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    Lucid Time!

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    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Peanut Butter Wars, Semi Lucid

      by , 12-09-2014 at 04:48 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Something to do with a new music building being added to my high school. It has all of this wood paneling and all of this bamboo growing out around the sides.

      There was some crazy war going on where two armies were fighting over a supply of peanut butter.

      The battlefield is this huge open meadow, surrounded by thick woods. There are a couple of mountains in the distance. The area sort of has a minecraft feel to it, though nothing appears to be made of blocks. I also recall seeing a cartoon drawing that was a map of the battlefield and contained the tactics used by the armies with drawings of cartoon soldiers killing one another. The map was drawn on very high quality parchment paper.

      The battle began. One army was clad mostly in steel armor and used swords. All of the men in this army looked really short, and they all looked the same. They appeared to be the more formal army. [Dream Logic]They also had trebuchets that were launching large jars of peanut butter at the enemies that would explode on impact. The peanut butter was sticky and supposedly would slow down the advance of the enemy. [/Dream Logic]

      The other army was a small band of tribal men with long dark hair who rode on horseback. They had a very native-american feel to them. They fought with spears and bows mostly. Although they seemed inferior in numbers their tactics and skill in combat was impressive.

      Somehow I got into the fight. A group of the steel clad men came after me.
      I became partially lucid. I started fighting with them; running at them and disarming one. I took his sword and used it to cut down a couple of others. One ran at me from behind, yet somehow I could sense him coming. (Partial lucidity?) I threw him over my left side, both stabbing him and taking his sword. Dual wield. I turned to see what looked like a lieutenant of the steel army readying a bow. (His armor was fancier, I assumed he was important.) I threw one of the swords and it stuck right in his face impaling him.

      I then see a couple of the tribe men charging at me on horseback. I throw the other sword, that for some reason becomes a spear when I throw it. It strikes the leader in the leg and also injures his horse who falls over and the whole group trips over him and falls down on him in an almost comedic fashion. A couple of guys manage to get out of the confused pile of horses and charge me. I pick up another sword and get ready to fight when the dream changes.


      Somehow or other I found myself in my living room. Manei was there, laying on the couch. And for some reason or other I didn't quite grasp that I was dreaming. I thought for some reason that I was awake and imagining that she was there. Something was amiss.

      For some reason I still had a spear on me from the previous dream. I was examining it a little, and spinning it around like a bo staff. (Not sure how, though, the living room in our house is tiny.)

      She told me that she was upset because she had gotten in trouble with her guide, and that she overall wasn't feeling well. I did my best to be understanding, but I don't think I've ever seen her not all happy and bubbly like she usually is until now. Not having the best grasp of dream/reality didn't help either. I didn't really know what to do, so I dropped the spear and sat down on the other couch across from her, and the dream faded out.

      I wonder if I could find Manei's guide and talk to him/her. That's either a really good or really bad idea. The bottom line is: I'm getting somewhere, albeit slowly.
      non-lucid , lucid
    2. Power Wheels

      by , 12-08-2014 at 06:30 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I had joined the army. They are teaching me to drive around on these little Jeeps that are so small they are basically like Power Wheels toys and they only fit one person, save for they seem to run on gasoline and have metal parts, like a real jeep. At one point, one of my tires burst and I was able to just push it on its side and change the tire.

      Goddang dry spell. I got some lucid dares, but other things take priority. Though it's nice to have a solid list of goals to take care of.

      Here is a rough outline of my goals:

      1.) First of all, get this lucid issue worked out with Manei, see if I can take down this dry spell. I don't see how I'm gonna go anywhere if I can barely get lucid in the first place. So this takes the #1 Priority.

      2.) Then I would like to get on to manifesting Dawn and Eye in my dreams. I've had a couple snippets, but I gotta get all three of them in a good long LD.

      3.) Then I got two lucid dares; both holiday themed. Sensei dared me to meet Jack Skellington. (Think i'd better re-watch Nightmare Before Christmas... ) and the other, Percylucid dared me to deliver presents as Santa Claus. (Fifty bonus points for a full on Nightmare Before Christmas LD where I complete both dares.)

      Thanks for the lucid dares, guys. I'm pumped! This dry spell is goin down! :tropicalboxer:

      Lower on my list of priorities; long term goals are:

      -I would also like to manifest my old dream nemesis and properly defeat him. (Even better, befriend him.)

      -Dream meditation. Has to happen at least once.

      -Visit the world from my comic strip while lucid. Get some ideas.

      -Manifest my friends S and C into my dreams.
      Tags: army, jeep
      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes