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    MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.


    This journal will account my many dreams!!! yay! Anyway, I have had so much amazing synchronistic occurrences around dreams. I have helped myself and a few others through my dreams! I am doing my best to find out how to live my life by my dreams.

    Main entities:

    Asuka: My dream wife. I am purely convinced that she's not another aspect of my mind. She exists separate from me. Lately I have been running into people similar to her in waking life. She's sweet, very kind, and has a strange sense of humor. She has a yellow aura.

    Nomad: The guy that got me into shared dreaming. He doesn't show up in dreams as often... but back in the day we dream shared lots. He got me into the dream lover thing and also has experience with meeting their twinners on the waking plane.

    Raven: My other dream sharing friend. She helps me and asuka a lot. I wish I could recall her more.

    Data: He maintains the shields in my inner world.

    Victor: My dream guide... though he hasn't shown up lately.

    Shawna: A soul that shared a body with a woman named Aeona, Raven's guide Q appointed me guardian of Shawna when she was separated from Aeona.

    Other dream children: Two babies between me and asuka and also two other orphans that now reside in my inner world. We are all like a dream family... Aren't I creepy?

    The dream plane:

    I look at dreams as a separate plane of existence. Our waking realities are dense energy that give the illusion of solidity. Next is the Astral plane that is just outside of our waking perception. The dream plane vibrates at a light frequency and consits of bubbles. Every person when not traveling out of body dream in their inner world. Anyone can shape what they want their inner world to look like, and also use it as a focus point for the law of attraction. You can invited other dream entities to stay in your inner world... but be careful, it may attract demons. Dream sharing can take place inside your inner world or the inner world of someone else. other dream places are bubbles made of less dense energy.

    1. Crazy

      by , 04-26-2024 at 02:42 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Is this website dying? seems no one DJ's here after the spring competition...

      On the last entry: The "drive by". I heard the Jamie voice in my head apologize for that or something. No! It's okay. I go stir crazy sometimes trying to figure how "real," what I am experiencing is. To show up on the day I post about something distressing... Nah, you threw me a line girl! Thanks.

      BTW if Jamie reads these. Because of my situation at home, my cousin just offered me a room in Lethbridge, I can get my old job back, I'm on 3 delivery apps, and i have the basic skills to start a side business. You KNOW how mentally unhealthy my family is. It's triggering for me here. I understand I was put here for now, to be closer to your area, for a reason. I'll hold out for as long as I can. But, if it gets really bad here. I gotta run. I'll let ya know. I'd hate to because it seems like a phenomenal amount of progress has been made between us.

      Anyway dreams:

      Jamie is crazy

      FA, get out of bed and I see it's hailing out and there's a big storm (It's also night time.) I don't think to RC. I hear my brother say he hopes Jen makes it home okay. I hear a crash and I hear Jamie's voice from the kitchen say, "Rob, come look!" I run into the kitchen and see Jamie (As Jen) standing behind my dad. There's an acoustic guitar smashes over him. Parts of the wood are stabbed inside his body and the strings are cutting him. He's awake but makes no sound. I keep asking, "Um Should I call an ambulance?" Jamie keeps saying while grinning, "No, I think he'll make it."

      Remind me to NEVER really piss Jamie off... my god.


      I'm working in some large building with storeys. I'm new, but everyone is wearing Wal-Mart vests. I see Jamie as a different girl. and the nametag says, "Julie," I have false memories, of working in another town with a girl that looked like her name ,"Julia.". Jamie's eyes widen in fear and she runs past me. Her friend (The one I met at the metal party at the airstrip in didsbury.) says something like, "Oh I think she likes you. Just let her make all the moves on you, she will." and I'm like, "Okay, i'm pretty shy with that stuff anyway so it's nice when someone else takes initiative." But in the middle of the sentence the girl I'm taking to is replaced by a chubby woman with grey hair. She yells at me, "Stop talking and get to work."


      FA, Jamie and her friend walk into my bedroom. I see Jamie as Katelynn now (Great now my perception of her is off again). I'm like, "I haven't seen you in so long we should have a hug." (knowing it's really Jamie.) Jamie goes to hug me in bed but turns around and I hug her from behind. Her behind is literally on my you know what again. But her friend drags her off the bed an out of the room. (note: In addition to the voice, While going to sleep or waking up in the middle of the night or early morning. There is a phantom sense of Jamie with me. I experience hugs, and other things. And I have read other "Twin Flames" have gone through this as well. While I think I'm going crazy, I do find it comforting.)

      Last night.

      Two brief flashes

      In one Jamie is prancing some other guy around in front of me. I start getting mad and Raven says something like, "She just needs healing"

      in the second Flash. I'm watching peaceful energy go over Jamie. Her vacant, glassy eyes become whole again. She looks at me and smiles. and we grab our hands together.
      Tags: dad, jamie, wal mart
    2. better dreams

      by , 04-15-2024 at 01:03 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Some really good dreams this past couple of days. Someone must have really liked my last entry!

      Jamie 1

      I'm outside a bar with Jamie. The same one from a while ago. It's a real place in Didsbury, the two bars facing one another practically across the street. Jamie is just being goofy. She has these napkins and keeps putting chipotle sauce on napkins and trying to make me eat it. WTF. No Chick-Fil-A sauce?

      Jamie 2

      Same place again. It's night time. We are alone and it's really late. Jamie goes up to an old grey car and starts trying to remove the headlight.

      A bunch of other jamie flashes but they are too short to comprehend.

      Next night:

      Family outing

      I'm with family in calgary, apparently visiting my Mom. We are in a park near the bow river but everything looks different than normal. I'm up on a hill and below is a grizzly bear, but it seems friendly. I find a bounce thing that propels you in the air. I jump on it and fly high over bridges. When I land I'm in a truck with my dad. We are in an uncomfortable silence. Suddenly I'm in a mall and Jamie is on my right and my dad is on my left. He make a really rude comment when we pass by some ice cream and smoothie stand. There's two small vats with flavored milk with a beater in each. He says since me and Jamie are lovers we should get an idea from those mixers... It makes no sense but it sounds sexual and rude. I just ignore it. I try to lean against Jamie while I walk and she almost stumbles or trips. I apologize and she puts her arm around me. I notice I'm eating a bunch of mini plain doughnuts from a small paper bag. I go to eat one and Jamie tries to grab it out of my hand. I give it to her. I say, "I don't like the taste of these anyway." As they are pretty bland. That's all I remember.

      Audio only dream

      I hear both me and Jamie reciting The Lord's Prayer together.

      The real Jesus.

      In my vision I see something like a nice painting. It resembles Jesus Baptizing Jamie in a stream.

      I really hope it's true.
    3. A couple crazy dreams.

      by , 11-29-2021 at 10:09 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Abandoned house

      I was with my brother in a familiar town during the day, It was summer like. My brother wanted to show me an abandoned house that he claimed was once owned by a Voodoo practitioner. We went inside the house. The entire house was small and skinny. One room had a table with bowls of ash on it and feathers, and other things that look like they were used to put curses on people. The room felt super heavy. If you've ever been in a real "haunted place." You'll know what I mean. Only in this dream the feeling became 100 fold. I felt like I was going to be cursed if I stayed there any longer. I grabbed my brother and told him we had to leave right away. I ran outside and my brother had followed behind. I don't remember much after that.


      I had a dream about being in some house with my dad. He was telling me to learn certain things or I would be a failure in life. I don't remember much but we got arguing. He eventually said should I fail in His studies that he would use a knife on me. He produce a big knife with rust on it. I told him I won't be learning anything here especially if he is going to resort to that. He somehow couldn't argue and I left...
    4. lucid a little bit.

      by , 10-26-2020 at 06:49 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie 1

      One flash of a dream with her standing in a black space staring at me. she looks mad at me about something.

      Jamie 2

      This one I had just yesterday. We are walking down a street, it reminds me of olds when we use to hang out and walk down the street. We come across a house that has burned down. I have false memories of knowing the owner that lived there and he had some secret rooms with a stash of... i don't know what. when we walk by Jamie says she wants to find it. There's basically a pile of ashes where the house was along with some wooden boards on the ground still red in ambers. We walk on the lawn and I wake up. Well at least she wasn't mad anymore.


      Was walking outside at night. Got lucid but forget how. I was in a primal instinct mood. Didn't remember to look for Jamie. I was by a house and i tried to look in the window. i thought i saw a couple sleeping. I was going to fly through the window, but it shifted into a giant TV screen of a show where a couple were sleeping in bed. I was going to fly into it...

      FA, check my phone to see how much time on my alarm is left. The phone has strange symbols. Become lucid but I am more concerned with how much time i have left so i try to wake up for real.

      FA, check my phone to see how much time on my alarm is left. The phone has the same strange symbols. Become lucid and try to wake up again.

      FA, check my phone to see how much time on my alarm is left. The phone has the same strange symbols. Become lucid and try to wake up again.

      Yes that happened four or five times in a row and really woke up with 2 minutes on my alarm left.


      somewhere with my dad in a house or something. I am telling him how he was really emotinally abusive when I was younger. I was mad and really accusing him. He looked really pissed off.
    5. nothing much again.

      by , 10-19-2020 at 07:01 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      No Jamie dreams this week. Even though i usually have one dream of her once a week for like almost over 2 years now??? It's not unusual for a week or two to go by where she's not present. I must say I've never had a more consistent character in my dreams. Are these dreams my own obsession? Her's? or something else trying to convince me of a delusion?

      Dream 1

      I was moving or something. My dad came to pick me up and we started driving to my new place. at some point the car was going up a steep hill in Olds, it stopped and I started freaking out. The dream sped up and we stopped at a Tim Horton's. I had no debit or cash but I had silver coins. I was trying to pay for coffee with silver coins. There was a table with other silver coins. the till guy was an older guy and he saw me put the coins on a stack on the table. I realized that wasn't the way to pay so I tried getting my coins back.

      Dream 2

      Something about living somewhere with lots of extra rooms, Some were hidden.
    6. disturbing

      by , 09-21-2020 at 09:48 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Only Jamie Dream I had was she was at a table with a ridiculous amount of lines of coke... Really hope she is not doing harmful drugs anymore... And i really miss the dreams where we would hang out lots.

      Work Related?

      I was lost in some abandoned city. I tried callinga guy from work for a ride home. He answered but acted like he couldn't hear me. I kept saying ,"hello, hello,"


      Very disturbing dream where i was a woman in this dream and I was raped in a dark room.... I won't go into the details.


      A family related dream. I was in a town somewhere with my dad. something about music..
    7. She's Back?!?!?!?

      by , 09-17-2019 at 03:50 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams

      First dream: I was kissing Jamie, I guess she decided to show some affection after all. I feel bad for complaining.

      Second dream: She was in a dark house I went up to her but she seemed really angry at me. This dream was a few days later.

      Note: I had lots of nonlucids, I keep forgetting them. Not many were interesting but I guess I should take notes again.


      A dream of Talking to my dad. His eyebrows looked funny I said he looks like some actor. I couldn't remember the name but then he said it, "Jack earl Haley."


      A dream I ran into my cousin's girlfriend's brother, who I hate. In this dream he owed me money $150. I was confronting him on it and he said he didn't know what I was talking about. We started physically fighting about it but that's it. We were also in a house/ locker room during this dream.
      Tags: dad, harley, jamie
    8. What happened?

      by , 02-27-2019 at 03:39 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I forgot a lot of non lucids. I'll try to remember some as I write these down.

      Jamie Dreams

      Early in the month.

      3rd person view dream of Jamie sitting by herself in a real comfy looking chair. She appears to be arguing with herself. But then I hear she is talking to voices. The closer I listen the more the voices sound like me. Some are negative and some are positive. She seems annoyed in upset. I try to get through, "This is MY voice." I say something like that. But all the voices argue I am a liar and they are the real voice. While I find her kind of adorable arguing with all of these voices, I know personally how annoying this can be *please lock me up.*

      In one dream I am in a bedroom with Jamie. I lie down like we are like a couple going to bed. She looks at me and says, "No." In another dream I find some ugly woman with glasses and decide to try to sleep with her. I hear Jamie's voice in my head say, "Robert no!." Is that what you you wanted, can't have you AND no one else? kidding.

      In one dream I am with my dad and we are walking around a city. We go up some steps to a c train platform where my dead grandma from 2010 is. She says to me, "I hope you know what you are doing with this girl." Implying that she doesn't like Jamie. At the top of the step I kind of victory jump. It's like my grandma is a part of those annoying spirits who are telling me to ,"Move on." from Jamie, are finally giving up.

      After about a week or so of Jamie not showing up in dreams I then remember one of her where I am trying to light a smoke. My lighter isn't working. Jamie comes up with her own lighter but can't get hers to work as either.Hehe she's trying to steal chelsea's thunder of dream cigarette lighting capabilities. Well: YOU FAILED!!! Really appreciate the effort tho :-)

      Some dream where Jamie isn't talking to me and driving away in her car. I'm standing with a woman, maybe her mother, She says, "She really likes you, you know." Really? Why isn't she saying anything?

      Another dream where me and Jamie are driving in her car. It's like the old dreams from last year. Can't remember the context of the conversation but she says, "Suicide is never an option." WOW. She's come a long way since the , "Let's commit suicide together," Dreams of mid last year. Good job. Was I being suicidal in the dream? I know I'm not, but I may have been being overdramatic in the dream.

      A dream where Jamie is merged with my body or something. Might have been because I was watching a really dumb show on netflix called, "Z Nation." a Walking Dead like zombie tv series that doesn't take itself seriously at all. Unlike the Walking Dead which Is why I can't stand it. Anyway in the episode some Hippy dude takes weird drugs so he can spirit walk inside someone and take control of their body. Maybe I saw Jamie in the dream and asked her to try it out. She kept trying to make me aroused in my own body, maybe to experience the sensation for herself. I get to the point where I almost burst and then ask her to stop. she does.

      Got back from seeing Alita: Battle Angel (Loved it by the way.) But after seeing it with my brother I had dreams about it. But it was Jamie. She was trying to put herself in a cyborg body like from the movie. The nurse lady from the movie was there and was saying that the body was having trouble merging with the body because she had no core... Very Strange. I know Jamie had once tried to convince me that she has BPD. and I've read that such people are said to lack a certain emotional center or core. not sure if that's what the nurse meant though. Interesting.

      Last dream. Was just me and Jamie lying in bed going to sleep. We may have been groping each other not sure... But, seems she is getting over whatever it was that was bothering her.

      Comments: This periods' dreams Jamie seems less happy than the end of december and january. Not sure what the cause of this is. She is resuming some of her affection though which I appreciate. That says it isn't me that's a problem. but she is having problems on her own that she is dealing with.

      Other Dreams

      Bunch of non lucids where a short blonde girl sometimes with long hair and sometimes with short hair keeps hitting on me. In one dream she makes out with me. these came after me and my brother went to a short concert in calgary where I kept seeing cute blond girls. Some were staring at me and smiling but they were all with guys, so I didn't think anything of it.


      Dreamed I was exploring some large building with some dark skinned girl. We wound up in a bedroom and started kissing on a bed. She tasted kind of sour, (IRL I have a slight cold so was just probably tasting my phlegm,) I suddenly Had this feeling like I was cheating on someone possibly Jamie. I stopped for a second but the girl looked at me with such wanting eyes that I resumed and tried to ignore the feeling. As if to stop it a bunch of guys manifested in the room on beds. They had donut boxes with treats in them and they started arguing with me. The girl left the room.


      I kept accusing some girl in my inner world, (Mine and Asuka's daughter i think.) of stealing my DVDs or something. I was filled with rage. Asuka said it wasn't the girl but she has no idea where the DVDs went. I checked the boxes again and they had a volume missing.

      *clap* BONUS DREAM *clap*

      This one I had a couple months ago. A dream with Jamie I forgot to write down. In this dream we are in The Dark Tower universe in Hambry. Me and Jamie are walking around the town and she is making fun of the accent of the townspeople. She's saying, "So it is," and ,"So it was." Then she laughs to herself.

      Updated 02-27-2019 at 03:43 AM by 6012

      Tags: asuka, dad, grandma, jamie
      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    9. Dybbuk

      by , 09-04-2018 at 09:54 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie closes the box

      I see Jamie standing in a field behind a big farm house. My dybbuk box is there but GIANT and lying open. Jamie is trying the push the large lid down but is struggling too hard to do so.A 30 ft man with long brown hair and sporting a white and red loincloth - Jesus approaches and shuts the lid of the Dybbuk box.

      Next night

      Me and Jamie are exchanging WALLS of text on Facebook. We are negotiating something but there's too much information to follow.

      Jamie gets possessed

      Jamie is in a graveyard that looks like haunted hills from fortnite. She is beside one of the stone buildings and digging. She places the Dybbuk box in the hole she dug. She begins praying over it. I see a black shadow rising up from behind her. Her eyes change from light blue/gray to dark brown.


      I'm at some party in a town hall or something. There are many rooms though and hallways. I am just hanging around talking to lots of people.
      Jamie with a group of people. She notices me and gives me a dirty look and leads her group down a hallway. I follow them until I notice she is no longer there.

      Now I have to find a bathroom, so I continue down the hallway. I run into some security that says I have to turn back because this part is under construction. I ask them where a washroom is? They say it's outside and in another building. I leave the building and begin to walk outside when my memory fades.


      Forget what was going on earlier. But I was going up some steps in a park that led to a street by the hill when I became lucid. I wandered across the park towards a street. I paddled up and began flying and went across the park towards the street with generic houses. I finally landed.

      I looked up into the sky and saw stars but they were blurry. I tried floating up again and found I could not. A transparent wall formed around me and I began moving fast down the street. Now I was in a train with semi transparent walls, it reminded me of Blaine the Mono, from the dark tower series. "Computer? where are we heading?" I walked up to a panel with a mini map on it that had a blinking red dot indicating where the train was. "Destination: Jamie." Blaine answered.

      Blaine announced that we had arrived in what seemed like a minute later. Doors opened and I found myself in a medevil setting like from Game of Thrones. I was walking behind Jamie now, who didn't notice I was there. She had very fancy hair in the back. There was a braid over the rest of her brown hair on her back and she was wearing black old style leather coat with leather strips on the front and back.

      By the path there was a clearing where two people in raggedy clothes stood leaning on a wooden table with a wooden sawhorse nearby. Behind them was a pond.

      Jamie then noticed I was behind her. She vanished in front of me but a second later she was standing in place of one of the people in raggedy clothes. I jumped up to her and said, "Jamie, I love you." To this she gave a frustrated look. I noticed her eyes were dark brown instead of light gray. Her form changed in front of me and now I was staring at what looked a taller Peter Dinklage, who was now giving me a dirty look. I looked to my left and now she was standing in place of the other person. When she noticed I saw that she teleported inside a person running away. Where she was previously standing was now a young woman in ragged clothes with white hair. The woman laughed and said, " Ah I see we are both in love with people who don't want us." It was here I woke up.


      This is the next night All I remember is walking down the street with a girl. Don't think it was Jamie. it might have been C.


      Some dream where I was at my dad's house. He said something kind of hurtful. So I started yelling a bit at him and making my point. He had nothing to say and left me alone.

      Looking forJamie

      I was in a park when I became Lucid. I jumped up and flew a bit trying to get a feel for the dream. I remembered to look for Jamie to see if I could get her not possessed. I asked a bunch of DCs if they had seen Jamie? A crow spoke up and said he knew Jamie. He turned into a man and attacked me. Next Thing I knew I was on the ground and the man was holding me down with a giant arm. I tried to push his arm off me but before I can, I wake up.

      C again

      Somehow, I am thrown into a dream with C. We are at what appears to be her house. I am wondering why I am there when I am supposed to be looking for Jamie. Me and C are talking and I make an excuse to leave. She looks really upset that I have to leave. I cave in and say I'll stay and watch some Netflix with her. She cheers up and joins me on the couch. I am messing with a remote that doesn't work at all when I wake up.

      Finally caught up with Jamie.

      I was in an abandoned building at night time and found Jamie crawling around the floor like she was possessed. She looked at me but didn't seem to know who I was. She just kept Ranting about: The boy. The Boy who wasn't leaving her alone.

      Jesus intervenes

      I'm in an apartment building with a large window. Jesus is sitting there with Jamie and she is looking well. Jesus points at me and says that it was my dybbuk box that possessed her. She then looks at me like she is mad at me. Like it's my fault. I realize it partly is, but I had no idea that buying a dybbuk box could possess someone from a dream.

      Updated 12-05-2018 at 10:05 PM by 6012

      Tags: chelsea, dad, jamie, lucid
      nightmare , memorable , side notes , lucid , non-lucid
    10. Some Dreams

      by , 05-21-2017 at 05:31 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      A flash of being at Bjork's house. She seemed to be in a kind of exhausted mood.


      Me and Bjork are in Donald Trump's oval office. Apparently she had convinced me to go there for some reason I can't remember. Trump is trying to get us to help him with a plan for North Korea without causing a global war. He is assuring us that he is not trying to start WW3. Bjork has her fingers in her ears while he talks and starts dancing around going, "lalala!" It's quite comical. She says that's all fine and dandy but, what is he going to do for the environment? Because so far he's completely ignored that. I say that if a thermonuclear war happens there won't be much of a habitable environment left to fight for, so first things first. Trump says his briefings on North Korea are of major concern right now. With a plan to... Bjork goes into her "Not hearing it" dance again. Trump says to me, "Can you get her to stop that? Can't you control your woman kid?" I say, "She's not my woman." Bjork stops in her tracks and glares at me. "What is she then?" He asks. "Complicated?" I shrug. She looks sad for a second and asks, "what DO you mean by that?". I say, "Ambiguous dream fragments.. creepy hypnagogic imagery that feels like I'm being remote viewed.. I don't really have much to go on here. And when you wake up you have a boyfriend, are across the continent, probably has no idea that I even exist, and have 20 years on me. Exactly what should I call it then?" Trump is like, "Sheesh you guys aren't gonna help with this are you. and wait, she's that old? You know it only gets worse when they get older, you know that, right kid?" Bjork thinks for a long time while I get that watery feeling like I'm gonna wake up and says, "See this is why I wanted some dream time to myself to think about this, and I can't believe that you actually think.." I wake up.

      After WBTB


      I'm paying my guitar in a room in my inner world house. People are gathered around me listening. I finish playing. Everyone seems to enjoy it. My dad is on the couch and tells me to stop playing wanker stuff. It sounds terrible. The kids mouths drop and Asuka shoot my dad the dirtiest look ever. I get really upset and leave the room. I think for a moment then run back into the room. I stare my dad dead in the face and say, "You ever talk to me like that again and I'm gonna pound your F'ing face in!" His eyes widen and he tries to sink lower into the couch.

      Work related dream yay!!!

      I'm in J from work's truck. we are driving around something like Didsbury looking for a McDonald's location to work at. First he tries to find one by a school? Nope, non there. So he drives by a hospital? Nope, none there either. This dream pretty much went on like that. It was kind of funny watching him get stressed because he couldn't figure out where he worked. At a church location we walked all around the lot and inside of the church looking. But no cigar.
    11. another lucid

      by , 10-10-2010 at 08:12 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Waking up

      I wake up in bed. I'm in a large white bedroom with a large window overlooking the sea. It's bright in the dream but there seems to be no definable source of it. Next to me is a woman. She seems really familiar, she's also waking up and smiles at me.
      I go, "huh. what? what is this place where am I?" or something. The woman shushes me. She smiles. I say "I thought weren't going to..." She cuts me off and tells me it's not time to get up yet. She says something about this place we are in exists out of space time. This is the past present and future she tells me. I'm confused. She tells me to just sleep, and that it's going to be ok. i lay my head back down to sleep. The woman is fiddling with a piece of my hair and humming softly as I fall asleep.

      town wtf.

      i'm walking along a street in Olds when some guy in a van drives by. I recognize him, he tells me it's time to go to work.
      I hope in the vehicle and now it's a white car with no roof. There are 3 others in the car that I know. I recognize one as Gino. We drive on the highway towards disbury. When we arrive in Dids the car stops at some farmer's market. I begin questioning why I'm in the car. What work am I supposed to do? Why a farmer's market.

      missing time

      I'm in a large truck being driven by Sho. We are in didsbury still and heading towards the old run down fourplex condo's that bears the nickname "chicken coops". Sho keeps telling me that we have to arrive here and leave before the police come. Apperently he's making a drug run and decided to drag me into it unwillingly.

      We turn into the coops and I tell him that I'm not interested in doing any illegal favors for him, so just let me out please. He says ok and Drives on the lawn. i jump out of his truck which is now a big garbage disposal truck. I am standing on the lawn and see another truck run and hit sho's truck. He ges out of the trucka nd starts running. The other truck chases hima nd runs people down. Sho finds a dead end wall and the truck runs over him. His body isn't crumpled, but the truck keeps rolling back and forth over his body. I am mortified. I hear sirens nearby. Soon an ambulance crew arrives and tries to aid all the people that got run over. The have large scissors and are severing off useless body limbs from the people. sho is clearly dead. I get sicka nd run into one of the fourplexes.

      when i arrive in the fourplex I realize I am at an apartment of some kind. I try to fly to confirm I'm dreaming. I only manage to jump and float a bit. I do the Nose pinch RC, but can't breathe. I'm still positive i'm dreaming, I try to think how I got here. I remember the ride to the town, the farmer's market, and the thing with Sho. But I can't remember waking up from my house. so i must be dreaming.
      I look around my scene a bit. Every time I blink the stairs I am looking at alters. At one point it looks impossible and i feel myself losing the dream.

      I wind up non lucid. Somehow I get into my dad's truck and we start driving towards Olds again. He tells me I should work on my long weekend since we have 3 new houses to coat. i think he's lying because I don't remember us starting any new houses.

      pre dream hypnagogia.

      bunch of mini lucid flashes of seeing my hands, and then some of me holding various objects.

      what is the question?

      I am on facebook chatting with M. I can't remember the conversation much. Our convo boxes are on the left hand side of the page instead of the right. I get an answer to a question that I forgot I asked. I even forgot the question. all I know is that i clearly saw her answer as "Yes." not expecting that, I woke up suddenly.
    12. some wierd dreams

      by , 07-31-2010 at 06:48 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)


      Vague dream where I am talking to my mom. She was saying that she was dead now. I asked where she died... She said in some room. I asked for the specific location, because she is still missing and my family needs to confirm her death. She seemed trouble by my questions and started flipping out.

      Mom again

      Vague dream about chasing my mom up a hill.


      I'm on some sort of cliff overlooking a shoreline. There's a bridge people are building, we have to roll the beginning pieces of the bridge to the edge of the cliff and fasten them. At first they appear to be too big for anyone to move, but some how i manage to move a large piece all by myself. I have trouble fastening it to the cliff. But then i notice these clamps that are set up on the cliff. I mess with the clamps until they hold onto the cliff tightly.


      i'm with my dad in some weird construction site. I have to slide down some walls in order reach some black buckets that's all I remember.

      Buying Coffee

      I'm driving with my brother when we pull up to a tim hortons coffee chop. We go through the drive thru, but the drive thru leads inside. My brother says i have to pay myself. We drive in and I'm no longer in the car, so i try to pay for my drink. An Asian guy is selling me the coffee and he gives me the price. I can't hear him well so i pay witha quarter and a nickel. He says he doesn't want a nickel but a dollar. He acts like I was trying to rip him off. I find four quarters in my hand in the change. i hand it to him and he smiles. I then go outside to where my brother is parked.


      Vague sex dream with asuka


      I had a brief Hypnagogic flash of someone holding a card in front of me. it read "Bow down". The image faded. I said "hell no"

      Captain Janeway reads my dream journal

      I remember pulling up to some nightclub with some people. We get out of a car and it's night time. The guys say we have to reposition Captain Janeway's bed in the trunk. Apparently she's injured or something and tied to a bed and we have to shift the bed's position ever once in a while.

      I open the trunk and she's tied to some bed. We talk for a bit. I try to move her but I touch her feet, when i do that her toe almost falls off. It's soft and mushy like uncooked sausage... when you don't handle it carefully it falls apart. She looks shocked but kind of faking it. She then tells me thank you for shifting her bed, she said she knows from reading my dream journal that I had to do this for my mother recently.

      Super WTF party.

      (Note: lots of sexual content don't read if you are offended)

      I remember being at some large party. I remember it was at my house. By the living room some guy was sitting up high some where taking pictures.

      Outside some guy was trying to fight one of my old friends. I got in between them and pushed them away from each other. I'm like "Don't hit Brad... he's my friend... or was years ago in school" They agree not to fight. I see brad begin to walk away but the other guy pulls a small metal ladder out of nowhere and hits brad in the back of the head with it. Then brad gets something metal also and hits the other guy with it. now they are having a full fledged fight.

      I go back to the entrance of the house and some people are watching. I ask one guy to give me his cell phone and I'll call the police. He hands it to me, but just then a cop car pulls up and the police start hauling the fighters away.

      I go inside and now the party seems to be winding down. I go down some stairs and see a line of people playing a game, in the line the one person has their hands on the next person's hips. I go back upstairs to avoid them. I find myself in a living room and I see Shawna sitting on the couch in boy form. His/her eyes are waide as if he saw something that he shouldn't have seen. Just then some Transvestites knock on the door and enter the place. They have manly faces that aren't even tempting. I try to find a place to sleep.

      I go into another living room area that seems to be empty. I sit down on a chair. Then i notice that there are people there... they aren't sleeping but having an orgy. Oh well if i can't sleep i might as well watch. I spot a couch where two lesbians are making out. One turns to me and gives me a seductive look. A third woman comes up from the one cushion of the couch. then a fourth woman comes out. The other three women disappear.

      The remaining woman comes up to me and starts making out with me. The kissing is weird. lots of tongue, so for a second i'm worried if i am acting like a pig. She stops, and now she's naked. She moves toward me about to get on me. I wonder if this is actually happening, but it feels real enough. She gets on and we start having sex. I do a few quick thrust but get kind of tired. I don't like doing fast sex like you see in porno movies so i go slower. i look down and see that she is gushing. I can't remember when but suddenly we switch positions. i am still sitting and now i'm doing her from behind. It feels ackward, then my perception goes to where our parts are mingled and i can see that i'm not completely in. I shift myposition a bit and now everything works nicely. But now i can't feel much so i shift a bit so that my foreskin hits the edge of her vagina where it enters. There, now it feels better. I look forward and notice she has a soul patch where her crotch begins. After a while she stops, she looks back at me and says "Damn your great" then she gets of and starts leaving. Did she just use me? i say "hey, where are you going" She turns to me again and now has a different face. She says don't worry, she'll be back. she goes to kiss me again but i wake up.