No. But making statements like Atheists think better, have a better view on things and so on does. Even if you may be right in the context you are in.
It is brain washing. So is working at Wal-Mart.
Yes/no. If you adopt the attitude some religious nuts take to defend your point then yes. Stay neutral than no.. Put yourself or your view above any other than you are suffering from the same ailment as zealots (religious or otherwise). I knew when I wrote this that there was a possibility that you might take it a bit personal. I was just testing to see if I get a reaction out of you. I did not and I am happy to see that.
I am not at all offended personally.
I do not see though where I have done anything but point out what I see as an awareness. Not claiming my point is entirely correct or better..or smarter.

It does not discredit religion at its fundamental level. It is there, it existed when you got here. I serves a purpose. The only discredit I can support are the misrepresentation the US is currently suffering from in it‘s revival years. Bad people following bad advise from bad preachers (yes, we are on the same page). I did not really say people are stupid. I just suggested that many lacked the information and the logic required to create a good foundation. Such foundation can include god and religion though it is not required. Ignorance is not a sin (or meant as an insult). It can be remedied with time.
So true about ignorance. We are all ignorant in many ways. It is just not knowing something. It is just an aggressive word similar to brainwashing.

Pertaining to your above post and with regards to the one below...
This is how I see it discredited. It being here before me has what relevance?
You admit that it is brain washing - (Walmart).
Your family could have been guided to any one of a thousand beliefs. As a result, you are influenced by their behavior and beliefs, but not anything to do with truth.
Once you adopt the idea that any religion could have been derived from anywhere, it is hard to go back to a fundamental belief in any religion.

I am influenced by religious sources. There are just too many believers in my family and my ancestors for me to go and trash them just for my sake. Honour thy family is a big point in my decision to believe that god probably exists. Though how I choose to believe it is up to me and no one on this planet can change the way I have made my choice. Not even my fervent god fearing American cousins. My version and theirs does clash a lot. Though I usually and politely express my view on the subject (usually with great dismay from their part).

Excellant post Kaniaz.
What you stated here really makes me go nuts thinking about having children -->
Indoctrination and the development of a child's mindset and the like is a pretty big topic. Kids are a valuable asset: you can build brainwashed armies with them if you're at all smart. Kids are the next generation and they're going to be the wielders of whatever knowledge we've got.

Whatever you decide they should be taught, you had better make sure you've put a lot of thought into it. I don't believe that teaching any kind of religion - atheist, theist or otherwise - is probably a good idea. I would much rather teach them a love of culture, history and critical thinking, hm?