I've been sleeping terribly lately. My dreams have been confusing and random, and I wake up frequently confused about if the dream was real or not. Some of the dreams seem so real I am mentally confused for a few moments. ((Not fully a lucid dreamer yet))

This morning I was laying in bed and I felt the signs of sleep paralysis. I couldn't move my body or anything. I am use to sleep paralysis and so I wasn't to concerned. I wasn't concerned until I felt this extreme...it's hard to think of a word..maybe vibrations running threw me? It sounds weird I know but I could feel it threw my whole body. Then there was this huge buzzing noise, and I assumed it was someone down stairs at first. The buzzing noise seemed to be far off. I tried to sink back into sleep and that is when it became scary. The minute I tried to slip back into sleep ((not makin this up you have to trust me)) it almost felt like I was being yanked through my head. I couldn't move still and i tried to just relax and it only intensified. The feeling of being lifted and pulled though immense blackness. Nothing here happened to my physical body. It was all...I guess.... In my mind? I felt awake but knew I was sleeping. Weird huh? So um I'm trying to fight this by pulling backwards with should I say my mind? The feeling was immense and scary and almost painful around my eyelids and head.

The last thing that happened was I saw these streams and streaks of electric blue light and I awoke feeling quite startled. Was it all just an extremely realistic dream that I went through? I would like to know because I don't think this is normal? Anyone who would know I would greatly appreciate a comment. Please know I didn't make this up no matter how bizarre it sounds! It was very difficult to explain.