatar and what does his shirt say?


    7. #57
      Funk Slap Bass Achievements:
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      haha, thats Zack de la Rocha, the singer for Rage Against the Machine, which sadly he left the band because of political differences. his shirt says go grapes i think... dont ask me why... but if you know rage music youll understand how tight he is.

      i play the electric bass, and as much as i think i can play the upright bass i cant, dude its so wierd. but anyways im goin to east high school right now. yeah im in a band, but we still suck.... well not really, we just need to make some more songs and some lyrics. we play... um.. lets see.. its sorta like rock/funk/jazz/a wee bit latin.

      um lets see about your comments on the religion thing...
      haha oh ya i did see that south park episode, i found how funny it was, if i remember correctly, how correct it was besides a few things like everyone accepting it so easy. ("Lucy Harris smart smart smart, Martin Harris DUMB!") from what i hear the people who started it were like 2 gay ex missionaries who "met up" in the mission field. but who knows?? Ya its so dumb how the mormon society is that way. and i cant remember who said it but they were talking about the pride cycle and everything in seminary one time and it is amazing how it is really contradicting the church because we (meaning the majority i guess ) seem to really put out that we are the only completly correct church.... dont get me wrong, im still a firm believer in mormonism, but i dont like some of the things that go on like what weve talked about. hmm so ya.

      about the lucid dreaming thing, it really sucks because i am sorta linking lucid dreams in with the god thing, so i guess god is in all things, so basically the reason i get lucid is because of god... so if im not being a good little boy.... i aint gettin none. interesting.

      ya i dont think that west jordan is in our district... ya im sure. how big? east is 4A.


    8. #58
      Party Pooper Tsen's Avatar
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      I'm a senior down at Northridge High.
      ~1 lucid per week at the moment, but it varies from 1 a month to 1 a day.

    9. #59
      Member kage's Avatar
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      oh, okay. i am slightly familiar with rage. although i'm not the biggest fan of that style of music, i still think rage is pretty cool because of their politics and messages.

      you guys should come play a concert in logan some time. we rarely get cool concerts up here.

      i'm glad you liked that episode of south park. i think the majority of mormons probably haven't seen any south park, but if they saw that one, i think most of them would be highly offended. yes, matt stone and trey parker (the south park creators) are gay, but i honestly don't know if they went on missions or not. i had heard that they met in school. i've heard some people say that at least one of them is an ex-mormon, but i've also heard that that's not true. so i don't know. i do know they grew up in colorado, so even if neither one of them was mormon, they surely would have been exposed to the culture at least somewhat. they made a movie once called "Orgazmo" that was about this kid who goes on his mission to california and ends up getting involved in the porn industry. it was pretty funny, although potentially highly offensive (and somewhat inaccurate). i think the only place in utah that screened it was the Tower Theatre. but yes, i felt that the south park episode was pretty accurate in its portrayal. they know the story.

      uh... WJHS is in Jordan School District. either 4A, or 5A. i don't remember. east is up near the university, isn't it? i have a friend who lives close to east, i think. he's around 9th south and 15th east. WJHS is around 8000 south and 2700 west.

    10. #60
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      We do not need to regret our past for without it we would not get to where we are now. Love your past and Love everything you do no matter how much you think it is 'wrong'. It isn't 'wrong', it is absolutely perfect.
      Still, making up your own mind and world is a splendid thing is it not?

    11. #61
      Funk Slap Bass Achievements:
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      sorry i havent written in a while, but i have something to say about the pride cycle.
      so whats the difference between pride, and knowledge? they are sort of the same, but not really. mormons have knowledge, so its not as much as a major pride thing, its just that we have more knowledge then other people. and you have to realize that god does choose favorites, the story of abraham and his sons comes to mind. which son did god favor most? but our god does have mercy for those not of our religion. its pretty much if you have felt the spirit, and acknowledged what it was, you are set in a higher level. so as you progress in the church you have more and more responsiblity etc. so someone that has not heard of the church that lives in a tibetan monastary meditating blah blah and all that good stuff then i see no reason why he could not get to heaven. pretty interesting to think about.

      by the way, kage, do you believe the political messages and stuff rage talks about? i sorta do, but theres not really any concrete evidence. ya i bet all you get up in logan for concerts is like crap like ryan shupe and stuff... i feel for ya man. Salt Lake is where its at... and sadly enough Provo is too.

      Tsen, NorthRidge? OooOoo, hmm.. i play you in football, you didnt happen to be on the football team this year did you?


    12. #62
      Member kage's Avatar
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      it's okay to have more knowledge about something. pride is when having this extra knowledge makes you think you are better than those who don't have it. pride is when you are stuck-up or cocky about your beliefs or actions. pride is when you feel that nobody is perfect, except for you, and it's your job to let other people know what they need to be doing differently. i don't know if you were a member of the forum when the whole RyanParis thing was going on. if not, look up some of his forums. nazi propaganda/bullshit aside, there was a prideful person. so a prideful mormon would go around boasting about how often they go to the temple, reading the BoM in a very public setting (especially if they are reading it just so non-mormons will ask about it or something), and telling people just what they needed to do to improve their spiritual standing. a humble mormon would go around trying to improve him/herself, helping others wherever possible, and not try to draw attention to the fact that they are mormon and you are not! of course, it might be hard to adopt a humble attitude when you're being told stuff like "Every member a missionary."

      honestly, i'm really not all that familiar with rage's music and messages. from what i've heard/read, i think i pretty much agree with them, although i would have to read a lot more of their lyrics to tell you for sure. but i do appreciate and respect the fact that they are political and try to spread meaningful messages AT ALL. so many bands these days don't seem to care a rat's ass about anything other than making money.

      and yes, we get shit for concerts in logan. i'm pretty sure ryan shupe has played multiple concerts up here. and Voicemale. if it's not something in that genre, than it's probably a bunch of freshmen playing that godawful punk-pop. although we do get cool stuff once in a while. just not often.

    13. #63
      Party Pooper Tsen's Avatar
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      Nah, I've never been big on the football thing. Plus, our team's sucked for the last three years running...Before that they were great, won 3 consecutive State titles or something, but then they just fizzled out.

      Anyway, I fully agree with Kage. It's when you think that your added knowledge makes your faith in God somehow different than the next man's that it draws the line.

      And it's tough getting many good concerts in Utah at all...some bands just avoid it. My favorite band's (Flogging Molly) been on tour through the US several times in the last three years or so, but they've only been in Utah twice, and once was for Warped Tour. Ugh...

      Anyway, for political music, try Chumbawamba. Bit more European than American, but it's still VERY political, though I don't agree with all of it.

      EDIT: w00t, 1111 posts!

    14. #64
      Funk Slap Bass Achievements:
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      Originally posted by kage23
      so a prideful mormon would go around boasting about how often they go to the temple, reading the BoM in a very public setting (especially if they are reading it just so non-mormons will ask about it or something), and telling people just what they needed to do to improve their spiritual standing. a humble mormon would go around trying to improve him/herself, helping others wherever possible, and not try to draw attention to the fact that they are mormon and you are not! of course, it might be hard to adopt a humble attitude when you're being told stuff like "Every member a missionary."
      so i am guessing that you are saying that non prideful mormon is the best.. so you feel that most mormons are prideful in the way that they are always open about their religion and stuff. i dont think thats necessarily bad if you have a testimony, but if you dont, or have a weak one, then wtf are you doing trying to get someone else to join? thats why this 40 day challenge at my seminary ment to get people to ask questions about the chruch pissed me off so much because if i dont have a strong testimony and really look at my doctrine, and get a few point of views then thats... gay. i told my friend that i wasnt doing it and i dont think he realizes how prideful he is in that way. he has always been sorta "im better then you because this is the 5th time ive read the BoM" kind of attitude. but hes really the only one that i associate with thats like that. Mormons or faithful mormons are actually in the minority in my group of friends. and i heard that the mormons are outnumbered in the state now.... good for you guys eh? were just worried that gay marriage or something like that will pass. what are you views on gay marriage anyways?

      well... you really need to listen to rage.. they have the tightest music with some pretty good messages, just dont listen to audioslave (rage without zack de la rocha). about those bands that tsen mentioned i dont think i have heard of some of em. but Flogging Molly haha excellent choice, not one of my personal favorites but a very good band all the same. im pretty open to all styles of music, because if your not then you should just... just... not... live. well actually i hate new country, but the old is ok (like Johnny Cash is the only one).
      hmm well i know back in the day when rage was still around they had a concert in rice eccles stadium (where the olympics were held and just 3 blocks away from my house). it was Rage as the opening and U2... oh my... i couldnt even imagine how tight that must have been. ya, of course i am going to be really good and were gunna go national and all that jazz, and i promise i will play in logan just for you...


    15. #65
      Member kage's Avatar
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      a non-prideful anyone is best, mormon or not. humility is a good virtue to have regardless of your status or position in life. and i wouldn't necessarily say that being open about one's religion is prideful. it's when someone focuses on how much better they are than everyone who is not of that religion that it becomes pride. when someone focuses on correcting everyone else's mistakes, oblivious to the fact that they make mistakes, too. like your friend. "im better then you because this is the 5th time ive read the BoM" that is a prideful attitude. and of course, one has to differentiate between pride that's good or okay and the sin of pride. i think it's okay to have pride about your accomplishments. for example, your band hits it big, records an album, and wins the grammy for best new group or whatever. that is something that you should feel pride for. you shouldn't get cocky, but that would be quite an accomplishment and is something you should be proud of. it's where to draw the line that gets sticky.

      as for gay marriage . . . it's fine with me. i don't think i've ever heard a legitimate argument against gay marriage.

      yeah, i'll have to listen to more rage. i've heard audioslave kinda sucked, though.

      of course i am going to be really good and were gunna go national and all that jazz, and i promise i will play in logan just for you...[/b]
      hahaha, awesome. better do it soon, though, because i (hopefully) won't be in logan much longer!

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