• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Elaineylane's Avatar
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      Very cool. Next time fly out a window or teleport to somewhere. You could utilize that in a really cool way. Sounds like it may have freaked you out a little though. I've had many things happen while dreaming & then wake up & go "what's wrong w/ me, that was perfect to do such & such in!" lol
    2. DannyCool's Avatar
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      Yeah! so cool that you recognised twice one by instincts and the other by a hand rc. Wishing you lots more happy times in your dreams.
    3. DannyCool's Avatar
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      Ok right so I did this too and I hardly remember my dream. 2 and half hours into the night I had no recollection. 5 and half hours into the night I just went back to sleep. 7 hours into the night I woke up with good recall. Did a wild then after journaling but was too awake.
    4. DannyCool's Avatar
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      Well depending on what time you goto bed 3am might be a bit early but you never know. There are really peaceful dreams at that time or a bit later. There is a feel good factor.
    5. Cinder's Avatar
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      It is great that you are recording your dreams every day. I am putting mine in a journal here at home and then post in the intro class. It sounds like you are going to get more and more comfortable without whatever the mind comes up with - like evil walk mattress etc. If you put your alarm on a couple of hours earlier you will remember some really nice dreams too. They happen earlier in the night.
      I was going to reply that I have difficulty recalling my dreams when I get woken up by an alarm clock, but then thinking back on the past few days I have been waking up before my alarm, and I still had issue recalling my dream, and besides I suppose scientific opinions suggest that dreams are more easily remembered if the REM period is interrupted.

      I think I definitely will try to do a morning nap for tomorrow and wake up at 3AM, so if things go according to plan I should get at least two interesting dreams.
    6. DannyCool's Avatar
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      It is great that you are recording your dreams every day. I am putting mine in a journal here at home and then post in the intro class. It sounds like you are going to get more and more comfortable without whatever the mind comes up with - like evil walk mattress etc. If you put your alarm on a couple of hours earlier you will remember some really nice dreams too. They happen earlier in the night.
    7. <span class='glow_00FF00'>StaySharp</span>'s Avatar
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      His face got stuck on a shield? Ouch indeed, and what a peculiar thing to dream.
    8. MeohMyoh's Avatar
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      nice dreamz
    9. Zoob's Avatar
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      Updated 10-13-2016 at 12:41 PM by Zoob
    10. Cinder's Avatar
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      Ay, who you be on Bay12?
    11. RelicWraith's Avatar
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      Wow, I thought I was experiencing de-ja-vu when I saw this here a day ago. It took till now to realize I read it in the Bay12's Dream Thread right before I read it here, lol.
    12. JoannaB's Avatar
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      Are you currently in class? The bad news: these kinds of nightmares may continue to haunt you even once you no longer are in any class whatsoever: nightmares of not having studied for exams, not having attended class at all and now its finals, being late for class, not having written that paper. It's amazing how much more weight our subconscious puts on such things than they deserve. I am not in school or college any more, and have not been in ages, and sometimes I want to kick my mind's butt for still sending me nightmares about that!