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    Turquoise Dreams

    1. Strangest dream

      , 02-02-2018 at 03:49 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night

      I'm standing at my childhood room's window. Looking outside, over our yard. The skies are getting darker, clouds are gathering. I briefly see my mom trying to get back home from work on her bike and I kinda know she is either gonna make it, or wait it out at work. But that thought is fleeting, it's not complete.

      There is more and more clouds, like when you watch them gather before a storm. I call my younger brother to look, and the boy sitting on my bed, eating candy we got from a friend (my WL friend got me candy from his trip that day), didn't come to look. There is only a bit of light coming from the left, everything else is very dark grey. Not pitch black, but you still can't see anything. It's complete still, not a sound, no wind.

      I sit down on the bed, thinking about turning on the lights, but I know it's not a good idea. Everything outside it quiet. Nobody else is putting their lights on, and nobody has the TV on. We don't know what is happening, we should watch the TV to learn, but I know it's too late. We don't want to attract whatever that is by our lights.

      I don't formulate the thought, but I somehow know it's an alien invasion. They are already in the house. I don't see them, but I know. I reach to my side to grab my brother's hand so we at least have each other, and even before I touch his hand, I know it's not my brother, but an alien. The hand I grab is way too small for a human hand, and much more skinnier.

      I just sit there, knowing it's too late.

      Major UPDATE:
      Watching TV just now and seeing a whiskey glass with liquid in it gave me an instant memory of how this alien dream above started.

      Three of us are sitting in my room. I'm with back to my window, 1 boy is on the bed and second one is opposite of him. A low coffee table is between us. I'm watching some clear glasses with liquid in them. The liquid starts to slowly move to one side, then the other. As if you tilted the glass. Only nobody is touching it. I realize that something near has a huge gravitational pull on the liquid, which is stronger than our Earth's pull. Something like a black hole, or a huge alien ship. That's when I get the first bad feeling of something bad coming our way. Then I looked out the window... The rest is above.

      Updated 02-04-2018 at 04:32 AM by 50242

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Beer tasting; Alien invasion; Walking dead

      , 12-13-2016 at 03:31 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Bed 9:45 - 3:40am

      Took a 2hr nap or so in the afternoon.

      3 cool dreams.

      DR 1:
      I'am in a big house. Large floor plan, lots of windows, carpets. Nobody lives there now, we are hiding there. I'm looking into the next room that sits lower than where I am, at huge amount of boxes with supplies and I wish there was some beer. I look closer, and of course, lots of boxes with beer. Someobody calls me over to taste some of it. It's expensive and rare, so we sip it from whiskey glasses.

      Now I am outside, in a new neighborhood. I tell the cabbie to turn by the Walmart. As I look at the distant hills, someone yelles out "they are coming". The alien worms are invading. I see a cloud that resembles the poison gas cloud in Hunger Games. I don't see any worms but I'm not gonna wait and find out. They are coming to kill us.

      I start walking by a tunnel, trying to remember how to get back. I need to find a guy in a hospital. After long thinking, I figure out his name is Dr.Green. He is suppose to be a partner of character named Vic from a video game GTA. I'm looking closely at people passing by. I see them in great details, their faces, clothes. But since I don't know this guy, I am asking them "are you Dr. Green?". When danger comes closer, I follow few people that enter their living spaces after punching in the code in a keypad. I walk in and apologise for the intrusion. They tell me not to worry and just stay safe there.

      DR 2:

      I'm somewhere outside near some major road. There is a turn to the left and road turns into wooden lanes, almost like at the bowling alley. The lanes are separated by walls. Signs above the lanes say which place it leads from and where it's going. They are bicycle lanes. One sign says "from china to rest of the world". I'm joiking with someone when I say, "haha, I wanna see someone in China to go visit their gramma in Korea on a bike".

      I get on one of the lanes and ride a bike.

      DR 3:

      I'm in an artificial lake with concrete sides. It's rather small, maybe a size of 2 rooms. Someone else is there with me. I look in the water and we are standing on a small boat that sunk. I realize we are in the lake at Universal Studios. I look up at the huge board which is right above me to confirm location. Someone from the shore tells the guy he is not swimming right, he should be more in the water. I look in the water and see the dark shadow of the boat and how dirty the water is with debris. The actor next to me puts his face in the water. I push off and start swiming to the side. A fin swims by me and that confirms I'm at the studios. It's an animatronic shark from Jaws, programmed to swim in circles on the edge of the pool.
    3. Another language; Scavenging and alien attack; First real gun

      , 11-18-2016 at 04:53 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Day before yesterday.

      Very detailed and aware dream.

      I'm in another country. But then I realize it's not another country, just a place I used to go to visit my gramma, and they speak another language there more than the official lang. of the state.

      I followed my boss from my WL client company to his house for some paperwork or discussion. Something about a missing paragraph. We walk through his house and I see everything in such a clear detail. This whole dream is very clear, detailed, logical. Not foggy at all.

      I left my bicycle in his yard and when I remember that, I return. Looking at the house I can't remember which door leads to his place. I look at several doors then I knock on one and they let me in, it was the right one.

      But I don't take the bike afterall. I remember now that I only know half of the way home from this small town to my town. I can't remember the names of some other cities I need to go through. (This happens fairly frequently. Me trying to get back home from this place on a bicycle, only realizing that I don't remember the exact way. When IWL I do and I made that trip many times.)

      I walk out and start looking for a cab to take me to the bus station. I ask 2 people where the bus to my town goes from (and I tell them the correct WL name). They don't know. Then I help a young mom with something she carries so she can take her stroller down the stairs and she tells me where my bus #16 goes from and at what time. I get to the station, #16 just pulls up, I jump on and driver confirms he is going to my town. I pull out a $500 bill, then $100 and I realize it was still too much.

      I spoke through the whole dream my other language they speak at my grammas place. Mixed with some of my first language and some english I think.

      Dream last night:
      We are in some old, industial type building with lots of glass and metal. Looking or more scavenging for usefull items. Screwdrivers, paintbrushes, all kinds of tools and stuff. I think we are post war or something like that.

      Somebody tries to attack us and I sling my machine gun from my shoulder, aim at him but it doesn't fire. I'm thinking it's out of ammo so I look closer and squeeze the trigger while I'm aiming at the ceiling. It fires a powerful, fast, metal round. It makes a hole in it.
      (This is first time that my rifle actually shoots real ammo that's metal and heavy and it does damage.)

      Outside in a huge, hangar type room, aliens are coming. A small blob of alien lifeform that I feel is dangerous and sinister shows up near by. I try to shoot it and stomp on it.

      We have to get away from there. Someone wants to go to top floor and escape from there. I say that is the bank floor, heavily armed, shatter proof windows and such. To prove my point, a missile is heading our way, hits the window but nothing happens. Window holds. So we decide to leave another way.
    4. Aliens hacking

      , 06-14-2016 at 08:25 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Took a long, 5 hr nap after work, then bedtime around 2am.

      Really long and detailed, with some thinking in it. Wrote some keywords and now that's pretty much all I remember.

      We are in some large, castle like building with big stairs and rooms. I was hacking with my huge machete at some solid matter, that was left from an alien who transformed into that. It wasn't easy, an pieces were flying off of it. It was similar to a wooden brick.

      The aliens just beat us and they are leaving. We are waiting patiently for them to leave through the door, while we lay on the ground or hide. One of them turns back, looks at the person laying at the bottom of the stairs and says to the other alien, that he is dead or not dangerous anymore. I realize that it's me, even though I'm looking at it from 3.person view. Apparently I have just shed my true appearance and I don't appear to the aliens as a thread.

      After they leave, we run down the hill at night and try to stop a car on the road, but we are also careful not to flag down enemies. Then the notice POLICE on the car and wave at them. They pass us, then they stop and 2 man have FBI on their windbreakers. We ar releaved that they will help us.

      We tell them we need to go to hardware store to get more machetes, axes and big knives, because the ones we have are more like movie props. And we show them some swords that are made of shiny bendy plastic like thing.
    5. Invasion; Chile

      , 06-11-2016 at 01:38 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I was just thinking yesterday why am I not having cool dreams like I used to.

      Last night:
      I was in South Amerika, I think Chile. We are looking at some monitor that's showing different beaches in Chile. We are picking a beach for a vacation. Someone says that when there is a heatwave in Mexico, it's also hot down in Chile.

      Few days before:
      It's night. We are running through some landscapa that is just dirt with occasional bush. It looks like lots of people went there, dirt is all roughed up. Someone is attacking in the distance from above. I see a hole in the ground. We go in. A huge rock blocks the entrance after we get in. We walk through some tunnels dug in the soil, it's pretty well lit with yellow light from unknown source. I have a feeling it's headqarters of resistance against alien invasion.
    6. Fight with aliens

      , 07-12-2013 at 08:17 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Friday 7/12/13

      Last night bed 9pm -

      DR1 - 11:55 pm - Something about a train ride.

      DR2 - 11:55 pm - I'm in a facility. Squatting at an opening in a wall, poking aliens, so they don't climb inside. I go look for some weapons. Come into this very large room, full of shelves with rifles, ammo, shoulder fired granade launchers. I tell the guy "hey, we are fighting aliens, could you give me a nice rifle?". I ask for Kalashnikov. He doesn't have any. So i ask for M16, or any high powered, fast shooting one. He says he has ??? in a room 200 feet under ground. He want's me to go with him to get it. I'm like "have you not seen any aline invasion movies? YOu don't go underground. Maybe that's where they are coming from." But he insist and he leaves.

      I envision a large cart or two, full of granades. How that would stop them from coming through that hole very nicely. I start opening cabinets, but don't see granades. There are bazookas, but I can't use them on short distance.

      I get out of there to fight some more. When I come back, the place has been compromised. Someones mobil is ringing on the counter. I want to answer it, but I can't authenticate myself and it won't answer the call. Instead, it askes me if I want something? and I push the button "yes". What it does is it locks the cabinets. I found that out, when I try to look for granades again. But I can pry open the doors anyway.

      Someone is coming. Some humans in very heavy green armor and face paint. I tell them that to give me some weapons, but they don't see me. I wave, jump, yell, ... nothing. Then I realize, another thing the phone did, is it made the owner - me, invisible. So I pick up a box of ammo and wave it in front of the guys eyes. He can see it. now I write on it and he can see that too.

      I walk out again. Aliens are closer now. I fight with one of them, and he kills somebody. I konk him on the forehead and I see I made a dent and he goes down dead. I realize, that forehead is their vulnerable spot. I feel like we can win now.

      (Just before bed, watched a few min of movie "Signs", with Mel Gibson. I didn't wanna watch the scary movie and changed the channel, but came back to it, thinking it may give me some intense dream. So it did.)
    7. astronaut, ufos, aliens

      , 02-24-2013 at 10:01 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Sunday, 2/24/13

      It's 12:44am, just woke up after 2 1/2 hrs of sleep. Went to bed at 10pm, being wiped out after 2 long days of work.

      DR 1 - 12:30am
      I'm at home with somone. That someone is getting his coat on and leaving. I ask him :Are you leaving, Mr.???

      I'm home alone, and it's at night. I see some lights in the skies and something like a spaceship. Then it disappears. I go from window to window, pushing my face against the window screen so I can see more out, then stopping, when imagining, what if alien face was just outside the screen.

      I see an image of an astronaut in full white space suit running in the skies, slowly, as if having problem because of the suit. Then I see, he is just a reflection of a guy running on the ground. Little further up he comes up on a berm with other guys in russian uniforms and I realize, they were there excercising. (military, not fitness). (I saw pic of astronaut in andrej's post)

      There are another lights, this time on the sidewalk. There is also a woman standing. Dressed in bluish robes. I'm scared of her.

      From another window I see small light high up in the skies, then next, then next, turning on one by one. I'm thinking I'm seeing my first real UFO.

      DR 2
      I'm cleaning the kitchen. There is a small piece of baked salmon leftover, so I eat it. I see another one underneath, I hesitate, but take a small bite. Doesn't taste bad, but I realize this second piece is a leftover from before and I'm pissed that I didn't notice. I look closely and there is small white mold on it.

      DR 3
      I have a small, humanoid shaped robot of blue color. He is shiny, like from plastic. He is inteligent, I can talk to him. So we talk. I ask him what's his name. Don't remember what he told me, so I call him Justin or Jason. I call him and then look if he came, don't see him. Then I look down and he is right next to me.

      WBTB of about 1-1/2 wake up in morning 9am

      I standing in front of the door with 2 kids. I'm attaching flashlights to their belts. We are going in a maze. Not haunted, but not kosher either. Behind the door is a snack bar, I'm thinking we should get some water. But the lady there is nasty and for some reason I can't buy water.

      We enter the maze. It's kind of an amuzement park. It's all inside of a building, rooms are different sizes. I decide to take the right path. I'm thinking if this was a good choice. If there are any statistics, that builders of the maze knew, as to which path majority of people take, left or right, and if it had any impact on what types of attractions were placed on each path.

      But to the left, the path is narrow, some kind of a small room that bends to the right. On the left path, the room is big, well lit, like a library. As we walk, I see on the right side some kind of rails on the ground. As small train like ride comes and stoppes there. Then another one and another one. Then they all go accross our path to the other side at great speed. I see this as a obstacle course. if we don't time it right, they will collide into us. I want to stand there and observe the pattern, but the little boy with me says let's go and he starts going. I grab girl's hand and we dart accross. We make it ok.

      I turn back and I see a tall monkey, like a skinny godzilla. (worked on godzilla movie IWL). He is about to throw a biggish purple bouncy ball at us. I pick up the girl and she kicks it back to him. By now it's not a gorilla, but 12 foot tall A. Lincoln. (i don't like the commercials for his movie).

      Next room is small. There is a something looking like a large sleeping bag on the ground. One side is opened and it has couple rows of large teeth. It looks like entrance to shark's mouth. It's an exhibit. Girl puts her foot inside and the things pulls her in. I walk on the outside to the end of the "sleeping bag" and I see her squirming there. There is another something inside. I shake the thing and she comes out naked. The thing inside took her clothes.

      As we keep walking, they start to shut the lights off. it's ok, because we have flashlights. Every time we came to brightly lit area, we turned our flashlights off, to conserve the batteries.

      *It's noon and I'm sipping mint tea from 3 bags of tea. Took 50 mgs of B-complex at 11:45am. Planning on taking a nap.

      Updated 02-24-2013 at 09:13 PM by 50242

    8. non-lucid. Moon shift, aliens

      , 03-12-2012 at 11:22 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Sunday, March 12,2012

      It's at night. I'm accross the street from my house in NZ. There is 2 more people with me. I look up at the sky and there is 4-5 small suns and also moons. The landscape of the Moon has shifted.

      We decide to better go home, when we hear some heavy trucks turning corner at H. street. So we can't run accross the street. We hide, untill they pass. But the last 2 wehicles stop right by us. There are some tanks and troop transport trucks. We run by them and hope we make it before they disembark. Our heavy backpack are slowing us down. But the military are getting out of their trucks as we run by.

      We still make it to my house. Close the entry door to the hallway and I'm locking it. But I already see one female alien in pink sweater approaching the door. I prop it with my foot. Someone else is running towards the house. We open the door to let him in. He trips and drops some groceries and jug of milk. No time to pick it up, because the alien is just rounding the corner. I feel like we should get the groceries, because we could be under siege for a while.

      Then I'm in a gov. research facility. I have a feeling, our gov. is cooperating with aliens. I'm part of some underground movement. I see a full color flier with info, how something is making people sick on purpose. It's very detailed with pictures. Then an alien female researcher stands behind me and I have an uneasy feeling about it. I wake up.
    9. Aliens on Earth - short- non/lucid

      , 11-13-2011 at 03:03 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Aliens were occupying the Earth. They were doing something to people through long tentacles hanging from their low flying crafts, spraying water. Some people started to dress like them in hope they will think we like them and won't be killed. It was a tall yellow-black metalic cape. I tried to buy me one too. I picked out a light blue cape that came with pants. it was different material and looked different. I had some money to buy it, but not enough. I tried to give shopkeeper some of my posessions, untill next day, when I would come back and give him rest of the money. But I was worried, he won't give me back my stuff - it was some letters, postcards, stuff from school.
      Tags: aliens