• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. gab's Avatar
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      I never even come close to chain from non-LD. I wake up too suddenly. So i'm not even trying. For me, favorable condition has to come by itself.

      Did you ever chain from non-LD?

      No, I never had a "micro-lucid". When i had a short LD, it was when WILDing and got the dream ready but wasn't near to falling asleep yet so I woke up as soon as I entered. But thank you for the tip. More I read about all kinds of stuff, more likely it will happen to me.

      And thank you, I'm sure I picked up this skill from reading DV. People saying they can recognize when dream is ending. I was never able to do that and I expressed my disappointment with my inability. I still don't know when dream is ending, but when it ends, I know I'm still dreaming and can initiate another one. At least for now. It could change without warning, once my mind gets bored with this type of entry. Then I will have to find another way. Maybe I ought to have a talk with my higher self to stop nixing my methods. Yeah, I'll do that. Happy dreams y'all
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      I still get some DILDs occasionally, but majority LDs comes from morning naps with DEILDs. Hopefully I finally learned to recognize the dream feel and stay aware after LD is over so I can initiate another one.
      Do you ever have any luck DEILD chaining from a non-lucid dream into a lucid dream? You are clearly a very strong DEILDer (something I didn't realize about your style until reading this entry), so this might be something that's within your reach to pull off.

      Also, I don't know how often you're struck by what I call "micro-lucids". I use the term "micro-lucid" for dreams where you realize that it's all a dream just seconds before waking up or even as you're waking up, but they're not long enough to really be considered full-fledged lucid dreams (IMO.) I basically think of them as DILDs that don't live up to their full potential. But they are awesome for chaining as a DEILD. I do this by imagining movement, much like you do, which is a trick that I picked up from Xanous. If you're capable of these kinds of chains, these "micro-lucids" could be another great entry point for you.

      Anyway, this level of DEILD skill is a pretty exciting tool to have. I'm impressed.
    3. gab's Avatar
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      Thank you guys!

      What striked me is the scene when she is inside the metal globe thing looking out the window and she sees the bright yellow galaxy with some nearby planets. That image is breathtaking. But the look on her face, when she keeps repeating "so beautifull, I had no idea" with tears in her eyes just awestruck from such a beauty and that it exists and she is witnessing it, is exactly how I feel when I realize I'm dreaming and when I see something unexpected and beautifull.

      I have to show this movie to my mom. When I try to describe her that incredible happines I feel when LDing, she has no idea what I mean. Maybe this scene will help her understand.

      I still get some DILDs occasionally, but majority LDs comes from morning naps with DEILDs. Hopefully I finally learned to recognize the dream feel and stay aware after LD is over so I can initiate another one.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      What an incredible DEILD chain, gab! Excellent work maintaining the discipline to stay with this for so many cycles.

      I seem to run into a limit as to how many times I can DEILD. When this happens, I always sort of think, "Ah well, guess I ran out of dream." Reading this makes me think that a lot of those cases may just be down to overexcitement or a lack of mental discipline.

      It's been a very, very long time since I saw "Contact" (I saw it in the theater), but I still remember the scene with the alien beach. Very striking imagery and just perfect for an LD.

      Congratulations on a great night!!
    5. Sensei's Avatar
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      It looks like you are getting more and more LDs or maybe I just haven't been visiting the DJs as much as I am now. seems like you should be all fired up! I am so pumped up on LDs. I knew I would be doing good this year.
    6. PennyRoyal's Avatar
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      Wow, that sounded like a lot of fun

      Excuse me, I'm about to go watch Contact now.. it's been too long.
    7. Darkmatters's Avatar
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      I LOVE The Americans!! Amazing show~!!

      CzechoSlovenian? Is there such a thing? From a few things you've said in here I think you're Slovakian, aren't you? (maybe you're a leftover Slovakian spy from the cold war by any chance.. ? - wait - if I'm right, does that mean you have to kill me now.. ??!!?)

      Oh and hey, as a stopmotion animator, some of my greatest inspiration comes from the old puppetfilms of the Czech Republic** (formerly part of your country - old Bohemia). Trnka and the like - but then most younger Czechs and Slovaks I run across know next to nothing about that stuff.

      ** As you can see on my site: ::: DARKSTRIDER :::
      Updated 03-02-2013 at 07:51 PM by Darkmatters
    8. <span class='glow_9400D3'>EbbTide000</span>'s Avatar
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      I had Buckello, my white mouse in a cage. and mutual dreamed with him. I am looking into making an Aquarium for a Siamese Fighting Fish. Buckello turned into a cat in one of our mutual dreams.

      I went searching YouTube for my Bluestone street and building. I thought of your Hawaii Hotel with the blue and white signed so the search I tried was

      "Hawaii blue hotel"

      and I got

      "Blue Hawaii-Richard Himber Ritz Carlton Hotel.

      here are the lyrics

      Night and you and blue Hawaii
      The night is heavenly and you are heaven to me
      Lovely you and blue Hawaii
      With all this loveliness, there should be love

      Come with me while the moon is on the sea
      The night is young and so are we

      Dreams come true in blue Hawaii
      And mine could all come true
      This magic night of nights with you

      Blue Hawaii-Richard Himber Ritz Carlton Hotel Orchestra - YouTube

      and here is Elvis Presly

      Blue Hawaii - Moonlight Swim. 1961
      Blue Hawaii - Elvis Presley - Moonlight Swim 1961.avi - YouTube

      Lets go on a Green Moonlight swim with Waking Nomad .
    9. <span class='glow_9400D3'>EbbTide000</span>'s Avatar
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      Oops I did the quote wrong so I will correct it in this reply. Also, I bolded Hawaii because I think of Waking Nomad a lot. and blue cos my dream began with maybe "U" giving me that big cardboard broucher of the blue building.

      I like your dream gab

      I see some of my last dream in it. also you posted right after me. You wrote:

      DR 1 - 1:14am

      I'm looking out a huge window to tha canyon below me. There is no vegetation, because a huge rain storm washed everything away*(watche firestorm live on TV IWL - Riverside)*But there is all kind of animals on the slope. Sheep, coyotes are stalking them, especially the one sheep that is alone. There is a big black and white shiny animal swimming in a river on the bottom of a canyon. it has markings like a killer whale, but looks like giant river otter. I call others to look at it but lose sight of it as if swims under the low, arched, stoney bridge. When it comes out on the other ends, it's a submarine with crew walking on top of it.

      A former classmates stopps by and run off to put on pants. I pick a pair that's too big and while hopping on one foot trying to put the other one in a pant sleeve I tell him while laughing "I have 15 pairs of black pant and I pick this white one, which is the only one too big for me."

      We decide to go out for a drink. Turns out, I'm in Hawaii. I look back at the hotel I came out from so I know how it looks so I can find it on my way back. It has a light blue and white logo, kinda like NOAA. It's called O'nus. We walk on a wooden pathway over crystal clear water. i watch seashells and coral and fish. One black mussel swims up and divebombs and eats some small snail.*

      There is some seaweed and lifeforms on the walkway and I kick them gently back to water.

      In front of a small shack on the walkway are 3 little cinnamon kittens in a cage, all wet. And three more in an aquarium with little bit of water on a bottom of it. I yell at the young woman to call someone to take care of the kittens, if she can't. She threatens to call the cops and I tell her I'm staying there until they show up. i see her changing her clothes and running away.
      I didn't have any kittens in my dream but after finding the pile running around on floor boards, I found that

      Dreaming BoBo Kitten

      Dreaming BoBo Kitten - YouTube

      It is dangerous to reply to my posts hehehe cos the ET then starts playing and syncs start happening.
    10. <span class='glow_9400D3'>EbbTide000</span>'s Avatar
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      I like your dream gab

      I see some of my last dream in it. also you posted right after me. You wrote:

      [quote] DR 1 - 1:14am

      I'm looking out a huge window to tha canyon below me. There is no vegetation, because a huge rain storm washed everything away*(watche firestorm live on TV IWL - Riverside)*But there is all kind of animals on the slope. Sheep, coyotes are stalking them, especially the one sheep that is alone. There is a big black and white shiny animal swimming in a river on the bottom of a canyon. it has markings like a killer whale, but looks like giant river otter. I call others to look at it but lose sight of it as if swims under the low, arched, stoney bridge. When it comes out on the other ends, it's a submarine with crew walking on top of it.

      A former classmates stopps by and run off to put on pants. I pick a pair that's too big and while hopping on one foot trying to put the other one in a pant sleeve I tell him while laughing "I have 15 pairs of black pant and I pick this white one, which is the only one too big for me."

      We decide to go out for a drink. Turns out, I'm in Hawaii. I look back at the hotel I came out from so I know how it looks so I can find it on my way back. It has a light blue and white logo, kinda like NOAA. It's called O'nus. We walk on a wooden pathway over crystal clear water. i watch seashells and coral and fish. One black mussel swims up and divebombs and eats some small snail.*

      There is some seaweed and lifeforms on the walkway and I kick them gently back to water.

      In front of a small shack on the walkway are 3 little cinnamon kittens in a cage, all wet. And three more in an aquarium with little bit of water on a bottom of it. I yell at the young woman to call someone to take care of the kittens, if she can't. She threatens to call the cops and I tell her I'm staying there until they show up. i see her changing her clothes and running away.[/b]

      I didn't have any kittens in my dream but after finding the pile running around on floor boards, I found that

      Dreaming BoBo Kitten

      Dreaming BoBo Kitten - YouTube

      It is dangerous to reply to my posts hehehe cos the ET then starts playing and syncs start happening.
    11. AURON's Avatar
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      Damn it I though this was going to be about playboy!
    12. gab's Avatar
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      Well, I'm glad someone is happy!
    13. AURON's Avatar
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      LOOOL. Good read. Better you than me.
    14. gab's Avatar
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      I had noticed that you took the B-complex at 4 pm and was struck by how much earlier in the day that is than what I'd tried. I've tried B vitamins at WBTB and pre-bed, both with good (but inconsistent) results. My highest-ever level of lucidity was after taking B-6 before bed for the first time. The idea of taking a time-release version earlier in the day is very interesting.
      I didn't even know they are time release, untill I looked at it closer just recently. But I have noticed, that I didn't get any result when taking it before bed. Only, when I took it around 1pm. 4pm - I thought it will be too late, but I tried anyway.

      Maybe time release acctually accumulates it in my system, so by dream time I have more of it if I take it earlier in the day rather than later. But I'm just speculating here. I think it's flushed out fairly quick. Also have better success with 50mg than with 100mgs. But that could be just coincidence, since success is so spotty with it anyways.

      It's still strange for me to think of you owning cats instead of actually being the cat in your av
      I'm sure if you asked them, they would say they own me, and I would have to agree.

      Also, I have a pattern of not only RCs getting boring for my mind, but also time and type of attempt. Like first I had all DILDs from WBTB at night. Then I had mostly WILDs during nap on sofa and barely any DILDs. My Hand RC stopped working, found the levitation RC and "lets change something" RC and bam! I was levitate RCing like a mad man in my dreams.

      My conclusion, I have to keep my mind on it's toes, keep it guessing, what I'm gonna do next and mostly keep it entertained. And an occasional thank you goes a long way.
    15. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Awesome, thanks for that info! That's great stuff.

      I had noticed that you took the B-complex at 4 pm and was struck by how much earlier in the day that is than what I'd tried. I've tried B vitamins at WBTB and pre-bed, both with good (but inconsistent) results. My highest-ever level of lucidity was after taking B-6 before bed for the first time. The idea of taking a time-release version earlier in the day is very interesting.

      It's funny that you mention the "stare at your feet" reality check. I spotted my feet once in a dream and they looked like frightening purple troll feet and got me lucid. Unfortunately, it was just a fragment -- I woke up right away. I agree with you that the novelty of your mantra really could have played a role. You're asking something completely new of yourself. It's natural for your mind to pay much closer attention to this novel input. And there's no just "going through the motions" and repeating the mantra without meaning it... it's too new for that!

      I went to bed at 11:45. But I just fed the cats
      It's still strange for me to think of you owning cats instead of actually being the cat in your av.

      And yes, CL is you, canislucidus. I think this was because we comminicated yesterday over a DJ or something.

      I have also noticed, that stuff that impresses me during day showes up in my dreams that night quite often.
      Awesome!! I am sure that I enjoyed my brief moment of glory and power as a dream world mod. And yeah, I've noticed the same thing about day residue. I get my best dreams on days where I see interesting places, talk to interesting people, and of course visiting DreamViews (heh heh...)
    16. gab's Avatar
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      Thank you for your comment.

      It was really fast, back to back, maybe 10 min. I felt as I was rushed, ushered through the whole thing, as if someone was saing, "ok, wake up, count fingers, get lucid, then I was thrown back to bed, wake up... didn't really have time to stop and smell the roses.

      I just added to the post - just remembered, that I took 50mgs of B-complex at around 4pm. It's the extended release kind. First time I took it, I had 3 longest, most vivid, most interesting and most detailed dreams of my life. But it didn't seem to help since then.

      I woke up from the last one at 7:50, didn't wanna get up but forced myself so I don't forget. Waited for a second or two to see if it continues, then counted fingers, haha. But I was up for real.

      I went to bed at 11:45. But I just fed the cats, so I thought I better wait for them to go potty before I lay down, so I just sat on a bed and did my favorite "Next time I'm dreaming, I look at my hands and realize I'm dreaming" with counting fingers. As i'm doing it, I notices that my bare feet are in my field of view too, so I jokingly thought, maybe I make an RC out of those too and I said a few mantras with feet instead of hands.

      I have noticed, that sometimes, some RCs or mantras stop being effective and I don't get lucid, until I start using a brand new one. So maybe the "feet" thing and me thinking about it as strange thing was something my mind appreciated as something new and entertaining and it rewarded me with this incredible series of FAs.

      I have had a series of DILD +5 DEILDs before, but never FAs. And today, first one was actualy a DILD, I believe and rest FAs.

      And yes, CL is you, canislucidus. I think this was because we comminicated yesterday over a DJ or something.

      I have also noticed, that stuff that impresses me during day showes up in my dreams that night quite often.
    17. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      It all happened way too fast, but it was incredible. Thank you, can I please have another one.
      No freaking kidding! Amazing, amazing series of dreams. Guess I'm going to be trying pee water.

      What time did you finally wake up? I'm curious how tightly packed all of these were? Do you have any idea at all what might have caused this volcanic lucidity? In any case, congratulations!

      I'm modding with CL. Replying to a thread.
      What's CL? Or did I just get promoted to mod?
    18. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Cool, thanks Gab! I will have to do another experiment on the whole pee water thing. It really did seem to help with recall, although I had trouble figuring out the right amount. Your way (drinking a bit more water upon each waking) sounds like a good way to yield a few more light wakings for better dream recall.

      I've been consistently seeing this theme from excellent dream recallers -- they wake up a lot (perhaps unconsciously) and always take the time to mentally review their most recent dreams. This looks like a good method for folks that don't do this naturally. (Me. )
    19. gab's Avatar
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      No, not huge amounts. Ok, just went to kitchen and measured - about 1/2 - 3/4 of a cup. For me, it works like a charm. I have a nightlight and paper and pen on batroom sink and while I sit I write my dream, or at least as many key points as I can.

      So when it wakes me up, I have another drink, same amount, eventhough I'm not thursty. I take it as medicine, something that helps me. Hrm, maybe that's helping me with recall too.

      Example: bed at 11:30pm
      first wake up - 3:09
      second - 4:07
      third - 6:40
    20. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Hey, we all have those nights where recall just doesn't happen like it should. I still get nights that are complete zeroes sometimes.

      I've heard you mention your water approach before. I went through a phase where I experimented with drinking a lot of "pee water" but wound up stopping for some reason. What was the reason? Ah yes, I remember. I am very lazy. How could I forget?

      Do you drink more water each time that you get up? Are we talking huge glasses each time? I was just curious how your general schedule breaks down with this. I found it hard to get things perfect, myself. When I overdid it, I'd wake up after like 2 hours having to pee like a race horse, which was way too soon to do much good. And when I underdid it, I'd wake up to my alarm with no dream recall and an alarmingly full bladder.
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