• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. MortalTrinity's Avatar
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      What's a djinn?
    2. Snehk's Avatar
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      I can recall that the ancient god looked like a gigantic djinn. He was wearing a crown similar to the one I had to get - red with blue gems.
    3. MortalTrinity's Avatar
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      The second dream sounds epic.
    4. Snehk's Avatar
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      I don't know, but it's an interesting idea. It's not only TV that does that, it can happen when people talk, radio is turned on or practically any signal from waking world gets to me while sleeping. For example, when mother was talking with my sibling that my aunt's car broke, I had a dream that with father we went to repair it. After waking up and asking mother about that, she said that aunt's car broke, and father went to help her. Another example is that once I had a dream full of cats - when I woke up I saw one walking on my bed.
    5. JadeGreen's Avatar
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      I probably dreamt about this because TV was turned on just before I woke up. It happened to me many times that someone turned TV in the room on, and I dreamt about what I heard while sleeping. Though I'm interested in the topic of discoveries, mission launches and such, I base only on what is mentioned in regular news.
      So if the TV causes you to dream about what you hear in the waking world, you don't suppose a recording of lucid dreaming mnemonics could cause one to dream about lucid dreaming while asleep...
    6. Snehk's Avatar
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      I probably dreamt about this because TV was turned on just before I woke up. It happened to me many times that someone turned TV in the room on, and I dreamt about what I heard while sleeping. Though I'm interested in the topic of discoveries, mission launches and such, I base only on what is mentioned in regular news.
    7. JadeGreen's Avatar
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      I wonder if you dreamed of this because you knew the New Horizons spacecraft was sending back pictures of Pluto last night. Do you keep up to date on new space mission launches and discoveries?

      Spoiler for pluto:
    8. Snehk's Avatar
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      So is your DC sister your real sister as she appears in the dream or just a fictional character created by your dreams that recurrs.
      It's mostly my real, youngest sister. I never had a fictional character recurring in my dreams so far, only real ones.

      I recall also, that I was disgusted by the wand. I think that in this dream I thought "This is a cockroach wand, but I'll have to eat it to stop the witch.".... I ate wand made of cockroaches, probably that's why it was bitter-sour

      Breaking free from these chains and sneaking past guards later was best part of the dream. It felt really real. Going to try the chain-breaking stunt in any next lucid I'll have
    9. JadeGreen's Avatar
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      With my DC sister we entered a skyscraper placed in harbor.
      So is your DC sister your real sister as she appears in the dream or just a fictional character created by your dreams that recurrs.

      Instead of firing a spell at the witch, I ate the wand. It tasted weird, from bittery to sour.
      Hahaha! That came out of nowhere...

      To free myself, I jumped, made a flip in the air, touched the ceiling with my feet and the chains broke.
    10. Snehk's Avatar
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      Yes, they can be really annoying. Luckily this happens rarely. I would be really mad when I'd have a long, epic dream only to realise that someone took my wallet in the end.
    11. FryingMan's Avatar
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      I *hate* those stolen wallet, "my life is ruined" dreams (like losing my passport, ugh!)
    12. Snehk's Avatar
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      Last time I played that game was like three years ago, but it still comes back in my dreams from time to time.
    13. JadeGreen's Avatar
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      I was sitting on a bench in school. I took an old Nokia 6230i phone out of my pocket, found an apps directory, and entered it. There was only one app - Minecraft Pocket Edition. I decided to try it. After waiting for the game to load, it generated a new world immediately.

      I spawned somewhere in the mountains. Seeking for a shelter, I went straight into a weirdly lit cavern. There was another player inside, surrounded by weird, silver barrels.
      As somebody who has played minecraft for a long time, I can tell you that the dreams you have about that game will always be weird.
    14. Snehk's Avatar
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      It was a good opportunity for a lucid. I missed it though. Anyway, I'm glad you like it!
    15. Verre's Avatar
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      I was entering the kitchen, while everyone was playing with muffin eaters. Weird bugs you had to feed with muffins. One looked like a spruce branch, and was the most intelligent. Second was brown, and behaved like a small chicken. I remember also one resembling hedgehog. I feed them with muffins.
      I love this part! So surreal.
    16. Snehk's Avatar
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      Need to do some RC's in the toilet, this way whenever I'll get a toilet dream I have a chance of lucid.
    17. Mindraker's Avatar
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      Yeah, I get creepy toilet dreams when I need to pee, too.
    18. Snehk's Avatar
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      If only I was lucid, I'd take them to rob the whole city.
    19. <span style='color: #008000'><span class='glow_00FF00'>PercyLucid</span></span>'s Avatar
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      You could have taken those shots and freak them out with you being invulnerable
    20. Snehk's Avatar
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      Thanks. My DILD's seem to happen at random. It needn't be a weird dream element, it can be plain boring dream, but somehow I realise that I'm dreaming.
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