The big thing religious people point out when speaking about religion and benefits, is morals. That is one of the only things they can credibly point out, actually. But it pisses me off to no end. As if religion is the only thing you can get moral from?

Get a fucking clue.

Really, does it take anybody a book to tell people not to murder? Not to molest children? Of course it doesn't! It's only natural! Of course, most of the said murders and child molesters are Christian, but that's another story... With the 'good' stuff, turn the other cheek, etc... It takes an individual to decide for themselves. Mass mind and doing things you wouldn't naturally do are bad for you. Why turn the other cheek when you can punch them in theirs? Or maybe you like peace, and do as it says. It depends on YOU, not what the preacher thinks or a book.

My point is- If you need a book, or somebody to TELL you not to kill or rape, then something is wrong with you.

Another- I've found that the bad standards and morals you also get from various religions outweighs the benefits. With Christianity you tend to tromp around, hate muslims, etc. Muslims hate Jews, etc. I could go on and on. When scripture tells you good and bad things together, it's pretty sad.

If you think it takes religion to have morals, you are seriously flawed. Atheists have morals. More so then many religions because they are NEUTRAL.