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    1. 22nd April 2012

      by , 04-23-2012 at 12:53 AM
      Last Nights Dreams

      I'm in my house but it's a little different ((I don't realise this at the time)). There are a few people in the kitchen with me and I also have 2 dogs ((different to the dogs I have in RL)). I look at the big dog and think "awww poor thing, he doesn't like the way he is" I decide that the nicest thing I can do is to make the Dog the way he wants to be. I now get a hack-saw and say to the Dog "lie down" I struggle to get the Dog to lie down, he seems scared but eventually does as he's told. I now begin to hack off his front paw, it's strange because there's no blood and I think "great no mess" I now pull off his paw that is hanging on by a little bit of skin, I'm holding his paw in my hand and I'm looking at it I then throw it to the floor, the Dog is now left with just a stump . I now proceed to hack off his other paw , it's comes off and again I'm left holding it....I suddenly think "shit...what have I done!!" . The Dog now tries to stand up but he can't, he is standing with his 2 back legs but can't lift himself up on his front legs. I now think "ohhh crap, I'd better fix this, he's all uneven!!" . I now hack off his 2 back paws and the Dog can now stand but he's standing on 4 stumps and looks very uncomfortable . I decide I need to sew up his crotch area just to make him perfect and the job is done properly. I now go out of the room and I'm somewhere else, I'm feeling guilty about sewing up his crotch and think maybe I shouldn't have done that...I now suddenly look down at myself and realise its me who has had my limbs cut off I wonder how it's suddenly changed from the Dog to me. I look again and see that my limbs aren't actually gone, someone has had to cut my feet off but they have made me some new feet..my new feet are a lot smaller, there is still some skin missing and I think "ahhhh, that must be so they heal properly" I'm small now after the surgery, I'm like a midget but think to myself "I quite like my new look" . My new hands and feet are weeping and for a minute I think "ohh my god....what have I done to myself!!" ((DREAM SKIP))
      There is a man with ginger hair, he is chasing me and wants to hurt me badly or even kill me, I'm terrified of him!! I'm now trying to hide but there's not a lot of hiding places. I now go into 3rd person and watch this man go onto an open top double decker bus, he is so angry and is trashing the top of the bus to look for me. Everything now goes in slow motion and the bus heads towards a bridge but the bus is too high to get under it. The bridge now crushes the top of the bus as it goes under and smashes the mans head to pieces!! Lol
      ((DREAM SKIP))
      I'm talking to a group of girls, they are all being bitchy to me and say "why do you put make-up on?" I say "to look nice!" then they say "why are you wearing those clothes?" I reply "just because you like to look scruffy it doesn't mean I have to, now go and fuck off!" this makes them all really angry and they chase me, I leg it and I'm heading towards a main road, suddenly I go face first into an oncoming truck!!!
      ((DREAM SKIP))
      There is a car parked in the street. As I pass it I see an old school friend of mine sitting in the car on his own. I stop by the car and say "hey.....it's been ages since I last saw you!" he smiles and I say "you and the rest of the guys were really good mates to me!" he replies "we all love you loads still...you take care ok!" he waves. I now walk off and turn to wave again and now the rest of them have appeared in the car, I shout "I love you guys!" and now go on my merry way
    2. 7th November 2011

      by , 11-11-2011 at 02:36 AM
      Last nights dream

      I am at a house and i'm with a female friend ((not a real life friend, just a dream character friend)) We are stopping and sleeping at this house for some reason. This house resembles mine in parts but only a little. Someone told us to stay there but i don't know why. We are both in bed, a double bed, she is on the left side and I am on the right side. I feel myself being moved across the bed away from her, not alot but I am being moved by some unseen "presense", I decide to try and ignore it and move back again. ((dream skip)) I am downstairs and i can still feel this "presence" with me, it's a bad feeling and I don't like it one bit. I open the door which leads to the kitchen, there is a dog inside. As I open the door there is a black bag on the floor next to it, wedging it and stopping me from opening it fully, I can only open it enough so that there is a small gap. I peek inside and the dog is cowering up the corner of the far wall. I shout the dog and it eagerly comes over to me, it's a lovely friendly dog and it's a black collie cross and I think its my dog from when I was a child. I really begin to fear for this poor helpless dog. I tell the dog to go onto it's bed but it wouldn't, instead it went and cowered in the corner again as if it was scared of something. I shut the door and go back upstairs. I felt the "presence" stringer now but i decided to get back into bed and ignore it again. I said something about the "presence" to my friend who was still in bed and she was also scared. I am now lying in bed and again feel this "presence", it's pulling the cover off us again, I pull it back and then the duvet is quickly pulled from us again, O amholding onto it and won't loose it, this "presence" drags it right off the bed and i am being dragged with it. I am in the air still holding onto the cover and i'm being pulled quickly against the wall and i'm heading towards the corner. I feel the corner getting closer and i know that if i get dragged into the corner I will be gone forever ((dream skip)) I am now standing in the bedroom and i scream to my friend "WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE NOW!!!" We both run out of the room and down the stairs, we feel the evil charging after us and i think about the freightened dog and I go to get her. I quickly shove the door open as far as I can and i call her, she is really pleased to see me and hurries over, I pick her up and hold her tight, I head towards the front door and then I wake up
    3. 18th July 2011

      by , 07-19-2011 at 06:03 PM
      Me and my daughter ((i'll name her S)) are together outside our house (( a different house to our real life one)) We are looking across the road and I can see a small dog, we decide to go over. We are stroking him and kneel down beside him, he is a grey/blackish poodle puppy. I'ts raining and his owners are inside their house, I think "how cruel leaving him all alone outside in the rain" I look into the window of their house, I can see the lady sitting in her chair, she is eating and watching T.V. The dog is clipped to a bush, so I lean over and sneakily unclip his leash from it. The dog gets very excited, I look over to S and give her the nod as to say were going to pinch him lol. We move a little and I take the puppy into my arms we now begin to move away very slowly. I hear a womans voice, I look up and it's the woman in the window, she is speaking to a man and she says " Dad whats them strange people doing walking away with our Max" I quickly clip Max back onto the bush before they notice. The woman and her dad are walking outside onto their garden, it has stopped raining now and the sun has come out. The man was about 57 or so and was in a wheelchair. The woman is quite chubby and about 36 and has long brown hair. 3 kids, 2 boys and a girl have also come out of the house onto the garden, they are talking to the man, I think he is their Grandad, he is swearing alot as he speaks to them, I am disgusted at this and decide I don't like him ((dream skip)) We are back at our house and we are on the front garden, Max was there with us, I looked at S and she said it was ok for him to be here with us. We were about to go inside but then another dog came, his name was Aurevoir ((lol)) He is a white puppy, I take a second look and notice that he is walking on his 2 back legs and he is pulling a cart, he is holding the string in his front paws. His cart had toys in it, he had brought them with him for him and max to play with lol....Max is sitting in the doorway I tell him "Max it's ok for you to go inside" and I gently edge him in. Me and S are stroking both dogs alot and we end up keeping them both.

      Dream 2 Fragment:
      My daughter J has a bad ear, I take a look and see a nasty cyst on the back of her ear.