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    Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious

    1. February 8, 2018 Non-Lucid

      by , 02-09-2018 at 12:28 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      My morning dream was sort of stressful. In the dream I had to keep waking up for class. Originally, I had to wake up pretty early at around 5am or so. I was at my high school or middle school (i think they were combined in the dream) in the gym area. Attached to the gym area was a bedroom that I was staying in. It was very similar to my IRL bedroom. I was in and out of it going outside and seeing a lot of traffic on the road in front of the school. In my room, I was talking to my friend Sam h about something. My room was very large and open. There were these metal beams high up in the room. There were these steps in the top left corner of the room that led up to a window showing white light. My friend Mason was also hitting me up on my phone, texting me something like "I doubt you're awake but..." and I responded telling him that I had been awake for a long time for something. He suggests we go to McDonald's for breakfast though I don't think we got there. There was a room in the gym that had bunk beds. I was laying in the top of one and he was poking me in my leg which was disturbing. He was with this girl krista w. from my school. They were being very obnoxious together.

      My nap dream was a little strange. I was at my buddy Moo's parents house. He nor his parents were home yet, I was the only one there. The idea was they were going to come home. I also had the idea that I was stoned. I was in the upstairs part of his house which looked like a kitchen where his dad's room was. I was jumping and rolling around the kitchen, bouncing off the ground. It seemed I was also in my guild voice chat and one guy was quitting for some reason. I was just listening along.

      Eventually, I was alone lying on the ground when I was frozen. They have two weiner dogs IRL so I had my eyes closed but could feel the dogs jumping and licking on me as I was on the floor. Moo and his mom come in and we talk. At some point I'm in his game room and there's this large bed on there. My head was facing the front of the house as I was lying on the bed. Then, I was shocked frozen. My eyes were open but I could not move a single muscle. It seemed there was this powerful energy in the room. This sounds weird, but it looked like a girl but in my mind it had no gender. It was standing to the right of the bed.
    2. 12/12/12 Lucid

      by , 12-12-2012 at 08:17 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      (Non-Lucid) My friend Kolby and I were in a regular dream in my cul-de-sac. We had taken some drug that we thought was Molly (ecstasy) but apparently it was laced with something so I started to feel really trippy. My vision was blurred, my world was spinning, and I couldn't really think or move. I was depending on Kolby to carry me to my room so that I could just sleep it off, but I don't know if he was even there anymore. I started to notice that this dream was coming to an end, but I realized it was a dream so I started to imagine a new dream scene. Again, I picked the closest thing to me which is my room.

      (Lucid) The dream scene comes into focus as I'm standing to the right of my bed in the lucid dream world. I stare down at my hands, which usually have an A on my right hand and homework on my left hand but are clean in the dream, and start to say "holy shit I'm dreaming." At first nothing comes out, then I say it again and it comes out more clear. If anyone has ever seen the movie Donnie Darko, there's a character named Frank who speaks with a normal voice that has this creepy low voice under it, so when I said "holy shit I'm dreaming" it had that low voice. I didn't really think much of it so I decided I wanted to explore. I walk to my window and opened the blinds. It was daytime, so I levitated down to my street. I saw that there were these giant holes in the hill that leads up to the house across the street from me. I turned left and walked up the hill to my next door neighbor's yard. As I walk by the bushes in their yard, I look up to the sky to see it is looking very real. The sky is blue with no clouds at all, so I start to doubt that this is a dream and is probably reality. I look down at my hands to do a RC by pushing my hand through my palm and it goes straight through, so I conclude this is a lucid dream indeed. I turn around and walk to my garage which is open. I see that all four of my cats are lined up staring at me as I walk into the garage. I see them and laugh, then turn to see my dad is sitting in my mom's office which is in the garage IRL. This is odd because my dad doesn't live with my mom so he's never at this house. His dogs are laying down next to my mom's dogs in the garage, but half of them decide to get up and sprint away from us into the yard. One of them bumps into me which startles me...
      And that's when I exited my subconscious.

      Updated 09-29-2015 at 10:35 PM by 59595
