I need a few people willing to give me a little bit of their time, to try out some different techniques. I will be doing them to, I'm not sure if they will work or not. They are just new techniques that I thought of.
I have around three or four techniques I need people to help me try out. At first we will do the technique for 10 days, if there are some results, we will continue the experiment. If there are no results, we will move onto the next project.
My first technique for testing needs a cellphone. I use my old one for this because it works fine for this and I don't have to worry about anything messing the alarms up. You need to set the alarm to vibrate every hour, not ring, just vibrate. Now it should be in your pocket or anywhere the vibrations can be easily felt by you. You'll need to set up the 24 alarms for each hour when you wake up. Everytime you feel the vibrations do a reality check and say "AM I DREAMING?" or even "I AM DREAMING." Now when you go to bed, you need to put the phone in your sock or pocket, so when you feel the vibrations your body will eventually say your dreaming. If you are woken up by the vibration, just do a WILD or whatever you please.
That's the first technique, I'll put more up after it gets finished. If you would like to join the research just post here, and do the above technique for 10 days unless we get some results. Each day post back how it went and if you had anything happen. Feel free to join anytime, or leave if needed.