• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Hyu's Adventures

    I've been lucid dreaming all my life. But it is only in late 2010 that I was introduced to what lucid dreaming actually is,
    and that it is possible to induce lucid dreams. Soon after, I discovered Dreamviews.
    These are the adventures and the curiosities I experience in my dreams.

    Last edited on 2014.07.31

    ~ Recurring Locations ~

    • The Beach (Image)
      A place I often end up in if I get lost, or if I use a means of teleportation without thinking of a destination.
      It is always dusk whenever I am there. Usually the beach is empty, but occasionally something of interest can be found.
      The beach is a place of serenity. A place where I can be alone and safe.
    • Teraluna - Riven (Image) (Image)
      Teraluna is an inhabited moon within a binary star system.
      It is orbiting a blue gas giant. It is only sparsely lit by both suns, which are quite far away.
      Riven is a hidden sky city, hovering over the seas of Teraluna.
      It is a safe haven to all it's inhabitants, and home to Yuya.
      The city is lit entirely by colorful bioluminescent plants and creatures, giving the place a rather surreal and vibrant look.
      Riven is my favorite place to visit whenever I am lucid.

    ~ Recurring Characters ~
    • Yuya (Image)
      She has been in my dreams ever since my early teens.
      Formerly a goddess of water, she now lives in Riven.
      She is my spirit guide (although she does not like to be labeled as such)
      The connection I experience with her is incredible.
      She is my friend, my companion, my love, my ecstasy, my guide and my teacher.
    • Faye (Image)
      She is my dream guide, and often changes her appearance.
      But for some reason she has recently turned evil, and now haunts my dreams.
      She is no longer the same person, and can seemingly no longer be reasoned with.
    • Silver (Image)
      A character from childhood dreams.
      He used to be my rival, but is now my dear friend.
      He is not a man of many words, and I do not encounter him very often.
    • Liv (Image)
      Liv is a succubus, a kind of demon.
      She is young, inexperienced, shy, but immensely kind and compassionate,
      even though at first glance she looks demonic and dangerous.
      Nowadays she lives in Riven. Yuya and I guide her on her path towards adulthood.
    • Shinave (Image)
      Formerly a goddess of ice. She is a wise and intelligent person.
      She is Yuya's mother.
    • Ifrit (Image)
      Formerly a god of fire. A being of terrible force and power, but also incredible wisdom.
      He has lived for many hundreds of years, and still upholds old and conservative ideals.
    • Selene
      A character from childhood dreams.
      She has fallen to the templars a long time ago.
    • Templars
      A vile force of darkness that has threatened my dreams in the past.

    1. Dreams change - Forest nymphs and computer games

      , 09-26-2011 at 04:11 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      Continued from: Dreams change - A stay at an ice hotel on another world - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

      I can hear voices. They are very gentle voices whispering unknown names.
      I feel like I'm floating.
      Am I in SP? Am I dreaming? Am I dreaming within the dream?
      I try to open my eyes but I can't.
      I can't feel my eyes, in fact, I can't feel my body at all.
      But I remain calm, I'm not worried at all.
      I like the whispering voices, they are so calm.

      Once of the voices gradually becomes louder:

      "Wake up sleepy head!"

      Huh? what? My eyes finally open.
      Yuya is leaning over me.

      "You weren't kidding when you told me you were a deep sleeper."
      "How late is it? It feels way too early to get up."
      "Does it matter? You do realize that you're technically asleep anyways yes?"

      ... oh... OH!

      I get our of bed.

      "I forgot."
      "Of course... don't forget to breathe. "

      I don't get that she's making fun of me at first, and think about whether I have to breathe or not.
      As soon as I get out of bed I realize how cold it still is.
      I realize that I'm still in the same bedroom as before, but the thought is very vague and in the back of my head.

      I start rubbing my hands instinctively.

      "No... I'm... stabilizing?"
      "Does the dream seem unstable to you?"

      I can literally feel everything.

      "Then stop rubbing your hands and let's do something productive, alright? "
      "Yes... how about we go somewhere... a bit less cold?"
      "It's an interesting experience for sure, but I think I've had enough of it."
      "Haha, alright, let's go to the other side of the planet, I think you're gonna prefer it over there."

      She does the bubble teleport trick again. I have no idea how it works, but it is very quick.

      We end up in a new location. It feels a bit dark at first, but my eyes quickly adapt.
      In fact I very quickly acquire the surreal version I've experienced quite a few times in my dreams.
      The landscape looks amazing!

      Everything is sort of dark, yet anything that emits light is so colorful and bright.
      The contrast between things is extreme.

      "There's a small village right over there."

      We're walking towards it slowly, I'm in no hurry.
      I really enjoy just being here. Everything is so beautiful,
      the temperature is just right, and there's a nice breeze of fresh air.

      I take a closer look at Yuya as we walk along this path, discussing random things.
      My vision is so good, I can see the pores on her skin.
      She's so beautiful...

      "Are you staring?"
      "Err... it's... for science!"
      "Haha... you monster. "

      The portal reference amuses me.

      We have to cross a bridge before entering.
      There's a few funny looking animals floating in the sky above the bridge.
      They all look like they belong in the sea rather than the sky, but they're interesting to look at nevertheless.

      Everything is so colorful. I really love it when I have this surreal vision.
      I should focus on it more often.

      We finally enter the village.
      It is inhabited by humanoids.
      I've met their kind before, they're very similar to humans, except they are in some kind of symbiosis with plants.
      You can see it very clearly if you look at their hair, because it's intermixed with plants growing out of their heads.
      It looks kinda cool. Some of them also have wings.

      We sit down at a bar out in the open. It's a really nice evening.
      I suddenly realize that even though I'm always intrigued and amazed by these alien creatures,
      I never actually talk to them.
      It's time to change that.
      There's a women sitting with us at the bar, why not talk to her?

      "Hey, I'm Hyu, nice to meet you!"

      Well, that might have been a bit formal.
      She looks at me curiously.

      "Hey! What species are you?"
      "I'm human."
      "Ooh, interesting! Spirit or dreamer?"
      "I'm dreaming."

      Oh wait, that's right. I AM dreaming.
      Well, I guess I haven't really forgotten, I just haven't thought about it for some time.

      "So, what do you do?"
      "What do you mean?"
      "In waking life, what do you do?"
      "I err..."

      Yuya looks at me funny.

      "He's programming computer games."
      "Oh, what's that?"

      I'm not sure how to explain, but I can feel Yuya's thoughts,
      which make it quite clear that all 3 of us could simply share our thoughts and
      my explanations would make perfect sense.

      So I proceed to explain what computer games are, and what programming them involves.
      I'm really surprised by how well she understands everything, she is super excited to hear
      about virtual games from another world.
      Yuya becomes rather interested as well and we end up discussing what I am currently working on.

      I talk about quadtree terrain, tesselation, atmospheric scattering, all sorts of things,
      and everything makes perfect sense to them.
      Even though I find some of the topics rather difficult, because they're rather new to me,
      I am able to explain everything perfectly.
      This is a lot more difficult in waking life.
      Explaining what a quadtree is, and why it's useful for terrain is usually enough to fuck with people's minds.

      Yuya and the other girl keep asking questions about computer games.
      I try to show both of them a few games by projecting memories of playing them into their minds.
      I end up showing them a few images from Portal, and they find the game concept amazing.
      Logic puzzles seem to be very popular in the dream world.

      After some time I feel the dream drifting away.
      That's really unfortunate, I'm enjoying myself a lot.
      I can't seem to prevent it by willpower though, and I'd feel stupid spinning around.

      "Aww... I'm waking up..."

      The words don't really leave my mouth, they just echo in my mind.
      I wake up...

      It's only after a few seconds that I realize how long this dream lasted.
      My mind must be playing tricks on me, because combined with the last dream,
      this felt like it lasted for at least half a day easily.
    2. Another mysterious woman / Emotional and sensory overload

      , 09-04-2011 at 04:00 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I wake up after about 9 hours of sleep. (weekends ftw)
      I remember a mess of short and unstable dream fragments, but none of them seem interesting...
      For some reason I feel like if I try to fall back asleep I might have an awesome dream though,
      plus I'm not in the mood to get up yet whatsoever.
      It doesn't take long until I fall asleep.

      I'm at some kind of hotel, searching for my room, but I'm a bit lost.
      I wander around hoping to randomly find it. I cannot even seem to recall what it looks like. (This is a recurring dream scenario)
      The only way to a new corridor is to walk through a gym shower room which I find a bit odd.
      I enter it but accidentally hit a lever on one of the walls.
      All the showers turn on at once... oops?
      I turn the lever back down but it won't stop... shit.

      I start to become confused and slightly scared, why does this not work? Why can't I turn it off?
      I try other levers at random, but it just makes things worse.
      A few people are starting to notice, and are staring at me from the corridor.
      There's that scary sensation you get when a nightmare is about to start...

      But this gets me thinking. Lost in a hotel... searching for my room, this is a dream sign!

      I RC and sure enough, I'm dreaming.
      I casually walk out of the room, not really caring about it or the looks on the DC's faces anymore.
      They all look very confused at what they're seeing, except for one girl.
      She seems happy, even excited? Like she's about to engage me in conversation?
      But she doesn't, and I walk right past her... weird...

      ... I'm outside of the hotel. I sit down at the last free table to have dinner.
      I look at the menu and order something.
      Whilst I hand the menu back to the waiter, I see that it was hiding the fact that another person had joined me at the table.
      It's the girl I've seen earlier when I was exiting the showers.

      "Can I join you?"

      Her having seen the shower thing makes me uncomfortable, but there's something about her that intrigues me...

      "Sure... I'm Hyu, nice to meet you."

      Wait... Hyu? Did I just tell her I'm called Hyu? ...
      Oh well, let's just leave it at that.
      But then suddenly the realization comes that I was lucid at the end of the shower scene.

      I'm still at the same hotel, which means I must still be dreaming.

      I look at the girl carefully, trying to find... something out of the ordinary I guess?
      But the scene is darkening... shit. Stabilize!
      It's too late, the scene vanishes...

      ... I'm at my hotel room with 3 friends. We want to go out.
      I open the door to leave the room but I am greeted by a... grizzly bear?

      I casually close the door again, seeing as I must still be dreaming...
      A bear? ... Seriously?
      My friends are freaking out screaming things like: "It's a bear!!! We're all going to die!!!"
      How annoying... I unsummon them with a wave of my hand.
      Much better!

      The room is quite dark... not good.
      I start rubbing my hands, hoping to stabilize the dream, but it's not working.
      I rub them more vigorously, but then they nearly catch fire and I burn myself.
      What the heck? Well... this is obviously not working.
      I try to summon the small phoenix wings on my left arm to teleport myself to Teraluna...
      ... But all I get are a few sparkles shooting out of my arm, like the wing summoning procedure is sort of broken.
      I've had this happen before, I can't teleport if my dreams are unstable...
      I don't know what to do and I'm afraid I'm going to loose the dream.


      That startled me. I turn around. It's the same girl yet again.

      "Who are you?"

      Maybe it's Faye playing another of her pranks?
      I probe her aura... nope... there's no way this is Faye.
      But it's not the aura of a DC either, it's way too strong and vibrant for that.

      She holds out her hand to me.
      I feel adventurous and grab it.
      I look into her eyes and I am dragged into them...

      Suddenly I'm blinded by intense light.
      As my vision normalizes I see that I'm in... a rather special room?
      It's a very big apartment room, with glass walls.
      I must be in a skyscraper considering how high I am.
      It's night outside, I can overlook a rather big city.

      The room itself is very weird. It's like an insanely huge bath/pool room?
      There are pools, everywhere, connected by small waterfalls.
      Water is flowing pretty much from everywhere, showers integrated in the walls / ceiling, waterfalls somehow starting at the top of the room.

      "You like it?"

      The girl is now wearing a white bikini with a red flower drawn on it.
      She's beautiful... She has brown curly hair and bright white eyes. She's about my age.
      I'm still holding her hand and she's dragging me towards one of the smaller waterfalls.
      It smells great in here, and that watery breeze is just amazing.
      She takes a quick dive under the waterfall and comes back out.
      She clearly enjoys the water, you can easily see the passion in her eyes.

      "You haven't answered my question..."
      "I won't... I thought you had a thing for mysterious women?"
      "I do... but that doesn't change the fact that my curiosity is endless. But how would you know that?"
      "Hmm... isn't it obvious? I read about it."

      Hold on... did she read my DJ? Is she real?
      I'm not going to ask her, that would just be awkward, clearly she knows exactly what's going on.

      "I'm assuming your name is top secret as well?"
      "Haha, it totally is!"

      She runs one of her hands up my arm.
      Suddenly I get goose bumps. The feeling is EXTREME.
      What is this? It feels so insanely good.
      I brush over her cheek with two of my fingers and I see arcs of electricity moving between my fingers and her cheek.
      It feels so good, and I can clearly see that she's enjoying it was well.
      I can hear music playing... something electronic, ambient and calm.

      (something a bit like this)

      She hugs me and starts running her fingers down my back.
      I get a complete sensory overload.
      I can feel her fingers with every single skin cell in my back.
      I can see every single fiber in the iris of her eyes.
      The colors are so strong and vivid that they would burn out my eyes in a split second in waking life.
      It's like looking straight into the sun, except you are not blinded.
      I can hear every single drop of water in the room, I could pinpoint where exactly each one is, even if I was blind.
      I can even hear both of our heartbeats, our breathing, even her hair brushing over her shoulders.

      I have no idea what's happening, but I don't care. I'm enjoying this way too much.
      I can clearly feel the arcs of lightning everywhere our bodies touch.
      I mimic what she's doing and run my fingers down her back.
      She shivers with pleasure. It really turns me on.
      This is so intense... I can't believe we're doing nothing but touch each other.

      She's moving in for a kiss.
      I wonder what it's going to feel like...
      We're really close now...

      But then of course... I wake up... -_-

      This was rather overwhelming...
    3. Surreal vision and seeing a new color.

      , 10-17-2010 at 03:48 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      Comment - Non Lucid - Lucid

      My previous dream, which was a short lucid, faded to black and I find myself back in bed...

      Clarity: 10/10 (surreal)
      Importance: 8/10

      Damnit, another short one. I want to turn around to grab my notepad but notice I forgot to RC. I perform the nose pinch RC and it works again.
      Awesome, an FA, I can have another dream!
      I get up and touch the wall. I want to see if I can move my hand through. I can easily get my fingers in, but for my hand I’d need a lot of force.
      I’m in my old house, looking at a wall. (I didn’t notice the sudden scene change from one place to another)
      That's right, I told myself to try flying in my last dream. I haven’t flown in a lucid ever since I was a child; it’s about time to do that again.
      I search for a window to jump out of, but realize that it’s faster to just charge through the wall.
      As I run through the wall, which only provided little resistance, I find myself floating in front of the house.
      Awesome! This feels really nice. I look at the huge apple tree in front of me; it had been there since way before I was born. (It isn’t there anymore)

      I notice that my perception is somehow different. I can see the detail of the leafs even though I’m still a good 30m away from the tree,
      my eyes don’t have this much resolution. I’m amazed by this surreal vision and investigate further. It becomes better every second.
      I cannot only see clearly in the centre of my field of vision, but everywhere else as well.
      I realize that everything I see is not information provided by my eyes, but information generated by my mind;
      obviously it does not need to follow the limitations of my eyes. I try to see past the spectrum of visible colors,
      because I’ve always been amazed that some animals have can see a larger spectrum and can thus see much more vivid or even different colors.
      It works very well, the contrast of my vision greatly improves and changes into what I can only describe as similar to hdr photography or hdr in 3d games,
      except it’s not really down sampled to visible colors, I can actually see the much higher range of colors.
      All of the leaves of the tree are so bright, they have a neon glow surrounding them, but the brightness is not blinding me.
      The contrast between dark and bright is so high it's indescribable.

      Suddenly I perceive a completely new color. The leaves are now a color... maybe between blue and green, but it's not cyan.
      It’s the first time I’ve seen that color. I’m amazed how my mind is able to come up with a color I have never seen, this is so awesome!
      After focusing on the new color, I try to figure out a way to describe it in my DJ, but I realize I can’t, there are no words for new colors.
      It feels like this is the “real” color of these leafs though, seen without the limitations of the human eye.
      Maybe I'm able to see into the UV spectrum, able to see 4 colors instead of 3, and the leaves are now a combination of green blue and ultraviolet?
      I hover past the tree and look around, where should I go? I want to go to a place far away, and I want to fly faster.
      A voice whispers “This should be pretty far” as I look into the sun. Yes, flying to the sun does indeed sound like a good idea, I wonder if I can go faster then the speed of light.
      Thanks to my surreal vision, looking directly into the sun doesn’t hurt me. I can actually see the solar flares quite clearly.
      As I want to start approaching the sun, suddenly, I nearly get hit by a huge object flying by… It’s a whole city; it looks a bit like Atlantis from Stargate except it has a square foundation.
      What the… ? The dream suddenly ends.