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    1. Sunday 21st October 2012

      by , 11-27-2012 at 12:30 AM
      Last Nights False Awakenings And Lucid Dream

      I wake up in bed and feel vibrations and that strange feeling that I'm about to go into a lucid dream. I think to myself "float up" and with this I feel myself float up and land on the floor at the end of my bed. I can't see, but I can feel something stuck to me, I've never had this before. I feel my face etc. and there's something stuck on me. I pull hard at whatever it is and manage to prise it off and with this I can now see. I decide to get out of my room by flying out of my window. I go over to the window and go to fly out but my hubby now wakes up. He says "what you doing?" I say "I'm dreaming" and he settles and goes back to sleep.
      I go back over to the window and feel for glass, just to make sure I'm dreaming. I feel a small boy with me but I can't see him. Well I can't feel any glass because there isn't any and I now know that I'm definitely dreaming, although I was already pretty sure I was. (( I didn't want to jump through my window and plunge to my death if I wasn't dreaming lol)). I lean out of the window and come back in. I decide to double check that my flying is working before I zoom myself out of my window. I fly from my window to my landing and I know I'm now ok to fly. I point my hands forward, do a jump and fly out of my bedroom window!
      I'm now flying outside in the sky, it's quite foggy so I can't see much. I now call out loud "Nan F" but nothing, so again I call out "Nan F". I now hear my Nan calling me ((or who I was hoping was her)) she yells "I'm here baby" I call her again as I try to find her and again she calls back. I carry on flying, trying to get to her. Suddenly I stop flying and feel hair in my hands, it's a long plait. I now say "is that you Nan?" She rises up to face me and hugs me tight. I say "I've missed you so much" my Nan now says "you need to go back" we hug again and she says "I love you". I now wake up and feel my pillar uncomfortably behind my neck. I get up out of bed to go to the toilet and I hear a noise, it's a rattling noise, like an old knackered motor. It starts then stops again, then starts and stops again. I look at the space next to the side of my bed and there is some kind of machine there with a long handle, I perceive this as a lawn mower lol. I look at the handle and it's vibrating violently as the motor makes it shake. I now panic and see my hubby in bed so I shout to him "K look!" He wakes up and says "what?" I say "a law mower and its turned on" my hubby says "what the fuck!, did you do that?" I say "no!" sharply and my hubby now turns it off.
      I now hear my mobile phone ringing and my hubby says "what the fucks going on?" I think to myself "it must be because there are a lot of spirits around me and there making everything go haywire!" Lol
      I look down at the floor at the end of my bed and see a happy naked baby boy sitting in a baby seat, he has a blanket over him and his arms out. I make my way to the toilet because I need a wee. I get onto the landing and my sight is now blurry. I get by the stairs and my bathroom isn't there, it's gone!. I'm now really confused and look at the stairs again and I manage to force my eyes to see properly.
      Again I look to where my bathroom should be and it's now there. I go into the bathroom still desperate for a wee and see a blue shower curtain around the toilet. I grab it and try to pull it from around the toilet but it feels like there is a force stopping me from being able to pull it away. I think to myself "maybe I'm dreaming again, I know I'll touch the mirror to see if my finger goes through it, and if it does then ill know that I'm dreaming!" So, I touch the mirror and it feels solid and normal, my fingers don't go through! At this point I'm really confused. I'm now not sure if I'm awake or dreaming. My hubby now shouts something to me and I hear him go downstairs. I now manage to pull the blue shower curtain from around the toilet a bit and I sit on the loo and have a wee. Wee now splashes all up the shower curtain and I can't understand why and think "what the hells going on, I must be dreaming" with this I wake up for real.
    2. Wednesday 4th July 2012

      by , 07-07-2012 at 12:17 AM
      Last Nights Dreams

      Dream 1 ((sleep paralysis))

      I get in bed and lie down to go to sleep. After about 10 minutes I feel vibrations go through me and I hear people talking like at a party or something, I am still aware at this point that I'm lying in bed and then the talking stops. After another 5 minutes I hear music from a fair-ground ride but then it stops. I must have nodded off now.

      Dream 2

      I'm in my bedroom with my daughter "L", she shows me her make-up on her eyes and says "look, it looks dead nice doesn't it!" I look and think "how the hell has she got my eye-shadow on when I hid it from her?!" ((I bought new make-up yesterday)) it doesn't occur to me to do a RC

      Dream 3

      I'm on a prison bus with others and we're on our way to prison. There is a man I know well ((only in my dream)) with me and he's also going to prison. I think this man is my boyfriend in the dream. He is sitting on the seat infront of me but is turned to face me. He is holding a big pot full of hot stew, he says to me "hold this a minute" I take it from him and gravy splatters on us both. . He now takes a piece of paper from his pocket and opens it up, he says to me "this is like gold, it's the new plans for the prison, it shows you the secret way out, be carefully with it, you know what to do!" I look at the drawing of the plans and notice that some of the gravy is on the corner of it but it hasn't ruined the plans. I take the plans and think "ohhh god, I don't think I'm brave enough to escape!" I now hide the plans safe in my pocket.
      The bus now pulls up at the prison and my boyfriend says "ok...are you ready?" then he winks at me, I say "yes ok" and he smiles and nods to one of the prison screws on the bus with us.
    3. Tuesday 15th May 2012

      by , 05-15-2012 at 09:47 PM
      False Awakening

      I'm in bed and I'm talking to my hubby about something. I decide I need the loo so I get up and walk to the landing. I flick the light switch on but the light doesn't come on. ((should have realised now but I don't...doh!!)), I try again but still nothing. I look up to the light and the shade is bigger and purple with big tassels hanging from it, although I realise it's different to how it should be, I don't read nothing into it ((bummer again!!)). I now think "ohh yeah, the bulb went earlier" ((what? Lol)). I now go into the bathroom and pull the light-switch but nothing. I'm now feeling a little scared and confused, I don't like being in he dark and I'm searching for a switch that works, I now wake up and face-palm myself for missing my usual dream sign....doh!!!!

      Updated 05-15-2012 at 09:51 PM by 47716

      false awakening
    4. 28th October 2011

      by , 11-10-2011 at 11:31 PM
      Dream 1

      I am in a room and in the room are 2 of my husbands, i didnt realise there shouldn't be 2 of him. The one lying on the settee to my right asked me to get him a beer, then the one to my left asked me aswell ((dream skip)) I am holding the beers, i give 1 to the kev on my right then sort of glide over to the kev on my left and give him his beer, i could hear the beer fizzing, it was really loud!!

      Dream 2

      I am lying in my bed, i'm in that half asleep half awake stage, i decide to keep still and WILD, i hear the noise of SP coming and feel the vibrations really strongly, i think "ok go with it" I feel myself falling and say to myself "i'm dreaming" I land on my bed with a bang. I can feel something behind me, and i know it's that nasty "presence" pretending to be my hubby ((i always get this in any WILD)) I know that if i try to get up it will grab me and i dont like that, anyway being sure that i'm dreaming I do the nose pinch test and i cant breathe through my nose, i try again as i know i'm dreaming and this time it works ((stupid WILD's lol)) I now decide i have to get out of bed but i have to stop my hubby from grabbing me like he always does so i think "i know i'll trick him and make him think i'm coming back" I say "i'm just going to get a drink" i then gently get out of bed and stand up, i'm now facing the window and i'm thinking "haha, i bloody tricked him and it worked" lol I decide to do another check which i have never tried before just out of curiosity so i try to push my finger through my hand and nothing..it doesnt work for me and im wondering why, o look out of the window and my sight is still a little fuzzy, i decide i musnt have a stable enough dream. I rub my hands together and say "clarity now" it clears a little but not much and i decide its not going to get much better than this. I decide to try and fly out of rhe window but as i jump a little i just slowly come back down to the floor. I realise that this is going to be one of those dreams which i cant do bugger all but am fully lucid haha, doesnt happen often they are really good usually but at times when this happens i decide to just have a ponder around the house. I walk out of my bedroom and im on the landing, i can hear the boiler on ((but not on in real life)) i flick the light to turn it on and it flashes but then goes off again and i hear the boiler die, now i decide to walk into the bathroom and i instinctivley pill the cord and am shocked when the light comes on and stays on..lights never work in my dreams..never ever!! I sit on the loo and start giggling at how the things that usually work wont work but the things that never work are working, my lucid is all back to front lmao!!! I decide that theres not much point staying lucid if i cant do anything so I shut my eyes and think of myself lying on my bed and i wake up in bed after a hard landing, still chuchkling about it all being back to front lol

      Updated 11-10-2011 at 11:34 PM by 47716

      lucid , false awakening