I've been around these forums for a while, and read most of the popular tutorials about WILDing. I understand the logic and the theory behind the technique, so that's not really my question. Obviously, though, there's several things with WILDing you can change (time awake after WBTB, time sleeping, etc.), and there's many more members who WILD than have written tutorials.

So really, my question is this: How do you, in particular, WILD? What method works best for you? How long do you sleep before attempting a WBTB, if you do so, and how long do you stay up? Do you need to use an alarm, or do you wake up naturally? Are there any external tools you use, and if so, what? Do you worry about staying completely still when you lie back down, or do you move around freely? How long does it generally take you to reach the transition into sleep and dreams?

If you do different techniques on different occasions, feel free to describe all of them, or just whichever one is most successful for you. You can put as much detail into your answer if you want, and you don't have to answer all the questions above - those are just thoughts.