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    1. #76
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      Quote Originally Posted by Alric View Post

      Obviously god isn't just about love and forgiveness. He is also a fair god. Which means when you sin and you reject him and you act evil, he isn't going to save you from hell. If you act like a souless monster, he isn't thinking. "Aww this man needs a second chance." He gets pissed off and he says f you. Like any person on earth would. You go to hell because you truely deserve it. If however you are sorry for what you done, and not just scared and trying to avoid the punishment, then he will be caring and will forgive you.
      I disagree that gods heaven and hell system, as described in the bible is even in the least bit fair.

      The thing is, the entirety of one's actions, thoughts, personality, and emotions are exclusively a product of the way someone was born, and the outside world's effect on that person. You were born a certain way, placed into a certain situation, and that is what made you the way you are today. How you reacted to your very first experience with the external world is based entirely on how your nature has been designed to react to it, and in future experiences, you react based entirely on how your nature has been effected by past experiences. I hope you see what I'm getting at here...

      So, when you stop to think about it, does ANYONE have control over how they were born? Does ANYONE have control over whatever situation they were born into? Because nobody has control over either of those things, nobody truly has actual control over any of their actions. Really, control is just an illusion (though it is a very, very necessary illusion).

      Because of this, it would be irrational to even assert that anyone deserves anything, at least if you regard the word deserving as its most commonly percieved definition.

      I'm not trying to assert that people should not be rewarded or punished, for seeking reward or fearing punishment are indeed two effective ways to get people to do good (or evil, for that matter). Reward and punishment are two things in the external world that do effectively change ones personality, and if they are to simply be abandoned because nobody actually deserves anything, then that would be disastrous. Still, it's good to keep in mind that reward and punishment should be regarded as drives, or things to increase ones self esteem, or cause one to rethink their actions, or perhaps prevent one from having an urge to do an action in the first place. But really, when it all comes down to it, "deserving" anything is just an illusion.

      Now, back to the point . So now, if you look at what the bible says about what god is responsible for, you may notice that the bible would claim that god is both responsible for how you were born, and also responsible for what situation you were placed in. Because those things (the things that control everything you do and everything you are) were entirely in god's control, then realistically every last thing you do and every last thing you are is entirely gods fault. Having god send you to hell because you went against him is completely unreasonable on his part, because he caused you to go against him, while having full knowledge of it. It would be anything but fair to punish someone for something that you yourself are completely responsible for, would you not agree?

      So really, the entire christian concept of heaven and hell is absolutely ridiculous. I don't mean to offend anyone by saying that, but when you truly look at it in a logical and thorough manner, it is quite simply a philosophical disaster.

      Edit: I'm agnostic, if anyone wants to know.
      To do list:
      Have an LD(without waking up immediately) [x]; LD for more than 30 seconds[x]; LD for more than 2 minutes[x]
      WILD [ ]; DILD [7(ish)]; Fly [x];
      Practice a skill so that I will be better at it in real life [ ];
      Create world peace using a harmonica [ ];
      Solve a real life problem [ ]; Turn the world into a nudist colony [ ]

    2. #77
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      "God" is the Sum Total of Universal Energy

      Many people debate about whether there is a God, or what God is. Is God an individual personality, sitting up in heaven listening to and granting our requests, or is God simply all the energy that exists in the whole universe? Well, I believe God is the second option here.

      The Bible says God is a spirit (John 4:24). It also says that the spirit, given by God, is what gives man understanding (Job 32:8). And finally, it says that God is light (I John 1:5).

      It is important to understand that ancient man described God with an ancient vocabulary and ancient idea sets, but that we can breathe new life into these verses by understanding what was really being said.

      What is light? It's energy. When a person is brain dead, no electrical activity registers on a EEG test. Why? Because his spirit, which is what brings life to the body and understanding to the mind, is electrical energy. And when the spirit leaves the body, the body dies because the energy which powered the body is no longer present. God is light, so he is energy, and both God and we are spirit beings. So God, and light, and energy, and the essence of each of us as spirit beings, is all the same. We are all made up of the same physical and spiritual essence: energy.

      Everything that exists in the universe is made up of energy. Every atom has electrons, sub-atomic particles containing an electrical charge, which orbit around the atom's nucleus. Every atom has energy. True, some atoms have more energy than others; some have more electrons orbiting their nucleus than others, and some are moving faster than others. The energy in a piece of wood is moving very slow compared to the energy in a pan of boiling water, but both contain the same kind of energy.

      There is a scientific law that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it simply changes form (conservation of energy). To be more precise, it states that in a closed system (our universe, for the purposes of our discussion) energy is conserved. In other words, all the energy that ever existed, that was present at the beginning, still exists. God, who is all energy, in the beginning took from his own energy to make everything that exists. Biblical scholars have made much of the original language of Genesis 1:1 saying that the word "created" means "ex nihilo" or "out of nothing". In other words, God made everything from nothing. We must understand that biblical writers used their own limited vocabulary and knowledge of science to explain what they thought they saw or were told. The fact that the universe may have "appeared" out of nowhere does not mean it was created from nothing. Many forms of energy cannot be seen. Since God is energy, and we know that everything that exists is made from energy, and keeping in mind that energy cannot be created or destroyed, we see that God took from the pool of existing energy, which was HIM, and created everything there is. Therefore, not only are the atoms and molecules and sub-atomic particles in a blade of grass made by God, they are part of God himself. God took of his energy, and changed the appearance of some of it so that it looks different. But it is still a part of him, just as our hearts and livers are part of us. So every blade of grass, every raindrop, every animal, every human being, every biological microorganism, every molecule of wood that forms the chair you are sitting on is GOD. Not just part of God, but IS God. Everything is sacred, because everything is made from the energy that is God. This takes away the dividing line between secular and sacred.

      How can I say that? You might be thinking that to say everything is PART of God is understandable, but to say that everything IS GOD....how can that be? Because scientists have discovered that every particle of matter and energy that exists resonates on a particular frequency, and that every single particle is connected to and responds to every other particle through these frequencies. Everything is connected, part of the same whole and part of the same connected communication system.

      Let's put it in more concrete terms. A cell, or molecule, or atom on one side of the world, say in the United States, can communicate with any other cell, molecule or atom on the other side of the world, say in China, because they are able to signal each other with oscillating frequencies, and this communication happens non-locally and virtually instantaneously. It's like what happens with a radio. There are lots of frequencies out there with people talking on them, or music playing, and all you have to do is tune the dial of the radio to different frequencies to pick them up. Then if you have a transmitter you can talk back to them. That is what our atoms, molecules and cells do. They tune into whatever frequency they have to in order to communicate with other cells all over the world or the universe, in order to accomplish whatever goal they need to accomplish.

      Now, people can usually accept the idea that the cells, molecules and atoms in their BODIES communicate with each other so that the body can function the way it's supposed to. The body is a closed system, just like the universe. Just as all the particles in your body communicate so the body can function efficiently, all the particles in the universe do the same. They are all connected. Like one huge body. God's body.

      Basically, all energy is God, and there is no such thing as someone being "separated from God". God cannot be separated from his own body.....everything is connected, and within our ability to influence the outcome. We also can change the course of events by altering the oscillating frequencies which make communications within this system possible, through our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings.

      How can we say everything is part of God, and in fact IS God? Because every molecule, atom and particle that exists is connected by this energetic framework of oscillating frequencies which makes communication between each part possible. All molecules, cells, atoms and particles are connected to each other at every moment, and influence each others' activities. It's one big system designed to work together. My brain can communicate with yours, and your brain can communicate with your cat's; my brain can communicate with the cells of my body so they are led to heal themselves, and your brain can help direct healing energy to the bodies of other people who need healing. God uses this same energetic system to communicate to our brains, to our cells, to the raindrops which make up a thunderstorm, to anything.

      It's the reason why the stars and planets and their electromagnetic fields DO influence our thoughts, feelings and behavior, and psychic ability does in fact exist; that's what it's talking about in the Bible when it speaks of spiritual gifts like the gift of Prophecy, or Wisdom, or Knowledge. And the gifts of Healing or Miracles are simply examples of the ability to manipulate this energetic framework of oscillating frequencies so that you can direct it to do what you want. And the spirits of the dead, which are simply the sum total of that person's energetic essence, do exist in another dimensions and can communicate with us, and we with them, if we learn how to tune the dial to their frequency. This puts everything supernatural finally and very definitely in the natural, physical realm. Everything we thought was miraculous and not humanly possible IS possible. And people we used to denounce as witches are simply those who long ago learned to manipulate this energetic framework of oscillating frequencies. They learned to direct their energies through incantations and rituals. Christians learned to direct their energies through prayer (which is a prolonged type of meditation). Some people learned to direct their energies through meditations and visualizations. It's all a manipulaton of the same power grid. One way of manipulating it is not better than another. Prayer is not better than an incantation. Both work only because the user directs his focus and energy toward a particular end. And God has set the power grid up so that when we direct our energy, our thoughts and beliefs, our feelings, toward a particular end, it happens.

      Whatever technique we use to direct this energy, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that we learn the power of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. God is Love because love is the most powerful tool at our disposal to redirect this energy. When Love is the reason we direct our energy through our thoughts toward a particular goal, that is the most powerful energy there is, and that goal will come to fruition.
      Last edited by MementoMori; 12-16-2009 at 07:45 PM.

      "MementoMori, the lucid machine"

      "There's nothing better than knowing what it's like to fly like superman. Being fully aware of the air whipping by you, controlling every movement of every single atom in your body with a single thought. It's real freedom, and there's not a word good enough to describe it, so I'll just call it dreamy for now."

    3. #78
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      Okay so in short, in your eyes God is the personification of energy and you put some kind of Supreme value on energy, is this correct?

    4. #79
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      "MementoMori, the lucid machine"

      "There's nothing better than knowing what it's like to fly like superman. Being fully aware of the air whipping by you, controlling every movement of every single atom in your body with a single thought. It's real freedom, and there's not a word good enough to describe it, so I'll just call it dreamy for now."

    5. #80
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      So help me understand something. You used the following verses to draw reference to your definition of what the word God means to you.
      Quote Originally Posted by MementoMori View Post
      The Bible says God is a spirit (John 4:24). It also says that the spirit, given by God, is what gives man understanding (Job 32:8). And finally, it says that God is light (I John 1:5).
      Why would you use those verses in the Scriptures to incorporate your definition of God but omit these?

      Quote Originally Posted by Genesis 1:26
      And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
      Quote Originally Posted by Revelations 1:8
      I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
      Quote Originally Posted by Exodus 6:3
      And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.
      Why the verses that draws reference to personality characteristics of God you have not included?

      Quote Originally Posted by MementoMori
      It is important to understand that ancient man described God with an ancient vocabulary and ancient idea sets, but that we can breathe new life into these verses by understanding what was really being said.
      Doesn't the Scriptures not make it pretty clear that God has a distinct personality?

      Quote Originally Posted by MementoMori
      There is a scientific law that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it simply changes form (conservation of energy). To be more precise, it states that in a closed system (our universe, for the purposes of our discussion) energy is conserved. In other words, all the energy that ever existed, that was present at the beginning, still exists. God, who is all energy, in the beginning took from his own energy to make everything that exists. Biblical scholars have made much of the original language of Genesis 1:1 saying that the word "created" means "ex nihilo" or "out of nothing". In other words, God made everything from nothing. We must understand that biblical writers used their own limited vocabulary and knowledge of science to explain what they thought they saw or were told. The fact that the universe may have "appeared" out of nowhere does not mean it was created from nothing. Many forms of energy cannot be seen. Since God is energy, and we know that everything that exists is made from energy, and keeping in mind that energy cannot be created or destroyed, we see that God took from the pool of existing energy, which was HIM, and created everything there is. Therefore, not only are the atoms and molecules and sub-atomic particles in a blade of grass made by God, they are part of God himself. God took of his energy, and changed the appearance of some of it so that it looks different. But it is still a part of him, just as our hearts and livers are part of us. So every blade of grass, every raindrop, every animal, every human being, every biological microorganism, every molecule of wood that forms the chair you are sitting on is GOD. Not just part of God, but IS God. Everything is sacred, because everything is made from the energy that is God. This takes away the dividing line between secular and sacred.
      These parts in bold. Does this not give examples of a personality trait or examples of 'willed' powers? If you say God as 'done' something, you are giving him conscious attributes and traits. If God has given energy from himself does this not show and indication of a conscious decision? Or the will to make things happen by conscious direction?

      I do understand where you're getting at but this is how I see it. You and I scientifically are made up of the same substance. We share certain biological and molecular qualities that are of the same substance. But although we share these things you and I are not one in the same. We just share the same background.

    6. #81
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      Don't take this the wrong way, but what's really funny about this is the fact that you've crated this thread titled "Proof that Christianity is Farce" But you draw reference from a Christian Bible to incorporate certain qualities of what your definition of God is. Doesn't that seem a bit weird to you?

      Quote Originally Posted by MementoMori
      The Bible says God is a spirit (John 4:24). It also says that the spirit, given by God, is what gives man understanding (Job 32:8). And finally, it says that God is light (I John 1:5).
      Now just take a look at this for a moment. Think about it. Why would you draw reference from these verses if you do not believe in them?

    7. #82
      Theoretically Impossible Idolfan's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ShadowNightWing View Post
      Don't take this the wrong way, but what's really funny about this is the fact that you've crated this thread titled "Proof that Christianity is Farce" But you draw reference from a Christian Bible to incorporate certain qualities of what your definition of God is. Doesn't that seem a bit weird to you?
      Thank God we agree on something finally!

      I don't know what this thread has turned into now but to claim that a few contradictions disproves a whole belief system is pathetic.
      The starz...
      The planets...
      The intricate and dynamic machinery of nature...
      Are you saying,
      that all of this was created,
      BY A MONKEY??????

    8. #83
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      Basically i bel;ieve god is the universal mind, Also i meant to post this earlier, I did miss state the title of this thread, when i wrote it i didn't have a good title for it so just ran with that one, then realized a little later that i couldn't change it. I meant to present those passages to show that most of the followers of this religion have lost the true meaning of the religiong and do not study it thoroughly. I apologize i posted and didn't proof read and for that i mistaked my purpose and spoke foolishly. I take the bible as a teaching as a Zen master would teach. Wisdom and Knowledge passed down from generations. I do not believe Seerving god in the way Christians do, i believe the idea of serving god was that you're supposed to reflect what god represents, which is love and compassion... Again i apologize for the arrogant titeling which brought others into the conversation with a mislead idea of what i was trying to present.

      I don't know what this thread has turned into now but to claim that a few contradictions disproves a whole belief system is pathetic.
      I didn't mean to present the idea that it disproves the Christian beliefe system, i meant it as a Very Large amount of the followers of the religion do not know one of the most important points made in the entire scripture that holds the teachings of that religion. Which is that to have true faith in that God according to that god you should not have any material object which is a virtual representation of him or his son, but to just have faith alone, not a "star" to wear around your kneck, or a "cross" to hang on your wall, or a "fish" to put on your cars bumper.... The pictures hung in churches and the stained glass windows and the statues are all Idols...

      "MementoMori, the lucid machine"

      "There's nothing better than knowing what it's like to fly like superman. Being fully aware of the air whipping by you, controlling every movement of every single atom in your body with a single thought. It's real freedom, and there's not a word good enough to describe it, so I'll just call it dreamy for now."

    9. #84
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      Quote Originally Posted by MementoMori View Post
      Basically i bel;ieve god is the universal mind, Also i meant to post this earlier, I did miss state the title of this thread, when i wrote it i didn't have a good title for it so just ran with that one, then realized a little later that i couldn't change it. I meant to present those passages to show that most of the followers of this religion have lost the true meaning of the religiong and do not study it thoroughly. I apologize i posted and didn't proof read and for that i mistaked my purpose and spoke foolishly. I take the bible as a teaching as a Zen master would teach. Wisdom and Knowledge passed down from generations. I do not believe Seerving god in the way Christians do, i believe the idea of serving god was that you're supposed to reflect what god represents, which is love and compassion... Again i apologize for the arrogant titeling which brought others into the conversation with a mislead idea of what i was trying to present.
      Point taken and thanks for clearing that up. I'll end it with this, it takes a big man to admit his mistakes, something that most of us including myself are not always able to admit. I have much respect for you based off this post here. May your days be long and prosperous. Nice conversation also btw. See you around.

    10. #85
      Consciousness Itself Universal Mind's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by MementoMori View Post
      Basically i bel;ieve god is the universal mind
      My man!!!
      How do you know you are not dreaming right now?

    11. #86
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      "MementoMori, the lucid machine"

      "There's nothing better than knowing what it's like to fly like superman. Being fully aware of the air whipping by you, controlling every movement of every single atom in your body with a single thought. It's real freedom, and there's not a word good enough to describe it, so I'll just call it dreamy for now."

    12. #87
      Sleeping Dragon juroara's Avatar
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      this thread is actually disappointing

      When I first read Proof that Christianity is a Farce, I thought you meant farce as in a sham. As in proof that Christianity isn't the religion it claims to be. Or that you had evidence that it was purposely created by a group of outside individuals for some evil doing purpose. Or proof that the bible is fake because it was created by such and such person for such and such purpose, which means it could not have been divinely inspired by God - as far as the authors believed it was

      Instead, you only make points why you think the bible is dumb - or why you think Christians are hypocrites because they don't pay attention to some verses in the bible

      That's nothing new in this forum! And it still isn't proof that the Christian religion isn't what it claims to be. It still isn't proof that who ever wrote the bible didn't genuinely believe in what they were writing.

      I'll help you out here
      . The Gospels are supposed to be more or less first hand or second hand accounts of Jesus life and works. Now imagine four people were running around with Jesus, witnessing his miracles, and also having their own personal experiences with Jesus.

      And even though these four people would all be with Jesus, their experience of Jesus would be different. Why???

      Just think of yourself and who ever it is you live with. You may share a room, or a kitchen or a living room with these people. Maybe you eat with them. Maybe you play video games with them. Maybe you watch TV with them......but if each of you were to keep a diary - they would all read entirely differently. Because no two people perceive reality exactly the same even if they are sharing it.

      For the four gospels to be different eye witness accounts of Jesus time and life - we would and should have four different accounts

      The truth is...we dont!!! We only have ONE story that is actually different. The other three sound like copies or editions of it. Entire paragraphs are the same!! Who writes identically??? No one, that's how we know they were COPIED

      Now this one that is different is very important, because in it Jesus says a prayer that was left out in the other three. This prayer, if you really understand it, is important because it suggest there is more to Jesus than the bible lets on

      Are there no other accounts of Jesus except this one? ?

      Actually, there are. And one of them is supposedly written by Mary Magdalene herself. You won't find this in the bible. And most churches will make you feel it blasphemy to read her account of Jesus story. Because her understanding of Jesus life and mission is very different from what church teaches

      But that's exactly why its so important!!

      Because if Jesus was a real man who lived, a real man who spoke and taught people things - then we would expect there to be various accounts of what he spoke. And since no one experiences reality exactly the same, we would expect these accounts to have DIFFERENCES. We should even expect for people to understand his teachings differently.

      And they do have differences
      . We can even see the difference in their sentence structure, how they form their paragraphs, to what information they thought was more important, to how they present the information.

      What's the point? The point is these OTHER accounts of Jesus life and work were purposefully left out of the bible. Because they show a Jesus that treats woman as equal to men. Because they show a Jesus who believes that he is just as much as God as you are. Because they show a Jesus who set up a spiritual practice............not a religion.

      These other accounts of Jesus life and work were such a threat to the Catholic Church when it was forming, the christians who kept them were deemed heretics, they were murdered, and their holy texts were burned. Only a few remain today because they were sucessfully hidden.

      This was how the Catholic Church was founded, it was founded on blood. And it was founded on destroying and silencing other accounts of Jesus that do not support a strong centralized church

      This is evidence that the bible is a farce

      1. because it has been manipulated to leave out certain texts that should have been a part of it

      And evidence that the Catholic Church is a farce

      2. because they always knew about this other Jesus, they always knew about the other Gospels - and they have feined ignorance this entire time

    13. #88
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      If this thread were broadcast on fox news the whole world would change

    14. #89
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      Thank you juroara, i know i mis-titled this thread, it wasn't intended to blab about what i think about it or about god, i meant it to show that today's current "Christian" religion is a farce of what it was meant to be, and yes i do believe that the book has been manipulated by Kings, churches, and others to reach certain monetary and authoritative goals. I agree with your post 100%, but i believe some of the lessons taught within it are beneficial as long as you don't take them to the extreme. And in a way i brought up one of the biggest controversies i see that does actually show the religion is a farce and that was where i pointed out that the god in the religion he himself sins, Jealousy is a sin, i don't believe a christian can write it off as saying it's a jealousy of something that is his or a different type of jealousy... when you are jealous you are wanting something you do not have, when the teachings are to be happy with what you are given. I think a god should lead by example and NEVER gets to do anything wrong or impure in the very minuscule sense at all... Again, a God: Perfect being/ would have NO impure feelings at all. He asks that we always forgive but yet he cannot? I personally believe that these books were teachings in a different time with different ways of seeing the world, and now we should truly look at god with a new way of thinking and understanding, or at least not persecute and rant towards those who do. The ideology in the book is of ancient beliefs and superstitions, Look at baptism, where you dunk someone in water to "cleanse" them or represent cleansing them, why can't the cleansing be done mentally, you're telling me that that any water from around the world can reach into your soul? I got caught up in defending my own definition of god in this thread that i never was able to explain what i meant to explain in this thread, and for any Christians that plan on rebuttal this, I'm not saying throw you guys and your book in the fire and move on, or that you are dumb people, or anything like that. I meant this thread as a way for a Christian and Non Christian to read the verses i posted and see that the religion you are partaking in has long overlooked some important things in your book. Show me a verse in the bible where God/Jesus said not to worship Idols of any other God(s) other than them and i'll shut up, or show me a verse that says your God can sin but you cannot, if you can find those in that book then i have no case, but if not, then maybe you should step back from yourself and read the Entire Bible and take it in verse for verse. Again only a suggestion, if you are happy where you're at in your life and religious beliefs and don't want to, then by all means continue to be happy but don't try to indoctrinate someone else untill you know what your book actually says. and just as juroara stated, Jesus did not want there to be a religion created out of his teachings or his fathers commandments, he wanted the followers to have a certain way of life, not a second "job" as it is made out to be... really just sit down and read the entire book, you see what i'm talking about or you wont. but i'm in no way trying to attack any christian , i actually shouldn't even matter to you Christians because i have committed the unforgivable sin that says i'm going to hell NO MATTER WHAT, i have already spoken many a time that i do not believe in the christian god, so if i'm un-able to be saved then why preach to me?

      @grasshopa: yep, if people would just open there eyes just a little wider, and read the contents of that book... there would be either a very big change in the world or the Christians would attack the shit outta me lol... i personally have more faith in number two
      Last edited by MementoMori; 12-18-2009 at 11:41 PM.

      "MementoMori, the lucid machine"

      "There's nothing better than knowing what it's like to fly like superman. Being fully aware of the air whipping by you, controlling every movement of every single atom in your body with a single thought. It's real freedom, and there's not a word good enough to describe it, so I'll just call it dreamy for now."

    15. #90
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      It's nothing christians haven't heard before. And if they haven't they'd find a way to dismiss it. I was joking.

    16. #91
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      Quote Originally Posted by juroara View Post
      I'll help you out here. The Gospels are supposed to be more or less first hand or second hand accounts of Jesus life and works. Now imagine four people were running around with Jesus, witnessing his miracles, and also having their own personal experiences with Jesus.

      And even though these four people would all be with Jesus, their experience of Jesus would be different. Why???

      Just think of yourself and who ever it is you live with. You may share a room, or a kitchen or a living room with these people. Maybe you eat with them. Maybe you play video games with them. Maybe you watch TV with them......but if each of you were to keep a diary - they would all read entirely differently. Because no two people perceive reality exactly the same even if they are sharing it.

      For the four gospels to be different eye witness accounts of Jesus time and life - we would and should have four different accounts

      The truth is...we dont!!! We only have ONE story that is actually different. The other three sound like copies or editions of it. Entire paragraphs are the same!! Who writes identically??? No one, that's how we know they were COPIED

      Now this one that is different is very important, because in it Jesus says a prayer that was left out in the other three. This prayer, if you really understand it, is important because it suggest there is more to Jesus than the bible lets on

      Are there no other accounts of Jesus except this one? ?

      Actually, there are. And one of them is supposedly written by Mary Magdalene herself. You won't find this in the bible. And most churches will make you feel it blasphemy to read her account of Jesus story. Because her understanding of Jesus life and mission is very different from what church teaches

      But that's exactly why its so important!!

      Because if Jesus was a real man who lived, a real man who spoke and taught people things - then we would expect there to be various accounts of what he spoke. And since no one experiences reality exactly the same, we would expect these accounts to have DIFFERENCES. We should even expect for people to understand his teachings differently.

      And they do have differences
      . We can even see the difference in their sentence structure, how they form their paragraphs, to what information they thought was more important, to how they present the information.

      What's the point? The point is these OTHER accounts of Jesus life and work were purposefully left out of the bible. Because they show a Jesus that treats woman as equal to men. Because they show a Jesus who believes that he is just as much as God as you are. Because they show a Jesus who set up a spiritual practice............not a religion.

      These other accounts of Jesus life and work were such a threat to the Catholic Church when it was forming, the christians who kept them were deemed heretics, they were murdered, and their holy texts were burned. Only a few remain today because they were sucessfully hidden.

      This was how the Catholic Church was founded, it was founded on blood. And it was founded on destroying and silencing other accounts of Jesus that do not support a strong centralized church

      This is evidence that the bible is a farce

      1. because it has been manipulated to leave out certain texts that should have been a part of it

      And evidence that the Catholic Church is a farce

      2. because they always knew about this other Jesus, they always knew about the other Gospels - and they have feined ignorance this entire time
      What you say is full of truth! That is quite exciting to hear in this forum where Athiests and the Religious continue to miss big picture elements : /, or THE BIG PICTURE if you wish. Thank you for lifting my spirits : ).

      One more thing to add. This is just a theory can't really claim to teach or know this yet.

      I think of God as universal spirit also, though there I believe this spirit may manifest itself in personal ways, the "personal god" if you will. Meditate on this--

      Think of an ant colony. The ant colony constructs a masterwork lair of caverns, passages and chambers underground. This entire structure is massive in some colonies and intricately designed, seemingly designed by one coherent mind--yet each ant in the colony is merely fulfilling its own duty, unaware of the final mastermind creation.

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      Thumbs up

      Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth clock View Post

      I think of God as universal spirit also, though there I believe this spirit may manifest itself in personal ways, the "personal god" if you will. Meditate on this--

      Think of an ant colony. The ant colony constructs a masterwork lair of caverns, passages and chambers underground. This entire structure is massive in some colonies and intricately designed, seemingly designed by one coherent mind--yet each ant in the colony is merely fulfilling its own duty, unaware of the final mastermind creation.
      nice, very nice

      "MementoMori, the lucid machine"

      "There's nothing better than knowing what it's like to fly like superman. Being fully aware of the air whipping by you, controlling every movement of every single atom in your body with a single thought. It's real freedom, and there's not a word good enough to describe it, so I'll just call it dreamy for now."

    18. #93
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by grasshoppa View Post
      If this thread were broadcast on fox news the whole world would change
      Whole world = America.


    19. #94
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      Quote Originally Posted by Xei View Post
      Whole world = America.

      What? America is the superpower... what happens there affects everywhere else. Especially if simultaneously everyone figured out they were being lied too. I think we'd see some big changes around the world, don't you?

    20. #95
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      That's the thing though... you can't change someone who has devoute faith because they choose not to hear you or acknowledge you, or they take your attempts at revealing a truth to them as an attack on them personally and fight back refusing anything you say because for them it is personal... Faith is second strongest only to willpower

      "MementoMori, the lucid machine"

      "There's nothing better than knowing what it's like to fly like superman. Being fully aware of the air whipping by you, controlling every movement of every single atom in your body with a single thought. It's real freedom, and there's not a word good enough to describe it, so I'll just call it dreamy for now."

    21. #96
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      Quote Originally Posted by SpecialInterests View Post
      What? America is the superpower... what happens there affects everywhere else. Especially if simultaneously everyone figured out they were being lied too. I think we'd see some big changes around the world, don't you?
      Cuz the religious beliefs of Americans play a vital part in my day to day life.

    22. #97
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      Quote Originally Posted by juroara View Post
      this thread is actually disappointing
      Yeait's a crock o shit and that's coming from me

      Disprove the God of the Old Testament?

      So what, Christ taught against the Jews only covenent. He was raving mad about it and told parables like the good samaritan and lazarus+rich man? God's extending his covenent? Blah! He don't no respector of persons. He could have turned up in India and we'd all be Hindus?

      Jesus can always be seen in a different light. The 'Messiah Saviour for our sins' one is not the only one. Sure, you may have disporved many interpretations of it, but in the end most current believers, and maybe even more could end up worshing Christ under less dogmatic assumptions. Is that going against their holy book? They might not believe the bible is perfect. So what?
      The starz...
      The planets...
      The intricate and dynamic machinery of nature...
      Are you saying,
      that all of this was created,
      BY A MONKEY??????

    23. #98
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      Quote Originally Posted by Xei View Post
      Cuz the religious beliefs of Americans play a vital part in my day to day life.
      No they don't. Stop playing yourself.

    24. #99
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      Er what?

    25. #100
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      Yeah, exactly.

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