Awesome people say I'm funny.
I like sleeping.
Pot makes me high.
I've seen more car crashes than most of the people I know.
I laugh really hard when strangers fall or trip.
I'm prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse.
I'm interested in Theoretical Physics and String Theory even though I failed physics in High School and suck at math.
I love sandwiches.
If I were a stunt man I'd bash fake bottles against my head all the time, even when I wasn't working.
I cry during movies... I'm not ashamed to admit it either
I'm not really that much of a nerd, even though favorite conversational topics of mine are superpowers, superheroes, movies, video games and the like.
I hate telephones.
I believe the flu shot is one of many ways the government controls us.
I have never watched Jag.
I believe fish and birds are more alike than we may think.
Children with runny noses scare me.
I use foul language as a crutch.
I am lazy, but find hard work rewarding.
Ice cream frequently calls out to me to be eaten.
I sometimes dream of what it would be like just moments before the world ends.
I have long compared the similarities between Santa and Satan.
I miss Peter Jennings.
I hate celebrity gossip.
I found the final episode of The Soprano’s to be brilliant.
Canned laughter makes me ill.
I believe that most people take great satisfaction in at least one thing that most people would find disgusting.
I don't sleep well.
Hair seems to have always been an issue of one kind or another.
I believe the word "peace" is overused, but extremely necessary.
I loath the color beige.
My phone number was (716)886-1953 when I was seven years old.
I challenge both sharks and the bird flu.
I do not trust overly happy people.
Text messaging is my favorite form of written communication.
I find most conspiracy theories both stimulating and ludicrous.
I would prefer to just take the day off.
Warm deli meat disgusts me.
Crunchy Tacos are messy, but more fulfilling to me.
I tune out occasionally.
I believe in Global Warming.
Shoe stores annoy me.
I worry about disease sometimes.
I have skinny dipped in the Gulf of Mexico.
Paper airplanes are a little over-rated in my opinion.
I more than likely could go the rest of my life without listening to another ZZ Top song, and be OK with that.
Magnets fascinate me.
I believe a certain amount of paranoia is a good thing.
I like food that gives me gas.
Earth is my favorite planet.
Skipping is something I do not do.