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    1. 4th May 2012

      by , 05-07-2012 at 02:38 AM
      Last Nights Dreams
      Dream 1

      I am with these kind of Tribal people, I'm not really sure how to explain them. Anyway.....I am holding some kind of long stick and I bang on these 2 big spikes ball things with it, these ball things sit on top of a gate or something next to him, someone now says "no, do it harder but not too hard, just hard enough so it makes a noise" so I do and it makes a quiet thud. ((dream skip))
      Myself and other people are in a small boat, it's dark and we are in water. Someone does something they shouldn't have done and because of that a big, massive boat begins to rise slowly out of the water. This big boat has a very bad feel to it, like it's evil or something, I can't see a lot just a big black boat and the water pouring from it as it rises. A woman shouts "quick move" and our boat starts to speed. As we are speeding a horrible monster like thing appears at the far end of our boat, it's green and very ugly and scarey. The monster thing slowly makes its way to our end of the boat. A woman who is next to the monster shouts "help me, please hold me" so I grab hold of her arm. As we speed across the water the monster thing gets closer. Our boat has to reach the end or the monster will eat whoever he stops next to. I think "if he stops next to me I'll shove the woman I'm holding to him" we manage to make it to the end and the monster goes away and the big scarey ship goes back under the water. ((dream skip))
      I'm again sitting with Tribal people. I go over to one of them and tap him on the shoulder and say "Is it better for me to sit here and be closer so Zakia (( an old school friend)) can take over my body" the Tribal man now pushes me against his big wooden brush thing that he is holding. I sit here wondering what it will be like when she enters my body and I wonder if I should be asleep first and will I feel it hurt or anything when she does. After a few minutes the Trible man shoves my head onto his lap and begins to thrust his penis into my face , I'm trying to stop it from touching my mouth and I'm shaking my head to say NO!! He tries hard to get it into my mouth and doesn't give up trying, then I wake up!

      Dream 2

      I now have a very short dream
      I'm looking on my hubby's phone and see a video of the dream I had about the big boat. The video begins to play and I can't stop it, I'm watching it all now but on video instead of being in the actual dream. I'm trying so hard to stop it because it's scaring me again. It eventually pauses on it's own and then I wake up.