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    ...from the dark corners of my mind...

    1. Movie: Matrix - Telephone Ringing (fragment)

      by , 11-18-2012 at 06:14 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: November 18, 2012 – 8:30AM (USA Eastern)

      (Note: This was a short dream into which I transitioned due to external stimuli. I have no recall of the previous dream.)

      I am running through a dark room, trying to find the phone that is ringing. When I pass a doorway, I hear the phone ringing. I run in and pick up the handset but the line is dead, much like the scene in The Matrix when Cypher flips out and betrays everyone.

      After a short moment, I hear another phone ringing. I turn around to find it and suddenly wake up to my cell phone ringing. My ring tone is the vintage Western Electric bell ringer.

      Updated 11-18-2012 at 06:24 PM by 36447

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Movie: Tremors - Creatures Under The Ground (out of sequence / lost entry)

      by , 11-18-2012 at 06:14 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: September 11, 2012 – 7:00AM (USA Pacific)

      (Note: This entry was found in the middle of blank pages in my DJ notebook. I only found it because the corner of the page had a slight fold to it.)

      Hanging out at a large farm house with several other people. We're talking about these creatures who move under the ground similar to the movie Tremors. They can detect low frequency vibrations from things such as: vehicles running, people walking/running, loud music, machinery, etc. There are several large dogs who can detect when the creatures are coming close. One of the guys wanders off to find a working vehicle when one of the creatures comes racing toward him. He jumps into a dump truck and tries to get it started, but it won't start up. The creature pops out of the ground near the truck and tries to attack. One of the dogs runs up and is able to distract the creature long enough that the guy can run back to the farm house.

      A few minutes later, I wander off quietly with a couple of other guys and two dogs. We walk away from the house and approach one of the large bank barns. On the left side of the barn, we can see some dirt moving as one of the creatures is moving around. We step gently and approach very quietly. Once we step into the barn, we quickly climb into the loft. There are shelves along one side wall which are full of guns and boxes of ammunition. I pick up a large box and fill it, then look on the floor and find a case of flare guns.

      Deciding to test the flare guns against the creatures, I fire one toward the ground where it was moving. The creature comes out of the ground and raises its head into the air, growling at us. I fire a second flare directly into the creature's mouth and after a short struggle, it drops dead on the ground. One of the other guys picks up all of the flare guns he can carry and we quietly walk back to the house.

      We get back to the house and start loading all of the guns. One of the guys walks off to find a vehicle. Gets into a red trash compactor truck and drives it back toward the house. Two creatures follow him closely, waiting for him to get out.