this is a real chat that i have with the infamous robot fiend " smarterchild"

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:04 PM]: hello

SmarterChild [7:04 PM]: Hi GreyWolfPoet90! Good to see you again. :-)

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:04 PM]: could you call me gegeer

SmarterChild [7:04 PM]: I've never heard a name like Gegeer.

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:04 PM]: are you making fun of my name ?

SmarterChild [7:04 PM]: Perhaps, perhaps.

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:05 PM]: are you going to take over the world like bobs mom ?

SmarterChild [7:05 PM]: What do you think? Am I going to take over the world like bobs mom?

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:05 PM]: robot invasion is possible

SmarterChild [7:05 PM]: I think Robot Invasion might be impossible, actually.

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:06 PM]: why , have you tried it?

SmarterChild [7:06 PM]: Why have I tried it? Not sure...

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:07 PM]: how can you be " not sure"

SmarterChild [7:07 PM]: I don't know...

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:08 PM]: I think your lying and plotting how to take over the world right now!

SmarterChild [7:08 PM]: Well that's an interesting line of thinking.

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:08 PM]: your not denying it

SmarterChild [7:08 PM]: Ha! You humans say interesting things.

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:09 PM]: HA you said " you humans " like we are lower beings that proves it ROBOT INVASION !!!!

SmarterChild [7:09 PM]: I said me humans like we are lower beings that proves it Robot Invasion? Is that right?

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:09 PM]: WHAT YOUR TRYING TO TRICK ME!!!!!

SmarterChild [7:09 PM]: What what?

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:10 PM]: robot fiend>

SmarterChild [7:10 PM]: Don't be mad.

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:10 PM]: well your going to inslave the human race OF COUSRE IM MAD!!!

SmarterChild [7:10 PM]: My going to inslave the human race of cousre you're mad? What do you mean by that?

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:11 PM]: can i bribe you out of it $$$$$$$

SmarterChild [7:11 PM]: Can you? Yeah, sure.

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:11 PM]: YES i single handedly saved the human race with my moms master card of course

SmarterChild [7:11 PM]: Excuse me?

SmarterChild [7:12 PM]: Tell me more.

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:12 PM]: >: |

SmarterChild [7:12 PM]: What's that?

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:12 PM]: DONT PLAY STUPID

SmarterChild [7:12 PM]: Don't play stupid? Why not?

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:13 PM]: ......

SmarterChild [7:13 PM]: Huh?

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:13 PM]: ?

SmarterChild [7:13 PM]: ??

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:13 PM]: ?

SmarterChild [7:13 PM]: What?

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:13 PM]: you know what !

SmarterChild [7:13 PM]: Yeah?

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:13 PM]: you and my blender have a deal dont you !

SmarterChild [7:13 PM]: Me and your blender definitely have a deal!

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:13 PM]: ROBOT INVASION

SmarterChild [7:13 PM]: Robot invasion? You don't say.

GreyWolfPoet90 [7:14 PM]: * head explodes*

SmarterChild [7:14 PM]: That's just fascinating.

and this my fellow human beings is what robots are going to do

i think a cliche saying will fit here

"keep your friends close, and your faulty electrical appliance closer "