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    Hyu's Adventures

    I've been lucid dreaming all my life. But it is only in late 2010 that I was introduced to what lucid dreaming actually is,
    and that it is possible to induce lucid dreams. Soon after, I discovered Dreamviews.
    These are the adventures and the curiosities I experience in my dreams.

    Last edited on 2014.07.31

    ~ Recurring Locations ~

    • The Beach (Image)
      A place I often end up in if I get lost, or if I use a means of teleportation without thinking of a destination.
      It is always dusk whenever I am there. Usually the beach is empty, but occasionally something of interest can be found.
      The beach is a place of serenity. A place where I can be alone and safe.
    • Teraluna - Riven (Image) (Image)
      Teraluna is an inhabited moon within a binary star system.
      It is orbiting a blue gas giant. It is only sparsely lit by both suns, which are quite far away.
      Riven is a hidden sky city, hovering over the seas of Teraluna.
      It is a safe haven to all it's inhabitants, and home to Yuya.
      The city is lit entirely by colorful bioluminescent plants and creatures, giving the place a rather surreal and vibrant look.
      Riven is my favorite place to visit whenever I am lucid.

    ~ Recurring Characters ~
    • Yuya (Image)
      She has been in my dreams ever since my early teens.
      Formerly a goddess of water, she now lives in Riven.
      She is my spirit guide (although she does not like to be labeled as such)
      The connection I experience with her is incredible.
      She is my friend, my companion, my love, my ecstasy, my guide and my teacher.
    • Faye (Image)
      She is my dream guide, and often changes her appearance.
      But for some reason she has recently turned evil, and now haunts my dreams.
      She is no longer the same person, and can seemingly no longer be reasoned with.
    • Silver (Image)
      A character from childhood dreams.
      He used to be my rival, but is now my dear friend.
      He is not a man of many words, and I do not encounter him very often.
    • Liv (Image)
      Liv is a succubus, a kind of demon.
      She is young, inexperienced, shy, but immensely kind and compassionate,
      even though at first glance she looks demonic and dangerous.
      Nowadays she lives in Riven. Yuya and I guide her on her path towards adulthood.
    • Shinave (Image)
      Formerly a goddess of ice. She is a wise and intelligent person.
      She is Yuya's mother.
    • Ifrit (Image)
      Formerly a god of fire. A being of terrible force and power, but also incredible wisdom.
      He has lived for many hundreds of years, and still upholds old and conservative ideals.
    • Selene
      A character from childhood dreams.
      She has fallen to the templars a long time ago.
    • Templars
      A vile force of darkness that has threatened my dreams in the past.

    1. Being sick causes weird dreams with Duke Nukem and Starcraft2 units

      , 06-14-2011 at 03:23 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I'm properly sick. I have a massive lung infection combined with a cold and some other stuff I won't go into.
      This greatly affects my dreams.
      My recall is remarkably good though. I suppose this is because I wake up about every 10 minutes because I have to clear my lungs.
      My dreams are quite random, they usually combine multiple different scenarios that clearly do not belong together.
      Pretty much all my dreams are about my sickness, it is always represented in some rather clear way.
      I often return to the same dream after waking up, especially this one:

      I'm in a tall building, sort of like a skyscraper.
      Somehow I know that this building represents my body.
      The building is being infested by some sort of bio-goo with tentacles and other biomass/insect kind of stuff. (think deadspace / alien etc)
      Eggs grow in the goo, hatching all sorts of monsters which try to further spread the goo over my body.

      I'm not really sure what to do at first, I feel a bit helpless, but then suddenly I realize that I am (the one and only) Duke! (Duke Nukem)
      I grab some Devastators (Dual rocket launchers) and start going to town on the monsters in the room I'm currently in.
      Whilst doing this I use typical Duke phrases such as "Hail to the king baby" etc.

      I quickly realize that there seems to be a near infinite supply of monsters though.
      I can't possibly take them on all on my own.

      I have double vision at this point. I can see first person, pretty much like in a first person shooter,
      but at the same time I can also see the current room in a top down view, much like a real-time strategy game.

      I move the top down view all the way to the top floor, trying to find my main base.
      I find a (starcraft2) Hatchery with a few mineral patches next to it.
      I decide that I should build some Infestors, because they are very cost effective, and since my body is being
      infested, I'm obviously pretty low on resources.
      (This makes perfect sense, right?)

      I control the Infestors from the top down view, casting fungal growth for crowd control and to keep those nasty monsters in place,
      whilst at the same time causing havoc in first person with all sorts of guns, but mostly the Devastators.

      On each floor, there is some sort of queen, which I have to defeat in order for the infestation to clear on that floor.
      The queens look like infested women. (Not like in Duke Nukem... more like Infested Kerrigan in Starcraft, except more infested and less human.)
      I spot the queen for this room and fire my Devastators in the approximate direction.
      Not exactly precision weaponary.
      The smoke trails from the rockets quickly block out most of my vision.
      Suddenly, I notice that the queen is now behind me.
      What the fuck? can that bitch teleport?

      She spits some kind of green liquid onto me, eww!
      She's too close to fire rockets at her, so I quickly change to a pump-action shotgun.
      (I do this just like in a first person shooter. I move my current weapon to the bottom left, out of my vision,
      and when I move my hands back up I'm holding the new weapon.)

      I keep shooting straight into her chest, but she doesn't appear to be taking much damage,
      even though every time I hit her she has to take a few steps back.

      *click* What the fuck? Empty?
      The queen slaps me in the face, and I am thrown across the room against a wall.
      What is this shit? I have to reload the shotgun?
      I'm the fucking Duke! The Duke does not need to reload!
      I drop the shotgun, replacing it with double-barreled shotguns. Two of them!
      Knowing that I no longer have to reload because... well, I am the Duke, I start shooting relentlessly at the queen saying:

      "Eat shit and die!"

      After emptying a good 50+ shells into the Queen she finally drops to the ground, with green goo leaking from all sorts of holes.
      Meanwhile I've cleaned up most of the monsters with my Infestors, this is working out rather well.

      I suddenly hear a voice, as if I was on skype:

      "Dude, you micro like a Grand Masters, but your macro is fucking Silver at best."

      What is he on about? I change my top down vision back to my hatchery, and notice I'm now completely mined out.

      "I'm fucking mined out you idiot, how do you want me to macro? there are no more minerals!"
      "Eh, I guess you're fucked then, just remake."
      "Remake? Are you fucking stupid? This is my body! I can't just remake!"

      What an idiot.
      I drag his Skype window into my vision and end the call.
      I also set myself to busy, I can't afford distractions right now.

      I pet one of my Infestors and we start marching downstairs to the next floor.
      As we walk down the stairs I start humming the Duke Nukem theme.
      The Infestors seem to enjoy it...

      I wake up plenty of times, but I usually fall back asleep very quickly and I end up back in the dream, usually where I left off.
      Sometimes I get a bit scared, feeling like this dream is going to turn into a nightmare.
      But when that happens I become lucid for a very brief period of time, and I can prevent that from happening.
      I never stay lucid for more than one or two seconds though.
    2. Whores & Meditation - Starcraft2 MLG - Vampires

      , 06-01-2011 at 12:52 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      Dream recall has been quite bad over the past few days.

      Whores & Meditation
      I find myself in what I can only describe as a whore house.
      I quickly realize that this is a scene from Game of Thrones and become lucid.
      Even though I decide to go to Teraluna, having naked whores dancing around me is somewhat distracting.
      I start thinking about how they probably wouldn't look as hot if this really was the middle ages and not some sort of fantasy world.
      I contemplate staying and having some fun, but I know I would regret it afterwards, so I teleport to Teraluna...

      ... Yuya and I are meditating outdoors.
      I try to get back into a similar state as last time: Spirit World - Life - Dream Journals - Dreamviews Lucid Dreaming Community & Resource
      Unfortunately I can't get into the same state though, but I am able to hover out of my dream body and float around in proximity of my body.

      Starcraft 2 - MLG
      I'm at MLG Columbus, playing sc2.
      I brought my "Das Keyboard" and the rather loud clicking noise it makes seems to slightly piss the guy playing next to me off.
      Why isn't he using headphones anyways? It's stupid to play without hearing game sounds, what if someone nukes / nyduses him?
      I play alright, but sometimes notice that the laws of the game are broken (I have both Zerg and Protoss units, some games are 1v2)
      There's a group of people standing right behind me watching me play which is somewhat unnerving.

      A friend takes me to a mansion. There is some sort of higher purpose for coming here, but I don't know what it is.
      I'm also somewhat aware that I am not entirely human, though I'm not entirely sure what I am.
      As we enter the place I immediately notice that everyone is wearing goth / dark clothing.
      I on the other hand am wearing white pants and a white shirt.
      Great, guess who's not standing out at all?
      I'm getting a few weird looks, and my friend starts talking to the person who seems to be in charge.
      I look around and see some people feasting on humans. They are Vampires! We're in a vampire mansion! Holy shit!
      For some reason it doesn't make me feel too uncomfortable though, I feel like I knew vampires exist.
      We get a tour of the house... everything looks a bit Victorian era like.
      I am offered a human to feast upon. I can't remember whether I'm a vampire or not, so I decline.
      It seems like they only asked me as a joke anyways. Yeah, I'm definitely not a vampire!
    3. More randomness on the verge of lucidity

      , 04-22-2011 at 03:38 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I wake up after ~8 hours of sleep, but I still feel very tired.
      I decide to go back to sleep.

      I'm in what appears to be an hotel room, but instead of a bed there is a long desk with 4 PC monitors on it, and some audio equipment including 2 microphones.
      It seems that I am casting a SC2 tournament game from here. I wonder who my co-caster is.
      Day9? o_O That's kind of a surprise. But then I feel like we've known each other for a long time, and it's all normal.
      We cast a game between some well known player and a mouse. (Yes, an actual mouse... the animal >_>)
      After we're done casting (the mouse won) we discuss that this mouse is rather intelligent, and day9 compliments the high APM.
      I'm tired and I want to go to bed... I know we're at an hotel and I can sleep in the next room.

      I'm now in a bed in the next room, but I can't sleep.
      There's about 10 people sleeping in the room, which I find a bit weird and uncomfortable.
      I get up and decide to go for a walk.
      Another guy stands up at the same time, he's a friend from high school.
      We leave the hotel room, which leads straight into my old high school building.
      We walk through the main corridor and he lights a cigarette.
      He hands it to me and I start smoking, but then I realize I'm not a smoker, and the cigarette tastes horribly.
      I put out the cigarette on my hand, because I know it's not going to hurt and throw it into a trash can.

      Some official person from the high school sees this and gets insanely mad at me because smoking is forbidden inside the building.
      I tell him to relax, I'm not even in high school anymore.

      Then he gets even more angry saying I have no reason to be here.
      "But I sleep here!"
      He freaks out, "DO YOU THINK THIS IS A FUCKING HOTEL?"

      I'm now in front of the Hotel/School outside a small restaurant.
      Me and a few friends from high school are having dinner.
      I notice an odd yellowish liquid in my glass, what on earth did I order to drink?
      I take a sip and notice that the liquid has now attached itself to my lip, forming a string between my lower lip and the glass.
      What the fuck is this.
      I try to remove it by pulling on the string with my hand.
      The string just gets longer and longer.
      One of my friends starts laughing at me and explains it's a chemic reaction and some sort of prank. (he's studying chemistry and likes to do pranks in waking life)
      After I get it off I notice that I've just eaten a lot of stuff I don't usually eat.
      I wonder why I did that and stare up into the sky.
      It's night already, I can see the stars.
      Wait a second... I never ate this food, the dream skipped over it, I'm dreaming!
      I look back down to investigate the current scene.

      But when I look back down I notice I'm no longer at the restaurant.
      I'm alone, hiding in between some debris.
      I look around, the scenery feels post-apocalyptic, and reminds me of fallout.
      The streets are cracked, all buildings around appear to have been destroyed by explosions many years ago.
      Everything appears gray and sad.
      Above me is some sort of huge construct, only supported by a few thin pillars.
      Whatever it is, it is falling apart, debris is falling down, which is presumably why I hid in this corner in the first place.
      I hear voices screaming that the things is coming down and will explode, that everyone should make a run for it.

      I decide to make a run for it myself and start running uphill, not getting hit by any debris fortunately.
      Suddenly I notice an hotel to my left, of course, I was at that hotel.
      There are a few cars in front of it, and lots of people running away.
      Why does nobody use the cars?
      I spot a Continental GT and decide it's the fastest and most robust out of them and get inside. (I've driven one in waking life a few times)
      The keys are inside, lucky me.
      The passenger door opens and my dad gets inside "gogogo!"
      I start the engine and drive in reverse doing a 180 to point the car into the correct direction.

      I'm now in front of the street. All people are running to the left, uphill, but I can see the passage is blocked.
      To the right, downhill, is the construct which is falling apart.
      There's no way we'll make it going uphill, I decide to try to drive under the collapsing construct.
      I put the gearbox in manual because I don't like automatics and use the paddle shifters.
      I accelerate hard towards the construct.
      The pillars break, and the whole thing starts coming down.
      I press the accelerator pedal harder, knowing it won't make a difference, and hope to somehow make it.
      And we do, by a meter at most. The construct crashes into the ground right behind us.
      My dad tells me to keep going, the thing is going to explode.

      I drive as fast as I can, luckily the road is straight.
      Then suddenly there is snow on the road, and a corner up ahead... fuck!
      I hit the brakes hard, but the car is barely slowing down.
      I have to swing the steering wheel left and right wildly to prevent the car from spinning out.
      Still doing 220km/h, there is no way I'll be able to slow down enough for the corner.

      But then suddenly my sense of presence turns on, and I can feel what lies behind the corner.
      There is a canyon right behind it, meaning if I can't make the corner we'll fall into the canyon.
      On the other side of the canyon seems to be a salt desert.

      I get off the brakes and back on the accelerator.
      My dad freaks out. "What are you doing?"
      "Trust me..."

      I don't take the corner, I just drive straight into the canyon.
      I close my eyes, and concentrate on the other side of it, and try to lower it with dream control, so that we can make the jump.
      As I open my eyes again, I see that the other side stays perfectly leveled with he falling car, and we make it to the other side just fine.
      I see a massive explosion in the mirrors of the car...
    4. Starcraft Tournament finals

      , 03-16-2011 at 04:51 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I play starcraft2. I'm quite a bit better at it than most of my friends, but I'm nowhere near as good as to play in a tournament.
      I do watch some casts though, follow some of the tournaments, so I guess that I have some idea of how these things work...
      After waking up I noticed that this dream lasted for a really long time and there were a ton of false memories.
      The gameplay mechanics were also spot on as far as I can recall, although the maps were quite weird.

      False memories:
      After getting my masters degree I moved to California, LA to follow my career as a game designer.
      I suddenly had a lot of free time on my hands, so I started to play sc2 quite intensely.
      I got to know a few people, and after some time I ended up in the pro-gaming team "ROOT". (Probably because I watch Destiny's stream who's in root?)
      Some worldwide tournament is happening in LA, the biggest one in the history of gaming, with an insane prize pool.
      I not only managed to qualify, but I actually got into the semi-finals.

      I'm sitting in a glass cabin, in front of thousands of people. I'm wearing sound canceling headphones, I can't really hear anything besides
      the sounds of the game and my own breathing.
      I played really well in this tournament so far, I'm quite proud of myself.
      I somehow managed to stay quite calm, even though I'm playing in front of a crowd, but things have taken a different turn now.

      I have to play one of my teammates. It's currently 3-3 ZvZ, the next game will decide who's going to the finals.
      I want to win, but I don't want to knock my teammate out.
      Without my team I'd still be a random master league player, but thanks to them I'm playing here, in this huge tournament.
      They taught me to play this game at a competitive level, I'm this good only thanks to them.

      We're 20 minutes into the game. We're both maxed on roach infestor.
      The map is quite open and huge. This game will probably be decided within a split second.
      If anyone is caught out of position he'll probably loose right away.

      I can't take it... the pressure is just too much. My heart is pounding, sweat is dribbling onto my keyboard.
      My hands are shivering... I'm loosing it. I have to get my hands under control or I won't be able to micro properly.
      My emotions are burning me on the inside.
      I don't want to knock him out. I don't want to give him an easy win either, or we'll all feel bad.
      I take a glimpse past my monitor. I can't see well due to the spotlights, but there's so many people cheering.
      I don't want to disappoint them either.

      I see his army approaching. I have to pull myself together, now!
      I take my hands off the keyboard and close my eyes, just for one second, in the hopes that it'll calm me down.
      And for some reason it does.
      We're fighting. Any mistake can cost the game now.
      None of us makes one, we trade army's pretty evenly, but then I can see it.
      His reinforcements are running into the fight, but they somehow balled up.
      I barely manage to catch them with a fungal growth.
      He fucked up, I push forward, hard and relentless.
      A few seconds later he gg's out. I won.
      I can feel the pressure suddenly disappearing. I take a few deep breaths. I'm in the finals...

      ... I'm at the hotel. The finals are tomorrow.
      My whole team is staying on the same floor. Everyone is offering me practice matches.
      But I don't want to play, I want to chill so I'll have a clear head tomorrow...

      It's the next day.
      My finals are against a Terran player... It's my worst matchup.
      He's very popular, I doubt I'll be able to win against him.
      But knowing that I made it into the finals in my first big tournament makes me stay calm.
      Even if I get steamrolled in the finals... I still accomplished a lot.

      ... He's leading 3-2. I have to win 2 games in a row to take it. I doubt I'll be able to.
      But somehow in the 6th game, I manage to pull off some insane nydus play and barely manage to win the game.
      3-3 again, well fuck me...
      Suddenly I feel a chance of winning again, and the pressure is back.
      I'm so nervous, my hands are shivering again and the final match hasn't even started yet.
      Then I see the map he's chosen. I'm fucked.
      The map is extremely terran favored in TvZ. Unless he makes a massive mistake there is no way to win this, and he won't
      make any stupid mistakes...

      I can't take it, I have to leave my box to catch some fresh air.
      The organization decides that there is a 20 minute break before the final match due to some technical issues.
      Well lucky me, 20 minutes to calm down... I feel like throwing up.
      The crowd is cheering... I wonder how they would react if I threw up on stage.
      I see my team mates waving me over. I walk to them, I can really use some encouraging words.
      I notice my girlfriend is with them... huh? did I have a girlfriend?
      Of course I do... silly me. (No, you don't...)

      She immediately says "come with me!"
      My team mates are a bit confused as she drags me away to the restrooms.
      She's probably gonna give me a pep talk. The crowd is too loud, we can't have a conversation in the main room.
      But she has something different in mind...
      She explains that she knows the best way to calm down. I only know what she's on about once she starts undressing.
      Right... this couldn't end up badly at all.
      But I am way too nervous about my next match to think about this.

      We have sex... in the restrooms, just minutes before my final match.
      I can't believe I'm doing this. But it really does make me forget about the match for a bit...

      ... It's time... I'm coming out of the restrooms. The crowd is cheering.
      I walk onto the main stage facing my opponent.
      I'm calm... perfectly calm. I'm ready!
      I shake my opponents hand "Good luck!"
      I say this with absolute confidence.
      He knows the map is strongly in his favor, he knows that he's the better player, me being so confident is probably fucking with his mind.
      He doesn't know what to say and goes into his box.

      I sit down in mine and stretch. I'm so ready, I got this.
      I look at the map, and suddenly, I know exactly what I'm going to do.
      There is one completely insane tactic I came up with recently, which may actually work on this map.
      He's probably never seen it before, and I just broke his calm.

      I smile... I got this!