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    1. Night flight

      by , 09-16-2014 at 07:43 PM
      Date: 22 Aug

      Behind with journalling as usual. These are for CL's dare about the Great Pyramid.

      Pre bed: 200 val, l arg & lysine

      Back to the old place dream. It seems even though I left the place, I have the dream memory that I come back and stay here every time for a while [yes, every couple of dreams!]. I feel guilty about not informing the landlord and think about packing my stuff.

      At some point when lying in that room's bed, I get in touch with both realities (i.e. start to feel my physical body) maybe just waking up as everything looks very blurry now. Semi consciously, I exert efforts to bring back the dream. The room forms again, everything is perfect even the table although it is not quite an exact match.

      I open the window, it's very dark and I look in direction of the neighbors to see a young woman holding or throwing some object. I look at the mostly cloudless sky and then remember an on-going goal [enjoy the night sky], expecting to see cool constellations but the stars look rather normal even too dim. I feel the urge to fly up and so go ahead and lift off.

      This flying style is more like that of a bird (hands spread like wings), at any rate it feels like a bird sliding on currents of air. An unpleasant feel as I quickly fly down - it's a physical sensation rather than a mental one. I wonder about it and try to control it, fly gliding down a bit. At some point I land on the top of a nearby building. There is a DC below trying to interact with me. I remember the pyramid task but there is snow all around it doesn't quite feel right. Nevertheless, I try to summon a pyramid by spontaneously getting my hands to form a triangle and I impose it on the background, staring inside to see the pyramid. This results in a good but distant version of the pyramid where I feel like it will take too much time to reach so try again.

      The outcome is a smaller pyramid, made of much lighter white greyish stone and something that looks like an entrance. As I come closer I disappointedly ascertain that this pyramid is way too small and the entrance is more like a diagonally shaped part of the design. I wonder whether this would count but dismiss the idea.

      Somehow, possibly after turning around and looking for a place to do another summon, I end up inside a store. I continue with my summons here (facing the windows) and make a triangle with my hands, looking inside with squinting eyes causing blurred vision which helps manipulate the color and material of the pyramid. Alas, all resulting pyramids are a shifty mirrage and their place is taken by something like a large mosque from a nicely matching material. I leave the store to explore and see if anything can be made with the structure but the alarm wakes me up.

      Date: 24 Aug

      I'm in some sort cafe with couple of Asians and Emm. We are about to drink tea but I have to leave without paying as everybody evacuates due to disease alarm. On my way out I contemplate that in this dream Emm didn't quite play a positive role.

      After getting out, I end up in this yard and look ahead. At this point am already lucid after the contemplations about classmate Emm. The grass and eveything else has a red tint and it looks very interesting. I remember that this was a task [add photoshop effect] but think that since it's already done it may not count. Once again I have an urge to take off and just fly ahead. I do so and end up flying between trees and bushes and towards a darker area of the woods. It doesn't look very inviting and also there is the reduction of visual stimuli that adds to the feel. Before I can do anything else the dream falls apart.

      PS: Stay tuned for the next part!

      Updated 09-16-2014 at 07:52 PM by 61764

      side notes , lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , task of the month
    2. City tour

      by , 12-11-2013 at 02:34 AM
      Date: 08 Dec

      Entry 1/2

      Wbtb: did a shorter than usual wbtb from a natural wake where I had 1/3 latte. Did a quick goal revision and couple of mantras, felt asleep within a reasonable amount of time.

      Had about 3 vivid dreams/fragments, then the ld.

      The beginning of the ld's hard to recall. I'm on a street that looks familiar and we comment on this with a female dream friend, some remarks about journalling too.

      One thing that is very peculiar about the place is that all the buildings' colors are extremely soft, chalky color. Each one is in different color but very pale. They look extremely beautiful. I am aware that this is a dream, but have somewhat lower level of lucidity. Vaguely remember how we went to this other part of town.

      My lucidity and rational thinking sharpens as we go on our way. We are a group of people and someone is leading us (I can't see who at the moment). This is a pretty good arrangement since it keeps me busy and my secondary ld goal is exactly to walk around, see as much as possible for as long as possible.

      This is the city center now and I catch a glimpse of a gothic cathedral behind one of the street corners. It is also colorful with the same pale chalky colors and material. There's the overall impression that the whole city center colors are like this. At the same time the quality is extremely high, everything is very 3D, stable and vivid. I spot a female classmate in the crowd on the square, which I assume is part of our group. I am happy about that and say something to her, but she starts laughing and replies with some weird sounds, her eyes look as if she's wearing lenses too. Not a smart DC I conclude and lose a bit of interest.

      [Warning animal violence]

      It's almost like a scene change as we keep walking down another street. I cross the street and examine the ground below my feet and it feels so detailed and real, there's a piece of mini-trash I try to identify, a scaffold area in front of me. I get distracted by a small white dog that I pay too much attention to and it sticks to my leg, trying to bite me. I try as much as possible to be indifferent and get rid of it, but it sticks, so I have no choice, now I want to break its front teeth to deactivate it. I take it with my hands and imagine I am super strong, trying to break the front teeth that look kind of weird too. Not much success so I swirl around and throw the dog away.

      I feel disgusted and start rummaging in a dream bag of mine, hoping to find wet wipes to clean my hands, which I do. I feel like I have messed up, being distracted by the dog instead of following the group. This has caused the surroundings to change and we are in another part of town, lots of green trees can be seen. The group leader is now walking with my classmate further down the street, while I am trying to catch up with them together with a blond girl, also at this point part of the group.

      They slow down and I face the group leader/our guide, a woman in her 40es. She seems very sympathetic and lively and I feel it's time to ask her some questions. As I speak, I notice and think about how easy it has been for me to speak and act in this dream, how stable everything has been and for such a long time. I ask her a number of questions, to give me some tips in general and also regarding my meditation practices. Unfortunately, she gives me an answer that doesn't make much sense, about some guy bringing her here. I feel somewhat disappointed as I thought she might be a useful dream guide, she has been guiding us on this city tour all along. The dream fades.

      Updated 12-11-2013 at 02:40 AM by 61764

      lucid , memorable
    3. Old places rehashed

      by , 05-22-2013 at 08:38 PM
      Date: 21 May

      Pre bed: 120 mg gingko, WBTB: 2x peppermint oil capsules

      Sleep quality, dream contents & recall: fantastic sleep quality, more or less realistic dreams with some exception, very positive mood upon wake, quite bad recall for the vividness.

      Fragment1: Thinking of a friend

      Fragment2: Received a text message from a relative I was recently thinking about

      Fragment3: An actor that asks people about his origin, I am the only one to correctly guess it

      Fragment4: With a classmate on a street in my hometown, she has a blue bike

      Fragment5: I am on another street nearby, this time a dog transforms into some kind of mutant creature – a mix between a dog and hulk, dark grey bluish color and is after us. I decide to run towards school because there are more people there, so it will attack them first.

      Fragment6: I am in a store I know, looking to buy some tea mugs, or dishes. It looks like the sale is over. The lady on the cashier gives me some stuff I have apparently purchased, including a jacket. Another DC woman takes the bag and I run after her, explaining those things are mine.

      Dream7: I am in my hometown again, controlling the movement of trams. I am meeting my bf, so I direct the tram forwards, but then I go back again. I am then on the street, and it is extremely hot. I notice the way I am dressed, same as always, but my belt is about to fall and my jeans are a bit loose. It is so realistic that I struggle moving in this heat. I look to my side and see grandma, dressed the way she always did. Some feeling of lucidity that quickly evaporates. I pay attention to the shops nearby, there is one where they sell natural remedies and I see a huge pack of gingko biloba, I wonder if I should buy something from the shop. I continue on my way, a DC tells me that someone has died. The women have been dreaming about it and told him but he didn’t want to listen.
    4. Heavy Deprivation = Heavy Sleep Rebound

      by , 05-07-2013 at 06:00 PM
      Date: 5 May

      Total sleep time: 3 hrs

      Dreams: None remembered, although I am sure I was dreaming something when I had to wake up to prepare for travel


      Date: 6 May

      Total sleep time: 9 hrs

      Impressions: While I was looking forward to the REM rebound, I actually got a lot of heavy sleep today and retrieving memories was rather hard. This is not the first time I have noticed this effect since I began keeping a more extensive DJ. That's why I decided to put some emphasis on it this time, heavy sleep deprivation actually led to more deep sleep and less memories. Anyways, it's good I got some decent sleep. Now, prepare for lucid!

      Fragment1: A friend of ours who is pregnant irl, she may be expecting twins

      Fragment2: A conversation about dreaming and lucidity, I vaguely remembered this after briefly waking up, thought things are getting better because I am thinking about lucidity

      Fragment3: A good friend from school. I take my time to check out the way he looks, slighly different. There is some feeling at the back of my mind when I observe him, (he is a DS), but I am totally absorbed by the story. He tells me about a class get together they planned but one of the girls made a big scandal? I reply that I remember the event and also say that I have had a dream about the whole thing. I mention dreaming a few more times during the conversation. In the dream I also have the feeling my friend may have dreamt about something similar.
    5. Crystal dagger, shared dream memory within the dream

      by , 04-11-2013 at 04:34 PM
      Before bed: I was trying to re-program my dream body, for 5-10 mins I imagined sending energy and setting the intent for my dream body to become aware when it had the upper hand (i.e. when I was dreaming)

      Result: I am not sure if it was because of this, it actually took me quite a long time to fall asleep, because every time I would drift off, my body would react, for ex. my leg would twitch (I think this is a hypnic jerk?), so I would awaken. Or just as the HI dreamlets began to form, I would realize it and wake up, then go to the restroom, then I would awaken too much. Perhaps my intending was working, but I probably should have used this suggestion technique in WBTB and not when falling asleep initially.

      Dream1: Two of my best school friends were playing a kind of game, where each would listen to a song, then share some secret thoughts they had. In the dream I know there are maybe 11 or 12 songs, I remember a certain song, but it does not belong to this album. I cannot remember the last two songs, so my friend goes online to find out which those songs are.

      Dream2: Politics again. I see the mayor having an affair with some popular all-night-long party woman, there is also a video of this. I contemplate a lot whether to tell my mom, who supports the mayor, about this whole story. I finally decide to invite her over and show her the video, which shows the two kissing. My mom does not believe any of it and still strongly supports the mayor. What is more, it turns out that she has managed to book a seat and take part in some kind of conference with her favourite politicians.

      Dream3: I am looking at photo of one of my favourite teachers, then a former classmate appears next to me, she tells me something. On my other side another classmate2 (DS) appears. Now, I am looking at some jewellery made from semi-precious stones. As I am looking at the jewellery, classmate2 tells me that some kind of pink type of stone is the best.[not sure if such a stone exists IRL], it looks like a mix between rose quartz and jasper. She then tells me that she has some kind of dagger/wand made from that stone and some more info about it.


      At that moment I remember that we already have had this conversation in a dream, and I tell her that I had a dream about that. She then replies me that she remembers the dream too. Wow! I go out on the street and begin to tell the story to myself, as if I just awoke and will be writing this in my dream journal. Instead, I begin writing this story on the pavement…

      Obviously someone I do not want to meet will soon arrive there, and my friend recommends that I leave the place now. I try to stop a taxi, but it is not a taxi actually, some white old Mercedes with some people and lots of junk in it. I jump on it, trying to use it as a ride to the next station. I get off and fly past some Chinese fast food stall and pick up some chicken skewers, they fly away without paying.


      I reach our first home, I am on the street. I look and see my mom there, I don’t want her to know that I am here, so I hide behind a tree. I am waiting but it starts to rain and my tablet is wet, but it is water resistant, and this is a dream so that’s why nothing happens to it. [Really!] I put it in my backpack.

      Fragment4: It was during the night and we were in some pub like place. It was 2:30 am and all the shops closed, but the pub was still open. We are outside, I look back at this actually unpleasant place and say to my friends from school “Even though this is a terrible place and we do ourselves so much harm here, I actually love it!”….

      Updated 04-15-2013 at 03:20 PM by 61764

      non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , side notes