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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Aug 2010

      Question Everything but LD

      I've been trying to WILD for the past few days now but seem to be hitting a brick wall.

      I know it's been said that attempting wild without first waking up mid sleep is extremely difficult but I'm not terribly in love with the idea of waking myself up in the middle of the night to LD.

      So here is my general procedure:
      1) make room as dark as possible, eliminate as many distractions as possible
      2) lay down, relax myself and take regular deep breaths
      3) focus on a) relaxing my body / trying to enter SP b) trying to fall asleep c) trying to maintain consciousness.
      4) body becomes numb, sometimes to the point of not being able to "sense" that I even have limbs any more.
      5) I begin to see some Hypnagogic imagery (fast flashing lights, wavy glowy mist, random images).

      6) here is where things begin to fall apart. The Hypnagogic imagery fades away and all I'm left with are odd physical sensations. Sometimes gravity starts changing direction. A few nights ago it felt like I was lying on a bed of nails. The very last time I tried, it felt like there was a fish-hook in my right ear and someone was pulling it in every direction. Sometimes I feel as if my body starts bending / twisting or standing up (I'm not moving at all, it's just sensations). Sometimes I get the feeling my body is vibrating / floating a bit. Sometimes these feelings start to happen in-or-about the same time as the Hypnagogic imagery, but once the Hypnagogic imagery leaves, they're all I'm left with.

      Any help from experienced WILDers would be great for this newbie!

      If it makes any difference I sleep on a very hard bed and I jog almost every night.

    2. #2
      Dream Reaper DreamHacker's Avatar
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      inside your mind
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      Trying to WILD when going straight to bed is pretty hard some people are just gifted with SP when they go to bed (like me ) but it can be done just keep at it and if you feel like you can't do it anymore try a different method or just WAKE UP and get out of bed and do it like other people hope this helped
      If you want to check out my checklist click right HERE

      If a man believes his dream is his reality when he wakes up is this now his dream or does he believe he hadn't been dreaming at all?

    3. #3
      With a "C", baby. A "C".
      Join Date
      Aug 2007
      Bronx, NY
      Dude, you should just wake up in the middle of the night. If you try to WILD when first going to bed it's gonna take you an hour and half to two hours, and even if you reach the dream it's your first REM period so the dream might only last five or ten minutes. Is that a good ratio for you?
      Lucid dreams, gotta love em.

    4. #4
      zestyy Achievements:
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      brettWp's Avatar
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      Your problem is trying it when you go to bed. Your REM period is strongest after a few hours of sleep, most people don't dream the moment they fall asleep. If you keep trying this at bedtime, you won't have even have a dream to transition into, because you're not in a strong REM period.
      First LD accomplished. (9/24/10) DILD
      LD Count [ 3 ]

      Film > Photography


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