From the thread "Only theist believe irrational things":

The question that O'nus is asking is why declare onself atheist to begin with. I will do this, but naturally it's relevant to my opinion and nothing else.

I posit that we are all agnostic because we can't know until death. Either we die and the lights go out and that's it, in which case it can't be known.

Or...we die and consciousness continues in some form.

Either way death is how you find out.

With our inability to know until death being the determining factor we are faced with an arguement that can only be subjective.

We are all agnostic whether we accept this precept or not.

Why would you decide that there is no god with this being the case.

The final logical position is that existance is for whatever reason real. Existance either always existed or had a beginning. If it had a beginning than it is illogical and came from nothing. If this is the case than there is no reason to interject a middle man, which in this case would be god.

To say that existance was created by a God because something had to create it in order to be is illogical, because if god came from nothing than it's essentially saying the same thing as existance came from nothing. Either way SOMETHING CAME FROM NOTHING. Again, what is the point in saying that a being who came from nothing and therefore had no beginning created everything when you can just simplify it and say that everything came from nothing. You are saying the same thing...that is that we are and we can't say how or why. It's simply more logical to say that existance has simply always been and had no beginning. Again, there is no reason to interject a god into the equation...logically speaking. What must be accepted is that logic is only relative to an illogical precept.

Let your logic breed!