This is for anyone who's still struggling to WILD, and doesn't want to give up. It's written in the style of the five rings, and teaches you the art of WILDing, not the steps.


Keep in mind that it's probably going to take you a while to accomplish this technique. It's going to rely on your dedication, practice, and knowledge. Go through all the WILD tutorials on this site. I say this because there isn't one single technique that will work for everyone. Also understanding the steps and processes that other people have written out for you will allow you to use various techniques to achieve a WILD.


You must clear your mind of doubt, and know that you're going to WILD on your next attempt. This may seem rough after several attempts, but remember, every attempt leads to more chance of success.


If you can remember what happens during an attempt. Write it down. Don't limit it to what you experienced. Write down the position you were sleeping in, and the position you switched to if any. Write down what you saw, how you felt. Write down what worked and what didn't work. Study this, and work on it the next time.


Put all that together on your next attempt. And realize this will be the first true battle. Everything before understanding what works for YOU means nothing. Now that you know what works, what gets you to certain stages, it's time to apply it. This doesn't mean that you will be successful, but you will be prepared. Keep honing your technique without changing your style too much, and eventually you will reach success.

Frequently asked questions

Q: How Close am I? A: you should already understand the stages of a wild by having read through various techniques on this site. And it's not about getting close to WILDing. It's about WILDing. A warrior doesn't practice hitting a target and worries about how far off he was. They focus on the most effective method, and adjust accordingly.

Q:How long did it take you to wild? 60 attempts over a two month period.

Q:Anything related to SP... Don't worry about SP few of us ever get it while transitioning into a dream. If you do get it, wait until it's over, and get out of bed and do a reality check. You will find that you're in the dream.