Quote Originally Posted by Universal Mind View Post
It is better to say that from what I understand of it, a lot of it will probably be disproven because it is apparently illogical.
It's only illogical because our brains weren't evolved to think about matter on such small scales as the picometer and the Angstrom. All matter in the universe has a wave function, even your body. But just like when you get to the quantum level gravity becomes a pathetically weak force, when you scale up to the macroscopic (or cosmic) level, the waveform of an object is just as insignificant as gravity in the quantum realm. The reason that electrons and photons can act as both particles and waves is due to their minuscule nature - they are small enough that they are of a significant portion of the size of their own wavelengths that said waveforms can affect their interaction with other matter.

To us in the macro realm, that seems completely weird and ridiculous. But the models work, predictions can and have been made that work and tests verify (most) of the theory, and there we have the Standard Model.

Other theories such as string theory are in a realm of their own. They operate on distances so small they make the Planck length look huge. String theory has a fantastic internal mathematical symmetry, but is currently (and may be for hundreds of years) beyond our technology to prove or disprove.

Concepts and principles such as wave-particle duality and Uncertainty aren't the kind of things that may be disproved in the future. And since the rest of the field sort of rests on their shoulders, you're not left with much to radically redesign the wheel.

I'm not saying it can't happen. Just that it's very unlikely. Ridiculous upsets, upheavals and turn arounds in scientific knowledge just don't happen any more because there are too many checks and balances in place against bad science making it into the books in the first place.