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    1. #1
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      Why did you become an Atheist?

      Why did you become an Atheist?/Agnostic/etc.

      This is directed towards atheists who were formerly theists.

      Please share your story. And remember, don't give me answers like ''there's no evidence for God's existence''.


    2. #2
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      I used to be atheist. But the past couple of years I've come across to much evidence to suggest the opposite. It's becoming increasingly obvious that everything that is in existence comes from intelligent design...and No I'm not a Christian. Spirituality is not religion.

      I believe we are grains of sand..and the beach is God. The divine. One consciousness.
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    3. #3
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      Since you said Agnostic. Here is my story.

      I never truely was religious, although i was forced to go to church every Sunday (Christian church), it got to the point i started going weekly for a little while to this place where alot of Christians talk, and a minister is here. It was not a church, but he was talking like it was, but sometimes i go with the kids and we run around the building inside where bats and animals were at. Anyway i stopped going, and have not looked back to getting into religion. So...my dog dies, and it effected me SO BLOODY MUCH!!! i was trying, trying to find out what happens when you die, then i stumbled to a spiritualist forum called psychics.co.uk where spiritualists and psychics and stuff go, i tried for a while to get my answer, even went into their chatroom where they have readings with mediums who pick a person saying a spirit is here to communicate. The more i read, the more things started to make sense for me, and i started to believe. Eventually i find DV, and slowly i start going from extremly 1 sided to understanding other sides and being able to be open to whatever unless it was the flying spaghetti monster. I started to slowly become more of an Aetheist over the course of many months, i started stop being able to see 2 sides and started falling back to 1 sided, as my other side seemed to dissapear.

      I started to REALLY sink lower and lower without being able to find my other side, i could literally feel myself start to change bit by bit because i lost a part of me it seemed like, i found out once i could open my eyes that i can't be away from that, and i was away from that and everything felt wrong, i guess i was not whole. Today i can't live without being open to whatever, which is why some of the things i say may not make sense except to me. Anyway, seems like 1 day out of nowhere i seemed to find it, and it was funny because i was like "screw it why should i care", and since then i really have not cared. It feels like nothing anyone can say can break me, and i've felt this way for a long time now. Aslong as i have my choice to seeing more then 1 way of something, before i used to believe everything i read, but i guess over time i have grown up about it, but i may still ask for a scientific thing to things rather then as people say "majicksz" side. I can imagine things, but my stance remains Agnostic, because i don't know. But the only time i think of this stuff is when i visit DV, offline or other places this is the last thing i think about.

      BTW my thoughts on close minded or open minded is simple in my eyes. If you can't think outside the box and never even try, i call you close minded, if you can be open to anything and everything, i call you open minded. So if i call someone close minded, or open minded, this is my meaning of it.
      Last edited by LucidFlanders; 10-18-2009 at 09:28 AM.

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      I was born one.

      This wasn't a wiseguy thing, it is a fact. When I was born, I wasn't baptized. Somehow succeeded in avoiding the brainwashing (which was quite heavy) in my childhood and kept it to myself. In youth, I didn't go to the confirmation like 99% of all the kids, if only for sake of having good and fun camp week with friends. Now, as an adult, I have matured enought to reason why my instinct was a good choice to me back then. I have even carried it further to call myself a nihilist. Most of the guys who went to the confirmation have resigned from church now. I was adamant back then, not fickle with my determination like they were.

      In my youth, I spent much of my time to hate religion, merely because it was so forceful and it was a heavy burden for a child to be rounded out of the circles because he didn't join the church nor shared mutual beliefs. Now my hate remains only for the things religion has commited in the past or for people who utilize religion to justificate their actions. Personal faith doesn't bug me. People are free to belief what they want, but my patience runs out very quickly if they open their mouth to preach or tell about their beliefs, unless specifically asked, of course. Personally, I think all faith should be abolished and people should start living for themselves. Not for deities or afterlife.

      My polite answer.
      Last edited by Unelias; 10-18-2009 at 01:19 PM.
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    5. #5
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      And remember, don't give me answers like ''there's no evidence for God's existence''.
      Uh, surely that's the basic answer that the vast majority of atheists have? Using reason instead of accepting the culture around you?

      My parents are secular. God just isn't something we think to talk about. I went to a Christian school where we prayed and things but I never took it seriously.

    6. #6
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      I was raised Christian, from the very start in "sunday school" I would frequently throw some questions to which the "teacher" couldn't give me an answer to (well, at least a proper answer). As time went by I realized more and more that I was wasting my time, the people at the church had nothing to teach me, they were just parroting interpretations of what ignorant man wrote in a book centuries ago.

      When I was 12/13 I stopped going to church and turned to Deism, but gradually I started to see that there weren't any valid arguments for the existence of a god (in good part by watching many discussions here in RS). And so I've been Atheist since i was 16/17 years old.
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    7. #7
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      No one become's an atheist, people become theists. Everyone is born atheist, religion is taught.

    8. #8
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      My family never really talked about religion and god as such... and none of them are really religious, so when I grew up I pretty much had free hands to decide for myself.

      I never really took the whole thing too seriously (I always had these huge questions about god and how in the world any of it made sense), and through the first years of school during the religion lessons, the teachers never really seemed to be able to give proper answers to the questions I had (much like Scatterbrain). I've been questiening religion from as far back as I remember, and I never actually picked it up, so as I grew older and became familiar with all the terms, it was only natural to label myself as atheist, or an agnostic atheist So while I were never actually a theist (which I understand the question was directed towards) it's still gives an explanation as to why I didn't choose religion.
      Last edited by SomeDreamer; 10-18-2009 at 04:18 PM.

    9. #9
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      No one become's an atheist, people become theists. Everyone is born atheist, religion is taught.

      After I was taught religion for a while I began to first notice inconsistencies in the bible, and other things that just don't mesh with the modern world. Christianity goes against the grain of Science and Technology and to me, it is obvious which one has more credibility.

    10. #10
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      No one become's an atheist, people become theists. Everyone is born atheist, religion is taught.
      No, originally everyone is simply non-religious.

    11. #11
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      When I was little, my parents never really talked about God at all. They pretty much brought me up to be open minded to everything.

      But in school we would sing hymns and read stuff about God, so all this talk about God made me just assume that God must exist.

      Then when I got old enough to think logically for myself (around 7 yeas old, give or take) I started to question it. This was also when I read a lot about science. Physics in particular. So I read about the Big Bang. And then I found out that religion says that the Big Bang is nonsense. Then I thought, "if they have now come up with a good explanation for it, why still think religion is right?"

      So basically I realised that religion is most likely something people made up because it was a good theory back then, just like people made up the theory that the earth is the centre of the universe and everything rotates around it.
      And I wondered why people didn't discard the idea of religion when better theories came along. (just like they discarded the idea of earth is centre thing when they realised it isn't the centre).

      Those are the thoughts I thought over a few years. I could never fully explain my reasoning behind my atheism, but just so you know, I AM STILL OPEN MINDED. I believe there is a minute possibility that God exists the way religion says.

      So I just stick with "it is possible, just not probable"

    12. #12
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      I was born in Hungary, so it goes without saying that I was baptized as a catholic. My grandparents are very religious. My great grandmother made my grandparents look like heathens, all things being relative.

      My parents were more open-minded about stuff. When we moved to Canada, I was still sent to a catholic school (there are lots of those in Quebec, after all). We'd only really go to church twice a year (xmas and easter), and I felt like it was a bloody waste of time. I mean, I believed in God and that he loved me and everything, and I was already learning about this stuff in school, so why go listen to some Hungarian sermon? Anyway, it did nothing for me. And like I said, my parents were pretty open-minded about this stuff. They didn't really lecture me about it. As long as I lived a good life, it was all they needed. You know, the practical stuff.

      I then went to a catholic high school. That's where I started to think for myself about this stuff a little bit more. By the way, I understand faith. Even when I believed, I understood that there was no real evidence that there's a god. But it felt good, sorta, I guess. Anyway, in high school, I definitely wasn't one of the popular kids. It was a pretty harsh world. So, first lesson: What someone's religious affiliation is has absolutely ZERO to do with whether they're a great person, or complete trash.

      In high school, the main religion teacher we had (and we had him for all 5 years) was a really great young man, and I would actually go talk to him after class hours about this stuff. I'd ask him about what hell really is about, and we'd talk about sects and other topics they don't cover until later. He mentioned that "hell" is really a kind of state of loneliness and darkness. It's not a "place of fire and brimstone" where you get tortured for all eternity. Then it hit me. Lesson 2: No two religious authorities have the same view. And I'm not talking about little nitpicky details, but about large, fundamental truths. This was really interesting.

      Eventually, I started feeling pretty lonely and disconnected. And I decided that I would no longer play the victim. I had to take responsibility for my own actions. If there's a god, he'll find me and if he's not an asshole, he'll judge me on character and how I lived my life, and not on whether I followed the SOPs outlined in a book that was written by greedy men thousands of years ago.

      So I became a deist. I wasn't ready to let go of the idea that there might be a creator, but as far as I was concerned, said creator didn't do such a great job, and frankly, probably didn't care.

      It took very little effort, after that, to go right to being agnostic. There's no story behind that. I just, at some point, realized that all the "deity baggage" I had could be let go very easily at that point, so I did.

    13. #13
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      No one become's an atheist, people become theists. Everyone is born atheist, religion is taught.

      All I have to say has already been stated in that post.

    14. #14
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      God or religion was never a part of my life or upbringing. We never went to church, never joined a youth group...never even cracked a bible. (When people quote the bible, I have no idea what they're talking about.) Yeah, so since I was never taught religion, I never really saw any valid arguments for the existence of a god. To this day, I see no valid arguments. I wouldn't consider myself atheist, though...agnostic is more accurate a term. I don't believe in any sort of god or divine being, but you never know. For all intents and purposes, however, I am a "practical atheist."

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      Quote Originally Posted by really View Post
      No, originally everyone is simply non-religious.
      Are you implying atheism is a religion?

    16. #16
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      Quote Originally Posted by tnemrot View Post
      Are you implying atheism is a religion?
      It might not be a religion, but it is a conviction. You're not born with convictions.
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    17. #17
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      Quote Originally Posted by kingerman View Post
      Why did you become an Atheist?/Agnostic/etc.

      This is directed towards atheists who were formerly theists.

      Please share your story. And remember, don't give me answers like ''there's no evidence for God's existence''.

      This is not a very fair question.

      Firstly, everyone is born Atheist because, in its strict definition, it is the lack of belief in something. Adding convictions or moralities to it muddles it up into something else that is not Atheism. If you really want to know, I consider myself to be Humanist Existentialist - but I can't say that very simply, now can I?

      Furthermore, I was raised Anglican.

      Unfortunately, I never found evidence for God.

      The honest reason I always give is, "I have seen no reason to believe in God".

      If I ever did, I would!

      Is that so difficult?


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      I looked long and hard at the beliefs I was taught and I had accepted as a kid, and then saw them to be unproven. Fin~

    19. #19
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      I was born into a semi-religious family. My family on my mother's side were Christian while the family on my father's side were believers in Christianity, but did not feel the need to go to church. My mother used to tell me fragmented things about God and I naturally aligned myself with the Christian faith. We only went to church when we visited my grandparents on my mother's side. I always hated it.

      By 7th grade I began to have some serious doubts about God and clung to everything anybody said that supported the notion of God without thought. About at the end of 7th grade, with the constant expansion of my mind as I was going through puberty, I realized the irrationality of accepting every pro-God word I heard and let go of my belief.

      I considered myself an agnostic for awhile, but since there is no such thing as a plain agnostic, I was and still am classified as an agnostic atheist.
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    20. #20
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      Well, I was never brainwashed into religion at home. My parents never spoke much of it, and I think the religion we learned at school was mostly unbiased, though we did go to church once or twice a year. When we began learning religion in (roughly the equivalent of) junior high I got tired of it, and I started talking to people about it and actually given it some thought. Before this I hadn't even considered what my religious views were - the question never came up so I never needed to have an opinion about it. After giving it some thought I found out I didn't believe in God and when confirmation time came I decided I weren't going to do it. I guess it was around this time I learned my father wasn't religious. Still don't know if my mother is. And that's about the end of it.
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      Quote Originally Posted by khh View Post
      It might not be a religion, but it is a conviction. You're not born with convictions.
      conviction, strong belief, article of faith (an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence)
      a strong persuasion or belief b : the state of being convinced
      Copypasted. Do you still think it's a conviction?

    22. #22
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      Quote Originally Posted by tnemrot View Post
      Copypasted. Do you still think it's a conviction?
      You should have copypasted the definition of atheism, if anything that's what I'm confused about
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    23. #23
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      Atheism is A-theism, that is to say, not theism.

      And let me just throw out there that agnosticism does not mean you are unsure whether god exists or not. I am a strong atheist and also a strong agnostic.
      1. a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.
      2. a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study.
      Remember that agnosticism means you believe it's unknowable, not necessarily that you don't know. There's a fine line but there is one. If you are undecided (which is a rather lame position to take in any situation anyways), you are simply undecided, not agnostic. Agnosticism is not a middle-ground between theism and atheism, but on another plane entirely.

      Anyways, to answer the thread's question, I "became an atheist" mostly because of Dreamviews. I remember like 5 or so years ago when bradybaker was around and he was always such a solid debater and I respected his use of logic in arguing religion. I just found every religious view completely against the scientific mode of thought and every rebuttal by people like bradybaker to make perfect sense. I was somewhat undecided at this time, but mostly out of fear that being an atheist was bad or something, but then I realized it didn't matter. Eventually I started arguing religion and my convictions grew that way. This was before there was a R/S section on dreamviews I think i was about 12 or 13 at the time.

    24. #24
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      I wasn't raised as anything and able to make up my own mind. The only religion in my life was having to sing hymns or pray at school, which I refused to do once I was old enough to realise I didn't believe any of it (about 10 or so).

      I saw absolutely no reason why any particular religion was correct and all the others were wrong, and I was able to see the flaws, bad reasoning, contradictions, absurdities and so on in all of them. The more I educated myself, the more I've been able to see this, especially as I did advanced science and learnt about the scientific method, as well as my studies in to philosophy and knowledge.

      About 6 years ago, I still used to respect people's religious beliefs, providing they'd actually made up their own mind about it. When I actually went through and read about the religions in detail, and the negative impacts of said religions, I lost any respect for such a belief system.

    25. #25
      peaceful warrior tkdyo's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by tnemrot View Post
      Copypasted. Do you still think it's a conviction?
      erm...yes? atheism is usually backed up with a strong feeling that god is not real.

      on topic...I still have a side to me that is spiritual I suppose, but like a lot of people I moved out of the realm of christianity once I got online and started reading arguments about it. When I was younger I did genuinely believe in god and I really enjoyed reading the book of revelations, so I feel sometimes that lets me see where christians are coming from in all of this...but pretty soon science took over too much and Im too the point now where I need more then some coincidences that "may be" miracles.
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