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    1. 16th April 2012

      by , 04-17-2012 at 11:27 PM
      Last nights dreams

      Dream 1

      I am lying in bed and don't realise this is a false awakening ((doh!!)) I am holding a baby frog in my left hand....I think "I'd better put this in its cage or I'll squash it when I drop off to sleep" I'm now confused and think "why am I holding a baby frog, it should be a baby pigeon ((I'm hand rearing a baby pigeon at the minute)). I now hear someone shout "mom" but it doesn't sound right so I think "ahhh...it's just hypnogognia" I now hear a young boy say "mom" I open my eyes again and see a young boy on the bed beside me, I say "what?" he says "can you top my phone up for me?" I say "you haven't got a phone" and wonder what he's on about. ((shame I didn't realise I haven't got a son lmao))

      Dream 2

      I am in bed in my room again ((another false awakening)) and a friend of mine is in my room with me, she says "it's good that you gave P £2 for chips" (( lol I gave my daughter P two pound for chips yesterday))

      Dream 3

      I'm in an arcade place ((like the ones on holiday or at a fairground)) there are lads of machines, some you win money and others you win knickers I wasn't winning on the money machines so I go and have a look at the machines where you win knickers. There are some knickers loose in the bottom of the machine so I take out a pretty Lacey pair and my daughter L who is with me says "ohhh there nice, win them for me" so what I had to do was swipe the barcode of the knickers across the thing on the machine and it would tell me if I had won or not, but again I never won. I am now getting angry with these machines and I'm trying to figure out why everyone else could win on the machines but I couldn't
    2. 12th April 2012

      by , 04-14-2012 at 12:30 AM
      Dream 1

      There is a fete. Myself, my girls and my Dad went. It is now time for us to leave so we all have a walk back to my house. On the way home my Dad stumbles because he is drunk and his lower leg comes off! I see that it is a prosthetic limb which I didn't know he had, anyway I laugh as I pick it up and say to my Dad "do you want this?" he also laughs and says "yes just stick it back on" so I do.
      We are now home, I'm getting changed and my Dad walks in on me..he then quickly walks back out and shuts the door and he pretends that didn't just happen. I now go into another room and there is a plastic carrier bag on top of the dresser. I look inside the bag and take out 3 bars of chocolate..they are all sticky and melted, I take out 3 other things but can't remember what. I place all the stuff on the side and go downstairs. My Dad is in the kitchen, I go in to him and he sits down at the table and says "your Mom sent the bag of stuff for you" I think to myself "I bet some of that stuff is for my Brother and Sister but screw them!" ((lol))
      The kids are all playing in the garden and my Dad is still pissed up and then I wake up.

      Dream 2

      I'm in high school, I look in my bag for my time-table to see if I'm in the right class but I realise that I haven't got one. I look at the people in my class and think "I don't recognise these lot". There are 2 other classes next to this one so I peek inside them both but I don't feel like I shoul be in either of these other 2 so I go inside the class that I was first at and decide this one must be the right one.
      I have my baby pigeon with me because she hasn't been very well. I have a female teacher and this teacher loves my pigeon, the teacher calls out to one of the pupils and says "ring ((whoever)) and tell her she's ok now!" she then starts cuddling my baby pigeon. I say to the teacher "she's really loving" and the teacher replies "they are very loving birds". The teacher now shows me her necklace, it's made out of her dead pigeons beak and has a red diamond at the top of it, there are also what looked like 2 small teeth on the necklace aswell which hung either side of the beak.
    3. 16th December 2011

      by , 02-10-2012 at 02:58 AM
      Last Nights Dreams
      Dream 1

      A woman has brought me an adult Pigeon to look after and I am taking really good care of it. I take it out of the cage to give it a fuss, I stroke it and put it under my chin to snuggle, the Pigeon loved it!. I sit in bed with it (( the bedroom is different to my real life one )) I have the Pigeon on my finger by my left shoulder, after a few minutes it grips onto my finger really hard but something was wrong...my hand was slightly twisted so I knew it wasn't right, it got really heavy and was weighing me down, I try to get the Pigeon off my finger but I can't. I eventually manage to lift myself upright and I realise that the Pigeon is now under the duvet (( I found this odd because a moment ago she was on my finger )). After a struggle I manage to get the duvet off the Pigeon. The Pigeon suddenly goes all stiff and I say " ohh god, she's dying!" ((I also find this odd because she was fine a minute ago)) I now manage to get the Pigeon off my finger and hold her, I say "come on, please come on" but she died. I am now holding a Pigeon with a baby girls head on it the head was bigger than the body and slightly swollen, the face was also a little deformed and twisted. I now put her on the floor because she's stopped moving but then I see her twitch and she yells at me "Angela!...how can you leave me like this!!!" I quickly pick her up and hold her cheeks, I then say "please baby come on, come on!" I'm trying so hard to keep her alive but her eyes begin to roll and she pulls a face, suddenly she has a Pigeons head again and she let's out a painfully squeal with her beak...she is now still and dead.
      Her beak is now all twisted, I go over to my Hubby who is lying in bed and I say "she's gone!" my hubby then says "shhhhh" and I see my Uncle A behind me. I giver her to my Uncle A and she is now a tiny baby girl. My Uncle A holds it in his hands and my Hubby says "just chuck it up the garden!" I am shocked by this and then wake up.

      Dream 2

      Myself, my Hubby and some other people are in a room, some bloke is having a go at my Hubby. This bloke comes over and hits my Hubby...my Hubby doubles over clutching his nose in his hands. My hubby now lifts himself up and says something to the bloke that hit him and my Hubby gets really angry, he really scared me aswell. My hubby suddenly launches at this bloke and lands a right good punch into his face...the bloke goes flying across the room and lands on his back on the floor. After a while the bloke gets up and all the left side of his head is smashed in from where my hubby punched him. The bloke now hurries off and I'm really proud of my Hubby then I wake up.
    4. 9th December 2011

      by , 02-10-2012 at 01:41 AM
      Last nights dreams
      Dream 1

      I am outside with my Pigeon, I put her on the grass to see if she can fly yet but she runs off a little, I try to catch her but before I do her wing falls off , I pick her and her wing up and fix her back together. I now let her go again and she wonders around the grass, I'm still worrying about her wing and then her head falls off lol. I quickly go over to her, her body is just lying there and her head has rolled a little away from her body. I pick up her body and place it on my lap and now I pick up her head. I look at her head and then look at her neck area, her neck area has got like a plastic maze thing in it which has a little ball in it, a bit like the ball mazes you get on the top of kids bubbles, there is also a small catch that fits onto her neck that I need to attach the head to. I put her head back on and hear it click into place and she is now all better
      Dream 2

      I am in a house and there are a few people in here too, there are 2 main people, a man & a woman. I think the man was my partner in my dream. Anyway... I'm trying to light my fag when my lighter suddenly bursts into flames, I'm holding it in my hand and see all the flames but it's not burning me and for a minute I find this weird and wonder why the flame's aren't burning me. I throw the lighter and ask " does anyone have a light?" I get one from someone but it doesn't work so I throw it. The main man and me are now having an argument, I'm accusing him of having an affair with this woman, he denies it and packs his bags. The woman starts packing her bags as well and I say " see, I knew you two were having an affair with each other!" he shouts and then they both get into the car, wave then they leave.
    5. 7th December 2011

      by , 02-10-2012 at 12:19 AM
      There is something wrong with the Pigeon and I have to help her. People are trying to get me to help but I don't want to because I'm scared (( I wouldn't have been scared in real life)) no one else will help her though, they have to do something to me to get me to help the Pigeon but I can't remember what. I'm lying in bed and get up, I still have my pyjamas on and now decide to help
      Tags: bed., bedroom, pigeon
    6. 10th August 2011

      by , 08-12-2011 at 12:31 AM
      I am playing a game of dice again ((I only had a dream like this a few nights ago)) Now I am observing and no longer playing. I am watching to see who the winner is and whoever wins can go by the pigeon!

      I keep having fragment from nights when I cant remember my dreams, they pop into my head and then out they go again, it's so bloody annoying but I'm trying hard to remember as much and as many as I can
      Tags: dice, game, pigeon, winner