So this is an odd issue I have noticed. I have the songs from the album Discovery (Daft Punk) and I've long noticed something. The very first song is 5:20 long and the second one is 3:26. But when I play the first one, it abruptly ends at 5:20, and if I were to start listening to the next song, I would hear what sounds like that missing half second of the first.

I also notice this in the songs from Jesus Is: Remix, where's is a series of songs, with the pairs being (I'm pretty sure they're correct anyway) tracks 4 and 5, 7/8, and 9/10. Track 4 would finish off and then the start of track 5 would pick up before track 4 has officially ended its running time of 3:31. Same with 7/8 and 9/10.

Now, I could easily download software to edit the songs and fix up the little nuisance, but I'd like to see if anyone else has any knowledge or experience of this.