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    MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.


    This journal will account my many dreams!!! yay! Anyway, I have had so much amazing synchronistic occurrences around dreams. I have helped myself and a few others through my dreams! I am doing my best to find out how to live my life by my dreams.

    Main entities:

    Asuka: My dream wife. I am purely convinced that she's not another aspect of my mind. She exists separate from me. Lately I have been running into people similar to her in waking life. She's sweet, very kind, and has a strange sense of humor. She has a yellow aura.

    Nomad: The guy that got me into shared dreaming. He doesn't show up in dreams as often... but back in the day we dream shared lots. He got me into the dream lover thing and also has experience with meeting their twinners on the waking plane.

    Raven: My other dream sharing friend. She helps me and asuka a lot. I wish I could recall her more.

    Data: He maintains the shields in my inner world.

    Victor: My dream guide... though he hasn't shown up lately.

    Shawna: A soul that shared a body with a woman named Aeona, Raven's guide Q appointed me guardian of Shawna when she was separated from Aeona.

    Other dream children: Two babies between me and asuka and also two other orphans that now reside in my inner world. We are all like a dream family... Aren't I creepy?

    The dream plane:

    I look at dreams as a separate plane of existence. Our waking realities are dense energy that give the illusion of solidity. Next is the Astral plane that is just outside of our waking perception. The dream plane vibrates at a light frequency and consits of bubbles. Every person when not traveling out of body dream in their inner world. Anyone can shape what they want their inner world to look like, and also use it as a focus point for the law of attraction. You can invited other dream entities to stay in your inner world... but be careful, it may attract demons. Dream sharing can take place inside your inner world or the inner world of someone else. other dream places are bubbles made of less dense energy.

    1. lots of dreams with little detail.

      by , 06-25-2010 at 03:37 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)


      Short fragment about driving in a mountain road and seeing a whole wack of military men walking around.


      Dream of playing with a black dog. It's nose was a tiny soft mouth... Instead of licking me, the dog used it's nose to give me a wet bite... which didn't hurt... but it was the same as a dog licking my face...


      Fragment of following an asian woman down a flight of stairs (asuka). we are met by a big black guy, who is a waiter/bouncer. I remember him giving me a mean look.

      Semid lucid 1

      I have vague recall of being lucid. in this dream I was fighting nomad (for fun). Can't remember any more details.

      Semi Lucid 2

      In this dream I am standing in two rooms at once looking at my brother. I am lucid and telling him "This is a dream. that's why I can do this!!!


      Vague dream... but long about being in a house with some women. I am supposed to retrieve things for them or something. i leave and somehow enter a car with my brother and a friend of ours. His friend wants to hear my guitar playing while we drive. I pull out a CD and put it in. We only hear 3o seconds or so of a song before we reach our destination.

      Gravel wtf

      Me and my brother are pushing a baker scaffold up an impossibly steep gravel pile. It takes ages before we get to the top. but we eventually do.

      Phase shifter.

      I remember being angry at some guy. He had something of mine in his hands and he was smirking. I went to grab for it, but he disappeared. I walked for a bit and found him again. he had the same smirk on his face. "hey wipe that smirk off your face" i said and grabbed for him. My hands grabbed at nothing again, and I noticed he was sitting at another chair. I grabbed for his hands there, but i grabbed nothing again. Now, he was at a different chair. "how are you doing that?" I asked, and grabbed again, him teleporting to another chair. "I'm looking but not seeing" i said.
    2. feh no lucids.

      by , 06-24-2010 at 03:22 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)


      First i am walking down a street in chilliwack. some guy walks past me and gives me a slightly dirty look. He's wearing nice homie - G clothing and I am wearing a jacket covered in drywall mud. so I probably look like a weirdo.. whatever.

      Then the dream flashes to where I'm walking on a trail in the woods. I hear someone walking from the shrubs. I look and see it's a bright blue ape. Like an abominable snowman. I just shrug and keep walking. I hear the guy behind me again but this time he's a regular looking guy. some woman goes up to me (asuka) and tells me we have to chase him to catch him. i go to chase him but I realize my shoes aren't for running.I find some other shoes magically and grab them i try to run while putting them on. They are a pair of those all star shoes and a bitch to put on. By the time i put them on. The man is far ahead and I can no longer chase him.

      suddenly I find myself in a restaurant with my brother and his GF. his GF makes a comment about me not being able to eat the food or something.

      Later I am in another building. I am supposed to pay with debit at some strange machine. But when I put my card into the machine. it rturns in to a VLT type game with interesting charp and clear graphics. there's some megaman looking guy in cool armor with some items above him. I select the wrong item and lose, but it says I have another chance. The woman at the counter says i must pay so urry up and finish the game. I somehow select the right item and on the screen i get more items and then it starts showering down coins on the screen. I guess i won.


      some lucid imagery of looking at my hand


      I remember being on a bed with asuka and having a pillow fight. The window catches my eye. It's a weird color. I start freaking out and think it's the end of the world or something.


      I'm walking around in my basement while munching on soem white candle wax... It tastes like vanilla icing... but with candle wax in it. yuck. I hate it. I come to a room that asuka sometimes sleeps in and see it's a mess. there's big candles in no holders on the carpet burined right into the ground. All the wax is crusted right into the carpet. I think my landlord will freak at this site. I go to the bathroom to spit out the candle wazx that i'l still munching on. But i see the toilet is filled with... well poop and crusted with vomit. I dare to try and flush the toilet and clean up the mess but I wake up... Which i'm glad i Did!
    3. A lucid

      by , 06-23-2010 at 04:53 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      weird lucid

      My memory starts when the person I know as L who looked like David Rockefeller, showing up in a black limo while I am walking down a generic street.
      He gets out and I can tell he wants to use me in some way to get into my inner world. I run away into someones yard. I jump over a fence, and now I am floating. i touch the ground and continue running, not looking behind me at all. The next fence has an opening in it. Right in the middle of the fence is a square opening, so i dive through it head first. I keep running until I come to another fence with a large square opening, so this time I go feet first floating through it.

      I go into a yard that is familiar and go behind a stone wall. I then jump up onto a small concrete ledge with a stone roof with a mural painted on the ceiling. I gradually become lucid during a period of several seconds. I am staring at the mural. All I see is paintings of Asuka on the murals. I stare at one for a while and notice one of the eyelids begins to come out of the painting. I think "oh great she's hiding in the mural and is coming out to see me!"

      I instinctively put my hand on the mural. I look at it against the part of the dream and begin counting. I count up to ten, I didn't want to go high just in case I wasn't doing it right. I pulled my hand away and I watched as the dream was bending towards me like the corner edges of paper coming together. I watched as it went back to normal.

      I had something in my hand. It was like a metal dog tag with an inscription on it. It was by Walms. It wals talking about time dilation. it read "focus on hand - the dream. Count and then jump". I had a vague image in my head of walms with his hand on the ground and counting. when he was done I see him spring up right into the air.

      missing time


      sex dream I kept waking up from. In the dream i would be in the same bed doing my thing. Then i would wake up and be in the same bed alone. This happened several times.

      strange game

      I remember being in some building where we were participating in some wierd game. We had to go to different tables and do different actions or something. I didn't understand it well so i went outside for a smoke. It was night out and I saw something moving in the shadows to my left.

      "Is that somebody there?" I asked. I heard a woman's voice and saw the shadow come forward. There was a smaller shadow with her. they moved into the light a bit. they stood in front of me with steps leading down behind them. We were in a conversation I can't recall. I watched as the woman walked, she went from slim to a very obese woman. She asked me if I gave the joint to someone.

      as she asked it, more people came from walking up the steps. there were a few Women and one really short brown guy with a mean look on his face. someone asked "you gave a joint to someone?"

      i said "yea, It was a few inches long but not very big." I showed the thickness of it between my fingers, indicating it was really small. "It was a fucking pinner joint!" I said. Everyone laughed except the small brown guy.


      some vague dream aof walking around in my basement with asuka and other inner world characters.

      Asuka attacked

      yet again. I was in some dark place watching some weird creature put a series of spikes through her and she was screaming. It faded out.


      I am Shawna from junior high. Through her eyes I see myself sitting down and playing guitar. WTF?!?!?

      Updated 06-23-2010 at 05:03 AM by 6012

      nightmare , memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    4. Fragments.

      by , 06-22-2010 at 02:34 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Many fragments of very short dreams

      Jungle Jumping

      yeah.... Pretty mucha vague dream about jumping and flying around in a jungle...

      Not the bees!

      WILD's problem-45ba051368a749a6_b20ba851ada668e1_o.jpg

      I'm sitting in some weird place talking to some guy. I get up from the bench and walk into an open area. Suddenly a huge swarm of bees go at me. I kind of punch through them without being stung.

      Later i am walking down a street watching a movie being shot. some a woman and a young girl are walking down the street being filmed... they have Grey auras. weird.


      all i remember is going downa very large slide... it was fun!!!

      astral pull

      I'm walking on some sort of constructed path. I hear a noise behind me. suddenly i am hit by something moving fast and flung with great force into the air. I then slam right into my physical body and wake up. It wasn't like a regular "fall into your body" type wake up... more like shot from a cannon into my body at point blank range.


      vague dream of Asuka looking kind of like nomad's girlfriend angel.


      I become friends with Asuka on facebook. Later i think "what are my friends going think of me making FB friends with one of my recurring dream characters?"

      Nomad at work

      I'm on some upper level on a job. i look down and see nomad mixing some mixture.. looks like concrete. andyway i have a snowball and throw it at him. It hits the wall and he doesn't notice. I find another snowball from nowhere but before i throw it i Wake up. Funny... the snowballs weren't cold.


      some brief lucid imagery of looking at my house roof... there was only the frame there.
    5. last night's dreams

      by , 06-20-2010 at 02:59 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      vague lucid

      All I remember is looking at my hand against a wall getting ready to try walms' time dilation technique. I remember thinking i should focus on one spot And the rest of the dream while counting. I began counting.

      missing time

      Remembering dreams

      I remember walking around a club and trying to recall my dreams. I had about 4 remembered. in one dream I remember I had met Serenity. i wish i could recall those dreams now.


      I remember walking around in a place that was being constructed. I remember jen (my brother's gf) telling me to do something. i look at the job and i see endless hallways of drywall sheets. no way I'm going to get that done in time.

      I enter a hallway and see a clown. I chase it down the hallway and enter a room. The clown is now a blond young guy. I seem to know who he is. I go and start choking him. I tell him i will kill him for what he has done. I mind control him to agree with me. i let him go. he apologizes and I make him kill himself from the dream.


      Flash of watching Asuka enter the house door. i asked her where she was.
    6. low recall

      by , 06-16-2010 at 03:25 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Low recall


      Yappy dog from hell

      I'm in one of my old friend's houses. I am suppose to take all the dogs (about 3) out the door and leave them outside. One small little dog doesn't want to go. It bite my hand hard. I spend minutes trying to pry it's teeth from my hand. Now, I like all animals... but this dog was from hell. Like if satan incarnated to earth as a bikini blond woman This would be her dog. I managed to get to the door and slowly pry it off my hand. I then threw it out the door and shut it fast.

      I walked back down the hallway and there was a guy there with dark skin. He said in a high pitched voice. "haha, that dog is just gonna come in through an open window and attack you again. sure enough i see it running towards me so I try to punch it as it jumps at me. It manages to latch it's teeth right onto my fist.

      Flying V

      3rd person view of seeing some space ships fly in a V formation. The middle ship is evil and is trying to blow up all the other ships. The other ships manage to destroy it. The ship spins out of control. I am expecting to see an epic space explosion. But the base turns into a wounded eagle and two men separate from it and fall to earth.

      My vision follows them to the ground. Suddenly I am there with them. The two men are like "shit, we're stranded on this god forsaken planet... what shall we do?" They decide to cook up the eagle for food. they sit, talk and munch. I see a blue house nearby and wonder if it's inhabited.

      Raven's dream

      I'm reading a dream by raven knight about a dream that happened earlier in the night. It reads something like.

      "I am with MoSh and we are walking around in a park. I am so excited to meet him in real life. But wait a minute... I actually don't remember meeting him first. How did I get here with him? This causes me to RC, I pinch my nose and become lucid. "MoSh!" I say. "we are dreaming!"


      just a flash of being with Asuka.


      A lucid image of looking at my hand.

    7. dreams over the past few nights

      by , 06-15-2010 at 04:05 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Ugly Fat Bald Guy

      I'm walking with my brother in some strange town. He tells me he is going to look for his friend. for some reason I enter a store. After looking through it for a bit I find an empty lot outside that's fenced off but it had a gate on one end. Standing before me is a familiar fat bald guy. I'm non lucid so his appearance terrifies me! he says "ahh you've come for a good beating I see. Don't try to run you'll never escape!" He pulls out a chain and starts twirling it around. I run for the exit and bit he blocks me path. I tell him that I give up. and He says we have to go inside for the beating. He goes ahead of me through the door

      "PSYCH!" I yell and rin for the fence. The dream slows down as I leave the gate. but through the gate is a wooden fence? I hide there so he doesn't see me. He looks around a bit and goes back in the store. I know the only way out is through the store. I sneak back in. I can hear the man ranting to his friends about how great he is. I run with my trunk forward through the aisles so they don't see me. On my way out the front door, the mans girlfriend spots me, she smiles but doesn't say anything to the man.

      After I leave I find my brother. He's with shannon and another younger gilr emiting a purple aura. I tell him I'll hang with him. He protests at first, but i tell him some creepy guy is prowling around, and if he attacks us we'll hav more people to Defend ourselves.

      False Awakening

      FA, Get out of bed and my dad is standing there... or is it my guide? anyway we talk about something but the dream is so vague i can't remember.

      going to meet Mzzkc

      I'm in my guides car and we are driving around calgary at night time. I know I've dreamed many times in this place. I remember lots of winding roads. Eventually he drops me off at a place that Mzzkc is at. It's in a plaza, and it's a one floor office building.

      I go inside and see my friend Rusty in side with two other people. They are setting up for something. There's a woman at a table (asuka). she tells me it's a $20 fee to enter. I pull out money and she tells me to put it in the cash register, which is a giant round orange wax candle with a flame in the center. I remember thinking it was weird, but i put the money in it anyway.

      Note: Mzzck also had a dream this night about being in an office building.

      Crazy shite

      I'm on my computer and I'm looking at an old song that nomad once made about dreamsharing. there's an orange light bulb lever i have to puch in order to play it though. After I am done I go into the kitchen. Asuka looks like my mom. and she's acting crazy... insulting me and what not. My, guide is there so I ask him what's going on. He says that this isn't real and I should definitely call for help.

      Asuka announces she will kill herself. with a manical grin she pulls out a bare razor blade for an olfa knife. She cuts her left wrist, first across the tracks and then down the tracks. She holds her left arm up to me. I can see a thin line where it cut, then blood starts to come from it. She then laughs manically.

      Raven's house

      I am standing outside a nice looking house thta belongs to Raven knight. all i remember is being jealous since my house didn't look as nice...

      note: Walms also found raven at a strange house that night

      I'm walking around the old chilliwack highschool. Actually it's a cross between that highschool and my elementary school. I discover a door that leads up. I walk into an extra part of the the school that's being built: an upper level. I'm on a ledge now and I see some men in a higher up part putting on drywall. I jump up and float a bit. I think "weird I didn't know i could do this in waking life... I usually do this in dreams"

      I then fly up by the men working and land on a higher ledge. all the workers stop and am Amazed that i can fly. They say to do more. i flap my arms like wings and it takes me up. I then try to use another set of wings on my back... they worked in dreams so they might in waking life? anyway my memory gets foggy after this.


      i am walking in a house labyrinth. Actually running through it. A woman is behind me, we go down many hallways and find many hiding places.

      New forum

      I'm with asuka in a dark classroom. The room represents a forum for dreamers. I sit with her on a couch. She is saying something like, half of the people here know that I'm her boyfriend. I say that it shouldn't be a problem, people will less likely bother her at this place since they know that. I then put my arm around her and we talk some more.

      Later i go to my computer and log into DV. i have a long message from nomad sent to me and other forum people. He's talking about the new forum and how a bunch of members decided to go. he is also inviting everyone to come along.

      Updated 06-15-2010 at 04:38 AM by 6012

      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable
    8. all in a night's day pt 2

      by , 06-12-2010 at 09:12 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Rest of my dreams

      kindergarten jail (Abridged)

      I have to go to court, because someone accused me of child molestation or something. Asuka doesn't believe my innocence, but I tell her to check my dream log, she does and knows it wasn't me.

      Judge: You have the right to an attorney!

      Me: I reserve my right.

      Judge: What?

      I pull out a law book and read a passage about how an attorney's first duty is to the court and NOT his client. Therefore, I don't want one. The accuser looks like Ganon from Zelda: ALTTP. He summons a 3d image of me molesting a child.

      Me: that's not me. I can tell by the person's energy.
      Accuser: outrageous!

      I point at the image with my pinkie. The image changes into L who's molesting the child. I keep pointing at it and i see L is drawing energy from the Child's base chakra. The energy goes into him and then a Reptilian alien draws it out of him. weird.

      Accuser: You are only manufacturing evidence!

      Judge rules That I have to spend a dream year in a prison that's filled with children, If I touch one I spend another dream year there.

      Me: piece of cake.

      I only remember being in a jail with children where we had to do crappy arts and crafts all year long. Asuka visits me there as a young black girl. We build letter blocks together but mine are all crappy. I zoom out of the scene and am back in the courtroom watching the scene on a TV.

      Accuser: he did his year, and was well behaved, but he failed do to build any letter blocks properly!
      Judge: Sustained he served his sentence. he is a free man.

      Back at home

      asuka has disapeared. I'm talking to my guide outside of my house at night time. I remember being really pissed about spending a whole year in jail.

      Rescuing Asuka

      Me and Asuka are running in a town being chased by a black helicopter manned by L. I fly up and try to take it down but he keeps dodging. I get cornered at a gas station. Since I'm not lucid i forget my dream powers.

      I go from under the roof. i fly across the plaza once more and then sit on the ground. I wave my hands up in the air in surrender. L is an old man who looks like he belongs to the illuminati. I ask him "will i go to jail again?" he says "no, you surrendered... can't be punished for that.

      Back in court

      I am standing before the judge between two Asukas. One is fake and one is real.

      Judge: which one do you want to be with?

      L sitting in the audience shoots an astral tentacle into my head and makes me pick the fake one.

      Judge: Asuka now belongs to L.

      He rules in favor of L.
    9. All in a Night's day

      by , 06-12-2010 at 04:50 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      HH flashes

      first I see my hand in the darkness but it fades.... Then I'm in some weird restaurant. I walk around abit and try to bring my senses fully in the dream. A strange woman with a humongous square head jumps into my field of vision and smiles at me. She looks so bizarre I lose the dream. then I have another flash of my hand it has eleven fingers!!!

      I am with Mzzck in some weird dungeon made of Drywall. Each wall is a floor and we are jumping from one wall or floor to the next. it's like a puzzle we are figuring out. the entire dream was a shade of black.

      False awakening

      I wake up in my room. Everywhere there are digital clocks... on the door, on the wall. on my computer table, Even all over my bed. I can't read any of them... I leave the room and go to the washroom or something..

      Then I woke up in real life and did the same thing, minus the strange clocks.


      I'm in some weird place with ancient buildings with Asuka. She tells me to do an RC. I jump and flap my arms, flying a bit, but it never occurs to me that it's a dream.


      This was a long dream but I have forgotten most of it. All I can remember is flying with Asuka and singing. while we did this we were flying over a cornfield at night time.

      Another crappy junior high reunion.

      I'm in my old junior high again. I find some stairs and jump down them. I run through hallways and fly everywhere. Eventually I come into a classroom filled with students. I see corey there with a radio flier. I'm like "hey what's up man."

      He says. "I don't know why I keep going to these crappy reunions... they are getting lame." he says and kicks the radio flier across the room.

      "yeah these are pretty dumb aren't they, They usually happen to me in dreams but i'd never actually think i'd go to one."

      "well I barely remember any dreams so I'm not likely to remember this one... By the way I don't know about that dream stuff man... I mean you really contacted aliens?" he asks.

      "Well, yeah, so far I haven't really met many from another planet... that i know of. bu,t they are definitely foreign. And they are more involved in our lives a lot more than you'd even realize. Anyway let's blow this Popsicle stand."

      "Sure man... Get on" C grabs the radio flier, which now has a bike in front of it. I turn into a kid and get on the red wagon. C start's pedaling away with me along behind him. He's way ahead of the flier but it is connected by an almost invisible tentacle which stretches for many ft. I tell him to dodge one hallway and go through a secret passage which leads directly out of the school.

      "I mean who's to say that All Aliens, are in flying saucers or ships?" I continue. " Some aliens are most certainly extra dimensional, and merely project themselves into our world with their thoughts." I tell him to hang a right and we exit the school out of a high window. I see my old street on didsbury, but it's also downtown. he keeps going and I keep talking. "if, they can do that, they can certainly project themselves into our dreams. Since most dreaming substance is light, and our physical world is heavy... it would actually be much easier for them to communicate with us that way."

      "yeah... uh... where to now man?" He asks.

      "uh, you like japan right? you should meet my dream wife Asuka. hold on i'll open a portal." I open a portal and we both fly through. Now we are walking in a school field 10 Asukas run by us while we are walking, they are all in grey track uniforms and kicking around a soccer ball around but, it don't really register in my mind. "crap." I say, "were back at the damn school. Let's try again." I shoot an astral tentacle out of my hand and grab the bike and the radio flier. We get on, and continue.

      "anyway," I start again. " some people Say that aliens are walking around us all the time in the waking world. but they vibrate at a frequency that we can't see... Actually we know how to see them but we've trained our eyes to only look" I focus harder on opening a portal to Asuka.

      "interesting." he says. "I'll try to see them now. haha" suddenly a grey disk materializes out of nowhere. C forgets me and flies up off his bike. Me and the flier crash through the portal ahead.

      I'm standing on one of the ancient buildings from a previous dream. I see banana there standing on the edge of the building. He is looking below, at a crowd of people. "hey moSh," he says. "this is just too high up... I just want to be there with all them girls. I mean look!" I focus my eyes a bit more, and see that there are over a hundred asian girls walking around down below. I look at banana, but he's not banana.... it's Corey again? WTF?

      "what'" I asked. "you're also here?"

      "yeah, I followed you... that UFO was just a fake..." He continued looking down. He seemed depressed about it.
      "how... are we gonna get down there?"

      I look down. it's only 30 ft. I must have felt it was a dream or something. "easy... we jump down." I ran right to the edgebut C stopped me with his arm.

      "woah. don't do that... you'll die" he insisted.

      "come on man... just try." I grabbed his arm and pulled him off the edge with me. we only floated down. Now we were down with the group of what seemed to be over a hundred asukas. They were walking around and smiling, and talking to one another... their conversation reminded me of what you hear on the streets of GTA: San Andreas. Me and C went through the crowd... we were definitely confused. We both watched as one Asuka bumped into another, who was near the edge of another high wall, which was over a hundred ft up. The clumsy Asuka bowed and said "Sumi masen deshita" at the asuka who was bumped... but it was too late, she fell over the edge. All the other Asukas gasped and watched as one of them fell down a long way. She smashed her head on the edge of a stone window ledge. Her head split open and her brains got splattered everywhere and fell with the asuka body. Half of the Asuka's screamed in terror, while the other half chuckled.

      "this is definitely too high up." C said as he fainted slightly at the sight and threw up. The other Asukas vanished, but there was one left behind.

      "I'm so sorry." Asuka said. "I was trying to help you remember me like you had asked... but i made a mess of it.... I didn't mean to scare your friend." After C threw up he vanished. he had woken up.

      other notes (will finish later)

      -kindergarten jail
      - after jail at home
      - Asuka gets captured, i resue her but I get caught.
      - back in court with 2 asukas?
    10. Man of Shred's New Dreams

      by , 06-10-2010 at 04:30 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I guess I can throw flying out for a reality check...


      I'm walking down a street with Asuka. I think she tells me to do a reality check. I say, "well, if I can fly, i must be dreaming... but I can't right now see." Then I jump and flap my arms like a bird. I'm about to hit the ground when I start floating up. I say "Shit, Actually I do this quite often... no way that this is a dream."

      DV weirdness.

      I'm in some building that represents the forum of Dreamviews. There Naiya is spinning a tv screen around and around. Spinning it like a coin. she looks at me and shouts, "for being a dream guide at DV you sure are a lousy one."

      Cory at club Nexus

      I'm sitting at club Nexus with Raven and Nomad. I say to nomad "Why is your version of my attacking you dream so different? sometimes I still wonder wether you make dreams up."

      "All dreams are 'made up'" Nomad burps. "I think I just have way too many multi dimensional dreams."

      "Forgot about that." I said. "hey shit it's my friend from junior high... what's he doing here?" I spot cory from junior high. I walk up to him, He has earphones around his neck. I say, "Hey mang. how's it going"

      "Robert?" he said. "Hey you made it to one of my DJ shows. Glad you could come." I give him the rock.

      "well hey man, what's up? Let's catch up!"

      "sure, my table is over there. let's chill out for a bit" I follow him to another table where some girl is standing. His GF?

      We sit and chat for a bit. i forget what is said but some huge guy starts hitting on his GF. Cory, turns into a monkey and starts kicking the guy's ass. He hits him over the head with a metal banana and then shoves it up the guys ass. Then he does a weird backflip kick and sends the guy flying through a wall.

      "nice," I say.


      I'm on some highway At night time. My dad drives by and tells me he is going home. My brother flies in from behind me. he says "You have got to see this." My brother rips open the trunk of my dad's car, and inside is some weird thing. like a strange mask. i am generally creeped out and run down the street.

      Bus station

      I get off a Greyhound bus during a rest break and enter the convenince store. I'm with some weird guy from the bus. anyway I go find the washroom. I get into a stall and the guy just follows me into the stall. I ask him what the hell he is doing.

      After some things happened which I can't remember. I go outside to get back on the bus. But I see the door is closed. The bus driver is standing by the door. He tells me there will be a a 5 hour lay over here. I shrug and go back into the store.

      Serial killer

      I am standing in a room, watching from 3rd person perspective. A man sits down in a chair for a haircut or something. The hairdresser is a man. When the guy in the chair isn't looking, The hairdresser takes a cloth and puts it over the guys mouth. The man in the chair is now dreary. The hairdresser ties the man up in the chair and starts ridiculing him.

      The killer then pulls a huge winding spike down from the ceiling. There's a crank which he begins turning which spins the spike. I watch as the spike gets ever so slowly driving into the dreary man in the chair. I watch it go through him slowly as he screams and blood pours everywhere. Now i am standing in the scene. I can feel the spike going through me now and it's painful. I run out of the room. And see my grandmother watching television.
      She says "your favorite show is on" and switches the channel. It's now the same scene where the killer is slowly putting the spike into the man. My grandma smiles, walks behind the tv screen and disappears.

      flying again.

      I escape from a Templar prison. I fly up and become a green winged serpent. I have a hideout in the Arizona desert and decide to fly there. suddenly it starts hailing and the sky gets dark.

      To fit the mood, now i'm a gargoyle with black wings. I roar, and look for a place to shelter myself. I see nothing but endless black rooftops in the darkness. One place catches my eye. Ifly over the roof and see a garage in the backyard with some lights on. I go down there and see a bunch of weird light boxes outside the garage door. I find a shadowy spot and hide there. A girl close to my age emerges from the garage. I stay hidden in the shadows as she goes over by a truck hood. She places something on it.
      she then says "Oh I see you there! come out please." I emerge from the shadows and kiss her without hesitation. She pushes me away. but keeps talking as if nothing happened.

      She then takes my hand and shows me that I am holding a photo of her. She says, "See I really think we were supposed to meet, I haven't seen this picture in ages, I lost it years ago, and here you are before me with the picture in your hand." She seems like an old friend even though I have no memory of her. We walk down the alleyway a bit There is no rain or hale, just night time out.

      We walk until we reach a convenience store. Now it's daytime. She says "there's someone you are supposed to meet, come in." But i am smoking and can't smoke inside. I rush and hurry to finish my smoke. I look at my reflection in the store window. I have the face of Carlos Castaneda from chris's pictures of him. I am wearing a light blue bandanna. But the bandanna is in the middle of my face and the knot is right on my nose. I do my best to adjust it.

      "Hey come on" The girl yells from inside the store.


      vague dream about making love to the girl from the previous dream.

      There were other dreams that I have forgotten... i must be a Nazi with my notes from now on.

      Updated 06-10-2010 at 05:01 AM by 6012

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