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    1. Stockholm syndrome

      by , 06-10-2013 at 09:39 PM
      Total sleep time: 9 hrs

      Dream quality and recall: I continue to be very sleepy, although recall today was a bit better.

      WBTB, snooze and recall: Decided against WBTB (lazy), but set the final alarm for a bit earlier. I had what I thought was an interesting dream in the last 30 mins of sleep so kept on hitting the snooze button, and tried to go back there to continue with the story. That messed up my recall a bit, but I still enjoyed it.

      Dream1: We are on the street and a friend of mine says something that irritates me. It hit her with a NG magazine. DCs around me stare at me with disapproval. They also think I am a man hitting a woman. A girl from India comes and I begin explaining myself to her.

      She starts giving my friend some creepy advice and then continues to say that "you (not sure who she is addressing) should do some lucid meditation, as one learns by leaps and bounds"

      "Red and cinnamon are after all two of many (40?) hues....of the penumbra"???

      This dream was really cool, but bf was snoring so loudly, I just couldn't hold on to it for more info.

      Dream2: A class meeting, girls only this time, all the usual classmates that are DS, but instead of realizing this is a dream I engage in nonsense conversations. One of the classmates is married to a guy that has to do with chicken production and I comment on some movies I have seem about that. Another female friend of mine has a a girlfriend and buys her some lemonade. I feel jealous.

      Dream 3(snooze fragmented and mini-Ld):

      I am flying over the street and try to avoid a dangerous individual. Other DCs start running very fast when they are close to him.

      I am sitting on a table, looking at some food and want to rescue a burrito from ending up in the trash. This guy acts very agressively and does not allow me to get my burrito. I am forced to go with him. (Snooze)

      He is dangerous and most likely has killed someone, and the police is after him. Despite all that, I feel some sympathy towards him and we are friends. He wants us to go to his apartment. I have some alarming thoughts of why am I going to his place, and what are we going to do there, but dismiss them. We reach the street where he lives. I suspect undercover cops have parked in front of the place. Doesn't he know that his apartment is the first place the cops will look for him? He sees the lights of his place are on, so we go back. (Snooze)

      He decides to highjack a bus so that we can drive to my place. I really don't want us to go there. I am also worried that he is a reckless driver, so go to the back seat. (Snooze)

      I am in the bus/car with him and am looking for my burrito, but it seems like I have changed clothes, have a different handbag and the burrito is gone. I take some time to look around, knowing that this is a dream. The story in my mind lasted pretty long and I find it really cool. I think about reporting this dream and contemplate about my feelings for this guy, I conclude I have the Stockholm syndrome...

      I wake up


      Progress with this months goals (as of this morning):

      - Do 100 RCs (6/100) <<<<<<Terrible!
      - notice real life DS 100 times and RC (4/100)
      - 10 proper WBTB attempts -> days (3/10)
      - 10 morning RCs (1/10)
      - 2 proper WILD attempts (0/2)
      - task flexibility
      - journal flexibility

      LDs: 5 (official count)
      micro-lds: 1 (not counted)
      suspicious events: 1 (not counted)

      Updated 06-10-2013 at 09:45 PM by 61764

      dream fragment , side notes , lucid , non-lucid