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    1. #176
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      nayrki.. wow. Killings.. attempted suicide.. possible rape. That was some dream!

    2. #177
      Member Robot_Butler's Avatar
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      I was able to string together around 10-15 brief lucid dreams early saturday morning. They were all very unstable which made them unpredictable and crazy fun. I was able to change the scene dramatically by just casually thinking about where I wanted to be or what I wanted to do.

      I'm in my bed after just waking from a LD. I don't move, but imagine myself getting out of bed and running out of my house, out my front yard, out the gate, down the street running as fast as I can. By the time I reach the street corner, I am completely in the dream and lucid. I think about the lucid task of changing genders, and I am suddenly snapped into a richly decorated hotel lobby. I am a little surprised at the abruptness of the scene change, and I wonder why the hell my subconscious chose a hotel lobby.

      I see the walls are mirrored floor to ceiling, so I walk over to one of the mirrors. My reflection looks normal, and I start to think about how to turn into a woman. I see, reflected in the mirror, a long line of travelers waiting to check in at the front desk. There is an attractive blonde woman in a business suit who makes eye contact with me in the mirror. I smile at her and think about maybe swapping bodies with her somehow.

      By the time I look away from her and back at my own reflection, My reflection has completely changed into a middle aged woman with dry frizzy black hair. I look a little like a haloween witch without the hat. I am a bit surprised at how easy that was. I look down at my body to make sure It's not just my reflection that changed. I run my hands down my body, feeling my new womanly curves through my clothes. I am amazed by how convincing the change was.

      I look back up to the mirror, and notice that I have now turned into my girlfriend. I look exactly like her when we first met, 10 years ago. I'm a little creeped out and upset by this change, especially since I was just feeling myself up. I notice the line of people has all stopped what they are doing, and they are now staring at me in a horrified way. I turn around and yell "Hey! Mind your own business. Nosy dream characters. Nothing going on here!"

      I am very uncomfortable being in my girlfriend's body, and having all these people staring at me, like they're about to cause some trouble, so I wake myself up.

      Very weird task. I'm not sure I will try it again.

    3. #178
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      Quote Originally Posted by Robot_Butler View Post
      There is an attractive blonde woman in a business suit who makes eye contact with me in the mirror. I smile at her and think about maybe swapping bodies with her somehow.

      By the time I look away from her and back at my own reflection, My reflection has completely changed into a middle aged woman with dry frizzy black hair. I look a little like a haloween witch without the hat. I am a bit surprised at how easy that was. I look down at my body to make sure It's not just my reflection that changed. I run my hands down my body, feeling my new womanly curves through my clothes. I am amazed by how convincing the change was.
      Hey, what happened to the attractive blonde??

      Quote Originally Posted by Robot_Butler View Post
      I look back up to the mirror, and notice that I have now turned into my girlfriend. I look exactly like her when we first met, 10 years ago. I'm a little creeped out and upset by this change, especially since I was just feeling myself up. I notice the line of people has all stopped what they are doing, and they are now staring at me in a horrified way. I turn around and yell "Hey! Mind your own business. Nosy dream characters. Nothing going on here!"

      Great dream Robot_Butler! Congratulations on completing the advanced task!

    4. #179
      Anas platyrhynchos Achievements:
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      A pond, I guess
      Nayrki and Robot Butler, LMAO. Great dreams! But Nayrki, I'd lay off the strong cheese before bed
      Last edited by Super Duck; 11-19-2007 at 09:19 PM.

    5. #180
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      Quote Originally Posted by Robot_Butler View Post
      By the time I look away from her and back at my own reflection, My reflection has completely changed into a middle aged woman with dry frizzy black hair. I look a little like a haloween witch without the hat. I am a bit surprised at how easy that was. I look down at my body to make sure It's not just my reflection that changed. I run my hands down my body, feeling my new womanly curves through my clothes. I am amazed by how convincing the change was.

      I look back up to the mirror, and notice that I have now turned into my girlfriend. I look exactly like her when we first met, 10 years ago. I'm a little creeped out and upset by this change, especially since I was just feeling myself up. I notice the line of people has all stopped what they are doing, and they are now staring at me in a horrified way. I turn around and yell "Hey! Mind your own business. Nosy dream characters. Nothing going on here!"

      I am very uncomfortable being in my girlfriend's body, and having all these people staring at me, like they're about to cause some trouble, so I wake myself up.

      Very weird task. I'm not sure I will try it again.
      You certainly have some interesting dreams Robert. Very entertaining, and so much detail. Great job!

    6. #181
      Mind Tinker Volcon's Avatar
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      Lol i imagine it would be pretty odd to be your girlfriend, intresting dream none the less, this is turning out to be a funny monthly task
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    7. #182
      Member Robot_Butler's Avatar
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      Thanks for the encouragement, everyone.

      I didn't see my transformations, because I was looking away every time it happened. Towards the end, everyone was staring at me, clearly terrified. I imagined that my transformations must have been somehow horrific, and that these weary travellers were forced to witness them. I hope I didn't ruin their stay at that nice hotel.

    8. #183
      Mind Tinker Volcon's Avatar
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      Lol, watch out in your next dream, they might try to mob, of course, they might not recognize you
      Raised by: Gothlark, Sythix, KuRoSaKi.

      Adopted: Snoop, Grandius, Linxx, Anti_nation.

    9. #184
      Member Serith's Avatar
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      I completed the advanced task this morning.

      I was walking through a large, unfamiliar house, when I suddenly realised I was dreaming. From past experience, I had figured that the easiest way to shapeshift would be a mirror, so I set out to find one. I somehow knew there would be a bathroom on the second floor where I could find a mirror, but I found one even earlier than I expected, on the wall just past the stairs.

      I approached the mirror, making sure to appear friendly, so my reflection would appear the same, and thus would be more likely to help. It worked for a second, then suddenly it's face shifted into an inhuman look of sadness. Suddenly, I found myself extremely miserable, and was unable to keep my face from falling into the same expression as it had. As my expression changed, it began to smile in the same friendly way as I originally had, and then in a second our expressions went back to normal.

      Instead of simply shifting form once, I had planned to shift form many times, gradually moving from appearing most like my normal appearance, to something completely different, accomplishing the task sometime in the middle. As I focused on my reflection and attempted to change it, the first shift(which was just making myself look a bit different than normal) went well, but the second change wasn't what I planned at all, and I found I had shifted into the appearance of an old lady. I tried to change shape again, but I woke up.

      My shapeshifting did change the way I looked, even when I looked at myself directly instead of observing my reflection, and I think I felt the change a bit, but not nearly as much as I'd expect if I had actually shapeshifted, so I think I was mostly just changing my appearance.

    10. #185
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      That was cool, Serith. Do you usually find that trying to be friendly when you approach a mirror helps?

      I'd like to do the mirror thing too, but I've had a problem with mirrors since I started lucid dreaming. I've only managed to look in one once or twice. That seems like the best way to do this task.

    11. #186
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      Starting when I became Lucid:
      Remembering the task of the month, I looked at my chest and turned into a woman. But the dream faded before I could do anything.

      Kind of boring...
      Started training: 8 oct. 2007|First LD: 9 nov. 2007
      Total LDs:7
      Lucid Tasks completed:1

    12. #187
      Member Serith's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      That was cool, Serith. Do you usually find that trying to be friendly when you approach a mirror helps?

      I'd like to do the mirror thing too, but I've had a problem with mirrors since I started lucid dreaming. I've only managed to look in one once or twice. That seems like the best way to do this task.
      Actually, this was the first time I really tried it, but I figured it would work. In the past, my reflection tended to be more hostile when I approached it expecting to fight, so I figured it would work the other way as well, and it did. Besides that part at the beginning, that was probably the most helpful my reflection ever was in a lucid dream.

    13. #188
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      Thanks, Serith. I hope to get a chance to see for myself soon...

      LDonerionaut...you're right...that was a pretty boring dream! But congrats anyway, I guess it's good enough for a badge!

    14. #189
      Member Wildman's Avatar
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      Did the basic task last night!

      It was a really long dream, so I won't paste all of it (the whole thing is in my journal), just the lucid part, which is already large in itself. It was a pretty nice LD, and the part where I actually did the task turned kinda crazy, but I think it was actually pretty awesome and interesting (it's in red for those who just wanna skip to it).

      "Eventually, I think the weirdness of the situation starts catching up with me and I slowly realize I'm dreaming. At this point, the room has kind of changed from a stage and chairs to just a couple of benches with a ceiling open to the sky. I see some people I know sitting on the benches, and at this point I try to use all my senses to make sure I'm well-grounded in the dream. Once I feel confident enough, I walk out of the room (if you can still call it a room) and into some sort of airport.

      There's a sort of room nearby, and I walk in because I see some of my friends going in there. I realize it's a bathroom, and even though I have to smell that not-so-great odor, I'm alright with it because at least it's realistic. I walk out rather quickly though, since I have nothing to do there. For a while I'm not really sure what I want to do, so I just try to keep stabilizing everything. I look down at my watch, and see that it displays 2 AM. I think to myself that this is interesting compared to the time in real life, but wrong since I already woke up at 4 AM for WILD. When I check the watch again, the time is upside down and it was 12 something.

      As I keep walking, I get to an area where there's a sort of concession stand. I decide to get something to drink to see what it's like. I pick an Orangina from the available sodas, but the guy doesn't really want to sell it to me because it's only half-full and that wouldn't be honest. He starts getting sort of all worked up about it. I tell him to give me the bottle for a second, and as I take it he starts looking in a miniature refrigerator for a smaller Orangina bottle to give to me for free as a compensation. I place the larger bottle that I'm carrying behind my back, will it to be full, and put it back in my line of sight. It works, and I tell him that there's no problem now since the bottle is full.

      I walk away and start drinking, and it tastes like normal Orangina. I walk off, and into a corridor. I see a girl that I shortly talk to and kiss. I then remember the lucid tasks, and decide I'll try the basic one. I then try to figure out how I'm going to go about finding a turkey. There's a room nearby that I see, but I can't really see what's in it because there's a large column blocking my view. I point towards the room, and think to myself: "When I get there, the turkey I'm looking for will be waiting for me." I start walking, but I see that the entrance to the room is obstructed by metal bars. I think to myself that the dream is trying to make things hard for me

      I decide to just try to walk through the bars. I focus on just moving forward, and it works without problems. I look around, and, disappointed, see no turkey. However, I look to my right and then see a sort of weird rooster-looking thing, actually sitting down on a bench. I realize that this is my "turkey" (my rationalization: I don't really have a good mental image of a turkey, I've never actually seen one and few pictures. I actually looked up some pictures of a turkey for this task a few weeks ago to see what it was supposed to be like, apparently it didn't work completely!)

      Anyways, I go up to the turkey and say: "What do you think of Thanksgiving?" At this point, I kinda start losing lucidity, and the dream is a bit hard to explain. Everything goes mostly dark, except for an image of the turkey, as if in a video game dialogue that I'm reading on a screen. I see lines of text appear as responses, and even my own questions are shown as text. I try to focus on what the turkey is saying (or at least on what I can read). At the same time, I'm somehow typing it on a computer, although I'm not sure what my reasoning was, maybe that if I typed it down now it would be easier to remember when I woke up. Anyways, the answer, as clearly as I can recall it was: "I hate it! I have no oak's peace [during Thanksgiving]!" among other things. I'm not sure where the oak part came from, but it made me think he was using the image of the oak tree as the example of peace/serenity.

      Anyways, the conversation continues, almost with a mind of it's own, while I frantically try to recopy it. I don't really recall what was said after the beginning, but then things got even weirder in my semi-conscious state. I realized that the conversation was getting COMPLETELY random, and things started making no sense. The turkey's responses become nonsensical, with stuff like "Thoerwq-5327125-538292" and finally just number sequences. The turkey also says something about "Arrows 10 out of 10", and various small windows/boxes with text or pictures appear around the 'screen'.

      One of the windows says "Gustave", then another appears next to it saying "Bustave". I don't know exactly how well this actually worked, but I start realizing that the text and even a video that start appearing are reflecting my thoughts and memories. I remember a game I played (the character's name was Gustave), and the video starts showing sequences from it (and then an unrelated sequence with a spaceship taking off). I try to see how much I can influence what's being shown, and eventually wake up."

    15. #190
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      Excerpt from dream journal: I woke up around 7 in the morning and decided (because school was canceled,) to try the WILD. It took me no more than 2 minutes to hit SP!! When I entered the dream I found myself in my school... It was very vivid but I started to rub my hands to make it even more incredible! I started to walk around and scare kids in the hallway!! I walked into the girls washroom on accident and remembered the advanced task!!! I was so excited because if it worked, I knew I would get that dang badge I've longed for!! I placed my hands on my chest and felt immediate growth... After full size my breasts shrank back down... Damn it I thought... So I tried again... This time it worked!! I then went to shrink my YooHoo but realized the change was already complete!! It started to freak me out so I changed back quick.... This had already been one of my longest lucids (I was walking around the halls for over 10 minutes) As this thought dawned on me I woke up!!

    16. #191
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      Congrats, Wildman and Jamal!

      It's getting close to the end of the month...you guys will get to wear a badge for a few days!

    17. #192
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      My first ever lucid dream occurred last night! It was an epic Harry Potter deal, and the full details are in my journal, but here are the relevant parts:

      "Somehow I had the presence of mind to remember to do the lucid tasks. I thought about there being a turkey behind me, turned around, and there it was. It was a black and white turkey, rather small. I asked, "How do you feel about Thanksgiving?" It replied, "Oh . . . Oh! . . ." and then started ranting in German in a screechy woman's voice. Unfortunately I don't know German and couldn't translate.

      "Then I thought about the sex change task and fully believed I could do it. I started to feel pressure against the crotch of my jeans, when I saw the Hogwarts students come out the front of the school. I reversed the half-done sex change. My RL friend Brian came out dressed in a beige/khaki-colored suit and a Slytherin tie, and I decided I'd rather make out with him than get a sex change."

      So I got the turkey part, but I doubt the sex change part counts. However, my excitement over having my first lucid dream kind of overshadows my disappointment at having done only one of the tasks.
      Last edited by strinky; 11-22-2007 at 06:49 PM.
      Lucid Dreams in 2014: 6

    18. #193
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      Good job strinky!! Congrats on your first LD!!!!!

    19. #194
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      Strinky! Good job.

    20. #195
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      Hmm... I did something like the gender changing thing a while back while non-lucid. It was pretty freaky, that I can say, and I didn't totally change, but grew a penis instead.

      I was a little kid, and in a trailer park kind of neightborhood, roaming around. The sky was really dark and grey looking, but there were some kids outside of one trailer standing around a little kiddie pool, looking at it. I watched them for a little while before they went inside. Curious, I followed them inside. This is when it starts to get blurry and I can't remember much, but the next real memory I have of it is sitting at a computer desk in the trailer and browsing Neopets when I feel something weird between my legs, like they had a tight rubber band between them. I look down and find that I have a penis. When I get up and try to walk, it feels really awkward and I stumble a lot, deciding that I'm glad I'm not a guy. Then for some reason my mother showed up at the door and said it was time to go home. I think I woke up after that.

      Waking up fom that, I had to make sure I was still a girl down there!

    21. #196
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      Well try to do it again, Xinro. Still a week left.

    22. #197
      My dreams are my escape. Blaze Haze's Avatar
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      Sorry it took so long to get to this. I had the dream 2 nights ago but thanksgiving took out a lot of my time for preparation and all, by the way happy thanksgiving. I did both tasks and ended a month or so long dryspell. Anyway, here's my dream:

      I was on my street walking towards my house. As I was walking my mom and my sister show up in our old car and they tell me to get in. This is the problem right here, first of all I sat in between them, where there should have been a center console. The other problem was that we just turned the car in a few days ago because the lease was over so there's no reason for her to have it. I realized I was dreaming but I still got in the car just for the hell of seeing what would happen next. I then thought, "wow, I've just had a month long dryspell, I better find something to do quickly so at least the dream was worth it." I then remembered the tasks. Immediatey I tried the gender one, and I closed my eyes. I grew boobs and and decided it was getting a little bit too weird. My mom and sis didnt even seem to notice but I was still kinda embarassed. We were almost at my house and I realized it's almost thanksgiving and I asked my mom if we still had the turkey so I could do the task. She said it was cooked, but it was worth a try anyway. I got inside and I saw a fully cooked turkey sitting in the kitchen on its carving board. I asked it how it felt about today. It didnt do anything, but I was expecting it to jump out at me and scare me. It did. I grabbed the knife and jabbed it through the turkey and stuck it into the cutting board and ran. The dream kinda sucked but I did both tasks for the first time so I feel pretty accomplished.
      DILD: 20
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    23. #198
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      Quote Originally Posted by Wildman View Post
      I look around, and, disappointed, see no turkey. However, I look to my right and then see a sort of weird rooster-looking thing, actually sitting down on a bench. I realize that this is my "turkey" (my rationalization: I don't really have a good mental image of a turkey, I've never actually seen one and few pictures. I actually looked up some pictures of a turkey for this task a few weeks ago to see what it was supposed to be like, apparently it didn't work completely!)

      Anyways, I go up to the turkey and say: "What do you think of Thanksgiving?" At this point, I kinda start losing lucidity, and the dream is a bit hard to explain. Everything goes mostly dark, except for an image of the turkey, as if in a video game dialogue that I'm reading on a screen. I see lines of text appear as responses, and even my own questions are shown as text. I try to focus on what the turkey is saying (or at least on what I can read). At the same time, I'm somehow typing it on a computer, although I'm not sure what my reasoning was, maybe that if I typed it down now it would be easier to remember when I woke up. Anyways, the answer, as clearly as I can recall it was: "I hate it! I have no oak's peace [during Thanksgiving]!" among other things. I'm not sure where the oak part came from, but it made me think he was using the image of the oak tree as the example of peace/serenity.
      Wildman, congratulations! I think it's cool how your mind tried to reconstruct a turkey off of the photos you looked at. It was also pretty interesting how your dialogue ened up as text on a screen!

      Quote Originally Posted by Jamal View Post
      I placed my hands on my chest and felt immediate growth... After full size my breasts shrank back down... Damn it I thought... So I tried again... This time it worked!! I then went to shrink my YooHoo but realized the change was already complete!! It started to freak me out so I changed back quick....
      Jamal, congrats on completing the task (and on shrinking your "YooHoo")!

      Quote Originally Posted by strinky View Post
      My first ever lucid dream occurred last night! It was a black and white turkey, rather small. I asked, "How do you feel about Thanksgiving?" It replied, "Oh . . . Oh! . . ." and then started ranting in German in a screechy woman's voice. Unfortunately I don't know German and couldn't translate.
      Wow.. a first LD and you complete a Lucid Task of the Month!!! Congratulations!!

      How freaky that your turkey spoke to you in a language you don't speak!

      Quote Originally Posted by Xinro View Post
      I can't remember much, but the next real memory I have of it is sitting at a computer desk in the trailer and browsing Neopets when I feel something weird between my legs, like they had a tight rubber band between them. I look down and find that I have a penis. When I get up and try to walk, it feels really awkward and I stumble a lot, deciding that I'm glad I'm not a guy.
      "When I get up and try to walk, it feels really awkward and I stumble a lot" Just how big was your penis!

      You definately have to try to do this while lucid!

      Quote Originally Posted by Blaze Haze View Post
      I then remembered the tasks. Immediatey I tried the gender one, and I closed my eyes. I grew boobs and and decided it was getting a little bit too weird. My mom and sis didnt even seem to notice but I was still kinda embarassed. We were almost at my house and I realized it's almost thanksgiving and I asked my mom if we still had the turkey so I could do the task. She said it was cooked, but it was worth a try anyway. I got inside and I saw a fully cooked turkey sitting in the kitchen on its carving board. I asked it how it felt about today. It didnt do anything, but I was expecting it to jump out at me and scare me. It did. I grabbed the knife and jabbed it through the turkey and stuck it into the cutting board and ran. The dream kinda sucked but I did both tasks for the first time so I feel pretty accomplished.
      Blaze Haze, congratulations on completing the tasks! LOL at asking the question to a fully cooked turkey!!

    24. #199
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    25. #200
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      I'm wondering the people who have had turkeys talk to them, what'd the turkey's voice sound like? o.O

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