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    1. #1
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      Feb 2007
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      Best WILD attempt to date...

      However, unfortunately it didn't work. I woke up about an hour before I would usually get up today, so I thought it would be a great time to WILD. I used to hit the SP phase all the time, usually by accident, (I haven't tried LD-ing in well over a year.) but I've had more troubles lately. To be fair, I've only been trying for about a week. And today I finally managed to hit it again!

      So I hit the SP phase, I got all tingly, and my ears rang loudly. This part I've never noticed happening before, but I think I felt my eyes in REM or something, they were moving everywhere. But all this didn't get quite as intense as it usually had. It just stopped... and I kept laying there with my eyes closed. I kept laying there for about 10 mins, hoping it would restart itself, but it never did. When I chose to get up though, my limbs all felt very heavy, it wasn't too easy to move right away.

      Did I do something wrong this time? Did I maybe just get unlucky? Or should I have tried to move or something once all the sensations stopped? I'm not entirely sure how you're supposed to know when you've entered a dream-state after WILDing. Anything people can share with me would be great.

      Oh, also, I've been keeping a dream journal, and my dream recall got much better very quickly. But I can't remember a single dream from last night. I remember waking up once at about 4 30, but that's it. I had an energy drink at work though (but that was at least 3 hours before I went to sleep). Could that have effected my recall?
      LD's: 3
      DILD: 1 WILD: 2

    2. #2
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      If anyone has any help they could give me, that would be great! I'm hoping tomorrow morning I'll get another chance to try and WILD like this. If I want to wake up at a certain time, I can usually make my body do that, so I'll wake up an hour or so earlier than normal again. I've noticed that's when I tend to have the most vivid normal dreams too...
      LD's: 3
      DILD: 1 WILD: 2

    3. #3
      Back from Hiatus! BigFan's Avatar
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      Hello there,
      Not sure if the drink would have affected your recall, not much of an energy drinker myself since I've heard pretty bad things about them. As for your attempt, it didn't sound like you did anything wrong. SP differs from person to person. The main advice I can give you is to make sure you are comfortable and relaxed when you are trying to WILD. Also, look at this experience as a positive one since you were able to hit SP. It means that you are that closer to a LD. My only experience came yesterday where I was just lying on the couch comfortable, relaxed and a bit sleep deprived(practicing CAT at the moment) which is when I had a dream, woke up and then had SP, so close to a dream as well. Anyways, you are on the right track, just keep on trying, you'll eventually get there
      # of LDs so far: DILD-1, WILD-0, Awareness-5
      Max Dreams recalled in one night: 3
      Goals: Learn to fly [] - Find out more about myself [] - Explore the sea [] - Pray in an LD []
      Read my DJ: Whirlwind of Dreams
      Read my current research: CAT Research
      Read my meditation experiences: Meditation Experiences

    4. #4
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      Thanks, I will keep trying.

      I didn't wake up at the right time this morning to give WILD a proper try, I just fell back asleep.. twice. I also had 2 dreams... of which I cannot remember! Both nights that I can't remember my dreams I've told myself "I will remember my dreams" before going to sleep. Maybe I should stop it, it's having a total reverse effect. O.O
      LD's: 3
      DILD: 1 WILD: 2

    5. #5
      Back from Hiatus! BigFan's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by JenMarie View Post
      Thanks, I will keep trying.

      I didn't wake up at the right time this morning to give WILD a proper try, I just fell back asleep.. twice. I also had 2 dreams... of which I cannot remember! Both nights that I can't remember my dreams I've told myself "I will remember my dreams" before going to sleep. Maybe I should stop it, it's having a total reverse effect. O.O
      That mantra worked for me twice and not anymore I would keep a DJ and wrote down the dreams if you don't have one already. As for dream recall, staying in bed with your eyes closed in the same position you woke up and working backwards will help you with your recall
      # of LDs so far: DILD-1, WILD-0, Awareness-5
      Max Dreams recalled in one night: 3
      Goals: Learn to fly [] - Find out more about myself [] - Explore the sea [] - Pray in an LD []
      Read my DJ: Whirlwind of Dreams
      Read my current research: CAT Research
      Read my meditation experiences: Meditation Experiences

    6. #6
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      My dream recall seems fine on the nights I don't worry about the mantra... just tonight I had more dreaming experiences. Including another WILD attempt...

      I'm not sure I'm ever going to try and WILD again. I hit SP this morning, and it went on and on, forever. My dad came downstairs, presumably to wake my brother up for school, and I was worried he was going to wreck my attempt, because I had just started hitting SP. It felt like it went on for SO long, but eventually I dropped into a dream.. completely non lucid-ly. -.- I was dreaming I was at my boyfriends house, walking around, and I kept trying to lay down and go to sleep, hitting SP every time. But my dad was walking around, and he kept ruining it. I woke up, was like "EFF," wrote down my dream and... found a huge spot of blood on my sheets. I took my sheet off my bed right away, and started cleaning it. I've done like 8 reality checks since I woke up... I'm still not dreaming. My hands are tinged pink from the blood I've been trying to wash off my sheets..
      LD's: 3
      DILD: 1 WILD: 2

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