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    Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious

    1. March 12, 2018 Frags

      by , 03-13-2018 at 08:06 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream scene was JMU down devon lane. The road extended out to a rural neighborhood and there was a forest surrounding the houses and road. Eventually I was over near the food lion but it was a huge apartment building. We're meeting there for my sustainability class.

      I was outside on UVA's campus but it looked different. There was a person in a UNC outfit putting up signs everywhere even though UVA had beat them. I go inside and it looks like a church. Judy is there, I think we did something sexual. I look over and there's another couple having sex but the girl is obviously faking everything and then I start to question if every girl I had been with was doing the same.

      Later on I was in ECL library at a computer. I had three stacks of brownie trays. I was trying to stack them up and leave but people were coming up and taking them. I run up to someone and yell at them but then immediately say they can have some. Someone who I didn't see had eaten a pattern into the trays.
    2. July 19 2017 Non-Lucid

      by , 07-19-2017 at 09:26 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Went to bed at 5AM and woke up at 3:40PM.

      From what I remember, I was at some sort of camp. We're up very high in the trees with ziplines and our harnesses attached to wires. My mom is there. I'm trying to transfer myself over to another wire but the clips aren't working. There's an old man in the trees with me who I recognize from my pool who is trying to help me.

      I wake up. I start to sleep again trying to go back to the trees.

      I'm dreaming I'm back at college on this place called Devon Lane. There's townhouses with decks next to each other. I look over to the left and there's a fraternity and sorority next to each other talking on decks. The house I'm at has a bunch of my fraternity brothers out and about drinking and hanging out. I remember it felt like I had just woken up, but it looked like it was pretty much night time. People keep talking about how it looks like it's night time but it's only 2PM. It looks kinda like the sun is setting. I see my friend JP opening a beer. I ask if anyone wants to split a case of beer and three younger brothers on chairs jump up and come with me. We're walking up the street to the gas station. There's a pool to the left of us that we recognize some people at. We walk in and my friend Ali is there at the end of the pool, or someone who kinda looks like him. There's kids jumping like 30 feet in the air and then diving into the shallow pool but they're fine. I start to walk back to the door when I pass a girl in a white shirt. As I turn around, I see it's Dana. Someone asks me who she is and why we don't date anymore and I tell them a lie saying that she cheated on me. I wish I could have talked to her.

      I walk outside of the gate and pass my childhood friend's mom Dorris and a posse of people including this famous girl that used to be in my friend group in high school. I tell someone that. Then, everyone in the dream starts to tell us to look up at the sky. The sky to the right is incredible, there's these really colorful and elaborate shapes in the sky moving in some sort of pattern, and they change every 10 seconds or so. People are getting their phones out and I get my phone out as well, changing the patterns with some sort of filter I have. I remember feeling like the world was going to end in this dream, like things were starting to align and everything felt so right in that moment. It was all making sense, the sky was acting up that day, someone famous was in town for some reason, the girl I had wronged in the past was there for me to forgive. And I was okay with the world ending in that moment.

      I'm suddenly in this view of different regrets in my life coming before me. People I didn't like would come up, and I would simply just tell myself that I didn't care anymore and let the grudge go. Dana came into view, and I apologized and washed that regret away. Dirty things were appearing and I was just forgetting them from my life. I felt this high that I only get while in dreams. I felt like my body was floating upwards and I was telling God to take me away and I had tears coming out of my eyes.

      And then I was paralyzed and couldn't move. Those dirty things were there with me in this small space, and I was struggling to move. In that moment, I started to take on the form of my friend Kolby. Then I jerked myself awake.