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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2015

      What was that, WILD in FA ?


      Lately i experienced a very weird situation. I am begginer in LD'ing, and by far i achieved all my LDs by gaining lucidity in a dream, but couple of days a ago i experienced something very weird for me. I started to practice DEILD, and when i woke up after a lucid, i almost succeeded to not move, i mean i moved my right hand and did rt, and opened my eyes, but the rest of my body was still and i felt i can try to DEILD. I closed my eyes and tried to remember the dream and imagine myself continuing it. After a short while i felt i'm starting to get sucked into the darkness like a front room to a dream. I started to hear a whispers, and i did RT, which turned out negative ( reality ), and second later after they got louder i did another one and this one turned out positive ( dream ). The loud whispering was kind of creepy, but i didn't care too much as i knew it was probably normal. I may have felt some kind of vibrations but now i am not sure. I was feeling my body very real as i was still laying in my bed and then suddenly i felt very strong sensation like i would be sucked into bed, i got scared and opened my eyes. The best way i could describe what i saw would be like a frodo when he puts on a ring , but kind of greenish. I saw my bedroom but didn't move my head ( don't know if a could ) and woke up. After i woke up a i had a feeling like this whole awakening was FA. Now as i have completly no experience in WILD, but have read something about it, what was it ? WILD in FA ?

      Best regards

    2. #2
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      It can be sometimes difficult to tell the difference between a WILD and a FA. But, the fact that your RC failed and then succeeded leads me to believe it was a DEILD. Also, I believe the HH would have been immediate if it was a FA.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jan 2015
      Thank you for your answer I didn't thought it was DEILD, becouse my imagination was that you fall into a dream without any special sensations with this technique, but as i have no experience with any other lucids, then those acheived whle already in a dream, your answer is very clarifying to me

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