Ok I know I’m going to catch a lot of flack for this one but think about it. Evolution basically says that we evolved with out any help from outside forces. Basically it was natural selection and mutations yet they are still looking for the missing link. Creationist say that God or a "God" used intelligent design to create us right? So Aliens who could be perceived as gods depending on how you look at things could of created us. Maybe we are getting prepared for the real truth of things? I really don't know that length of creationsist arguments but this is how i see it. Any thoughts?

So was god an alien?
In World War 2 an American fighter pilot crash-landed in the Brazilian rainforest where he was discovered by an isolated tribe of natives. Impressed by his technical gadgetry and his descent from the sky, these primitive people elevated him to the status of a god and created a religion around him. Today, the “proof” of their religion consists of a series of artifacts hanging from tree branches, including items such as a broken plane engine, an empty cigarette lighter and a rusting pocketknife. But to the educated reader, these artifacts are instead testimony to the fact that the artifacts of a religion are not proof of the religion itself but rather proof of the actual event which occurred (and was quite possibly misinterpreted). As Arthur C. Clarke once said, “any sufficiently advanced technology is perceived as miracle”. Could Christianity be the product of a similar misinterpretation?

To its credit, this hypothesis can explain all of the events in the Bible and in other ancient religious documents all throughout the world. If it is assumed that it is possible for space aliens to travel a number of light years to Earth in the first place, then a number of the stories in the Bible can be explained in terms of extra-terrestrial intervention. We are told in the Bible that the three wise men followed a moving star, which led them to the location of Jesus. It has been postulated that maybe this star was really Haley’s Comet, as calculations suggest that the comet was in the sky at the time; however, a comet would be pointless and difficult to follow. Alternatively, believers of the “ancient astronaut” theory have suggested that the star could have been a UFO, which the wise men were compelled to follow via telepathic communication with the aliens (which is commonly reported in alien abduction reports).

The birth of Jesus might be elucidated by the speculation that aliens visited Mary in her sleep (which she perceived as a dream in which she was visited by angels). The aliens could have artificially inseminated her with genetically engineered, or possibly even alien sperm; and this could explain the superhuman abilities which Jesus was reported to have had, and also the fact that Mary gave birth while she was still a virgin. So, perhaps Jesus was one of the first alien-human hybrids.

This idea has spawned a number of alien cults, the most popular being the Raelian Movement (which has over 35,000 members in 85 countries). According to this cult, scientists from another planet used Earth as a giant biological laboratory, on which they created all life using DNA, and created man in their own image. In December 1973, a French journalist (Rael) was supposedly contacted by a visitor from this other planet, and was dictated a message (basically consisting of a re-translation of the Bible in terms of extra-terrestrial intervention). He has now published this message as a series of books, which you can order over the Internet from the Raelian Revolution Virtual Shop. Rael was also asked to prepare an embassy for the aliens where they could officially land among us, bringing with them all the prophets as predicted by every religion.

Yes, it is possible that visitors from outer space did land on earth a few thousand years ago and communicate with our ancestors. But it is also possible that the prehistoric people were responsible for their own art, technology and culture. Maybe the writings within the Bible are mere stories and poems attempting to explain our place and purpose in the Universe; perhaps also in an attempt to satisfy the basic human desire for an afterlife. And maybe these fundamental aspects of human nature similarly inspired the other worldwide religions.

Or maybe the fundamentalist Christians were right all along (after all, the Sun does revolve around the Earth, the Earth is at the centre of the Universe, and all the other religions are wrong anyway, aren’t they?