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    MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.


    This journal will account my many dreams!!! yay! Anyway, I have had so much amazing synchronistic occurrences around dreams. I have helped myself and a few others through my dreams! I am doing my best to find out how to live my life by my dreams.

    Main entities:

    Asuka: My dream wife. I am purely convinced that she's not another aspect of my mind. She exists separate from me. Lately I have been running into people similar to her in waking life. She's sweet, very kind, and has a strange sense of humor. She has a yellow aura.

    Nomad: The guy that got me into shared dreaming. He doesn't show up in dreams as often... but back in the day we dream shared lots. He got me into the dream lover thing and also has experience with meeting their twinners on the waking plane.

    Raven: My other dream sharing friend. She helps me and asuka a lot. I wish I could recall her more.

    Data: He maintains the shields in my inner world.

    Victor: My dream guide... though he hasn't shown up lately.

    Shawna: A soul that shared a body with a woman named Aeona, Raven's guide Q appointed me guardian of Shawna when she was separated from Aeona.

    Other dream children: Two babies between me and asuka and also two other orphans that now reside in my inner world. We are all like a dream family... Aren't I creepy?

    The dream plane:

    I look at dreams as a separate plane of existence. Our waking realities are dense energy that give the illusion of solidity. Next is the Astral plane that is just outside of our waking perception. The dream plane vibrates at a light frequency and consits of bubbles. Every person when not traveling out of body dream in their inner world. Anyone can shape what they want their inner world to look like, and also use it as a focus point for the law of attraction. You can invited other dream entities to stay in your inner world... but be careful, it may attract demons. Dream sharing can take place inside your inner world or the inner world of someone else. other dream places are bubbles made of less dense energy.

    1. Lucid Finally!

      by , 10-28-2017 at 11:32 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Asuka is haunted

      Started I was in a living room with dark lighting. Asuka looked like Linda Blair from The Exorcist. She kept saying Demonic things and I can't remember exactly what she was saying.

      Became lucid outside somehow when I was chasing her. It's daytime in a residential area. I keep looking at my hands. Sometimes I only had 3 fingers other times they were normal. Sometimes I saw other hands under my hands....

      Wanted to look for Jamie again. I thought of her and kept walking down the street. Came to a big farmhouse. I remember she used to live out in the country area so i knew it was the right place. I enter the front door and see demonic Asuka walking out. I tell her to leave Jamie alone and asuka runs out into the field screaming.

      I enter a garage and a young woman pulls up in a motorbike. Her hair is as long as I remember but she looks darker almost cartoonish mulatto. I ask her name, and she gives the right name. I go to hug her but I wake up right when I grab her.

      Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:47 AM by 6012

      Tags: asuka, demon, jamie
      memorable , lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    2. Some recall.

      by , 10-23-2017 at 08:07 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Bar Flash

      A vague memory of being at a bar that had Karaoke. Some guy from work was there and I was telling him, "See, Karaoke is fun!"

      Bjork flash

      Sort of a FA in a bed. Bjork is by the bedroom door doing something wierd. haven't remembered her in a while.

      Roland of Wall Street

      I'm in some office building when Roland From the Dark tower novels comes up to me. He's wearing a casual shirt and pants. He says it's nice to see me again and that he's happy that I also seem to have gotten a job here! I'm confused... he's supposed to be a gunslinger seeking the dark tower. He invites me for a drink. We go to the basement of the office building where there's an after hours bar. Some other of his co workers shows up, I remember a large unpleasant office lady... Like the one from the Drew Carey show. Her jokes are horrible.

      Back in town

      First I remember being in a living room with Asuka. Flashes forward I'm walking in a large city with a woman We go to a large building and decide to split up. I suddenly hace to go to the washroom. I go to the one I think is men's. There's a toilet with no stall. I sit and start my business when a bunch of girl children led by an older woman walks in. I yell at them to get out and they do. I tell them I will try to hurry.
    3. Some lucids

      by , 10-01-2017 at 12:19 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      First memory is eating a mcdonald's burger in the lounge and finding frozen fries in my burger.

      It shifts to me working in kitchen. I become lucid randomly when I look away from someone and look back and what was a guy with brown hair is now blonde with a beard. "Never switch a switcher." I tell him and he laughs. Someone else is staring at me and I say it's a dream. I walk around the sandwich table and begin to lose the dream. To prolong the dream and incorporate more senses I pull a chicken nugget tray out and start eating nuggets. I can taste them but am able to eat them too fast. Kind of feels fake but it makes the dream more vivid.

      I walk away and now I'm in a living room. I sit on a couch and stare at my hand. I begin counting my fingers and see weird fingers under my other fingers. My hand has a 3D landscape on it. I can see houses on my hand and people walking about. I am confused. Next part is hard to recall.

      I'm in a house somewhere. I become lucid but forget what made me lucid. I begin to call out for asuka looking for her. I run into a guy that looks like the priest from the exorcist T.V show. I begin talking to him but he walks away from me not wanting to talk. I call out to Asuka again. Calling for her makes the dream shift. I'm outside at night and see something like a town hall. I look down and up and now the hall is gone and it's a house. I walk towards it. I jump and try to fly but can't stay in the air. when I land two people are standing on the lawn. I'm not sure who they are but they seem to know me. A man is standing beside a woman with black hair. she seems taller than usual and white. They call to me. I gaze into the woman's eyes because they look strange. The pupils and iris's roll and reveal another eye. I look at black spots on the whites of her eyes and looking close i can see lots of mini eyes. I tell her it looks kind of cool. she doesn't say anything and suddenly we are inside a house in a kitchen. I grab her body and hold it and say she feels nice. I then glance at the man but he is shorter and changes his face.

      I'm wandering in a house suddenly by myself asking myself if it's a dream? I look at my hand quickly and they seem normal,I jump and float and now I'm lucid again. I grab onto the top of a door hinge while floating. I begin to look for asuka again but the dream fades.
      Tags: asuka, lucid
    4. Some dreams

      by , 09-21-2017 at 04:16 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I had a dream of visiting my friend J from work. We were on our way to picking up his daughter or something but we all decided to stop and play video games first.


      I dreamed about being in a japanese house that looks like it was in the movie the Grudge. A creepy woman that looked like she was from the movie. Pale skinned and all was crawling down the steps.

      Flash way forward. I'm on a mountain with the woman and several other pale skinned onryo, maybe a whole family of them. they aren't trying to kill anyone and seemed to be cured of whatever curse makes them want to kill. Kayako's sister seems to be having a hard time accepting that she was murdering people and tries to end her life by jumping off a cliff. the other's fly down to where she lands but she is not even injured.


      I'm with a group of people in some strange tunnels. My perception jumps over a wall and I see 2 people hanging onto a ledge or something. There are bad guys, maybe an opposing team coming toward us. I have no weapon so I jump over another ledge where I can stand with a guy who has a crappy bow and arrow. He is shooting at the guys and misses a few times. He starts picking them off very cleanly and fast. Some man in black knight armour is advancing towards us. I tell the guy with the bow to shoot him. The arrows bounce of the dark knight guy. The evil guy laughs and runs through another tunnel. I climb back over the ledge to follow him. The ledge seems larger than I remember so I struggle to climb back over it. He gets in a black SUV and takes off through the tunnels trying to flank us from another direction maybe.

      Now I'm entering the tunnels again but with a family of people. They say these are time paradox tunnels. We run into a boy around 13-16 with black hair and they say that's their son and they haven't seen him since he was born. They've been trapped in the tunnels the whole time. The boy says he remembers being raised by them. their explenation seems to be Time paradox. A replica of the family emerges from another tunnel but they are green snake people. The father expands his hood and strikes the boy. The rest of the family goes to fight off the green cobra family. My attention is focused on the boy who's face is swelling huge. His sister or something demerges from him not poisoned she seems to be coming out of his back and says she will avenge him. she joins the rest of the family fighting with the cobras. the boy just dies.


      A dream of me wandering through a house. Asuka kept sliding her face from the corner tops of open doorways and flying away. she was pretending to be a ghost that was haunting me but I didn't find it scary at all.
    5. Dreams

      by , 09-16-2017 at 03:30 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Was lucid wandering around a neighbourhood. Went up a hill by the bottom of an apartment building. I turned back and the hill was more like a cliff with some tall trees sticking out. Decided to jump down knowing I was not going to be harmed.

      Fa, get out of bed and RC.

      I'm in a living room with a tv against the wall. Want to find Asuka but decide to try time dilation first. I check my wrists to see if there's a watch but find none. I use the other method and count until I see distortions around 60 and jump. While in the air I try to spin teleport to where Asuka is.

      I wind up outside instantly. Almost feels like a FA but can't remember waking up so I'm lucid instantly. I'm in a gravel parking lot by my house. There is a man and a woman getting into a van with no walls I seem to be with them so I jump onto the bed of the vehicle. Nothing happens so I tell them to hurry up.

      Fa, instantly lucid in the vehicle after we've been driving for a while. The vehicle is not like a large limo you can walk around in. For some reason I count to 20 suspecting it may be a mistake. I jump through a door on the roof and see we are downtown in a traffic jam. I want to jump on tops of the vehicles when my vision fades.

      Try to DEILD but all I see is a red dot light, like from HAL on 2001. then fully wake up.


      In this dream I am walking around at night and there's some street festival going on. There's lots of drinking.

      FA, I'm in some wierd girly glothes but don't like it. I walk through a house where a house party is going on. Find a bathroom and lock it because I noticed in a mirror I was wearing a bra or something so I had to get that off. I see I'm a girl in the mirror reflection but I don't like it. I take a large pink sweater off and try to find the bra strap but there is none. Just cups that are sort of taped to me. Some woman with brown hair wanders in and I tell her to get out. She leaves and I make sure the door is locked again. i take the cups off and I wake up whil putting the shirt back on.[B]
      Tags: asuka, lucid
    6. boring dreams.

      by , 09-13-2017 at 03:46 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Trying to get recall up so here goes.

      Work dreams and house

      Could have been all one dream but broken up. First I am opening a mail box with a bunch of packages inside. I am bringing them into my house. Second I am trying to watch a movie but my dad keeps shutting it off. People from work are there A(male) and E(female) we are talking about the movie but they don't seem interested.

      Next I am walking my dog on a street in chilliwack near sunset. I go down a familiar street but there is a park nearby that wasn't there. Instead f continuing on like a suburban street it turns into a downtown section with a large McDonald's. Somehow I am back at my house telling my dad that I should have worked at the mcdonald's I just found because it seems to be under a different franchise owner.
      Tags: asuka, movie
    7. Not many dreams

      by , 08-22-2017 at 05:20 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I was in some sort of mall or warehouse. I saw employees working at a station. With them was Regan, a manager I used to work with. She was staring at me but not saying anything.


      I was with Asuka in Whiterun. She said this is what my inner world looks like now. She kept collecting flowers and things. I asked why and she said it's for Alchemy to improve smithing. I said enchantments already make weapons stronger. She said Alchemy improves them even further. I remember wondering why she was taking such an interest in skyrim as most of the things I like she ignores.
      Tags: asuka, regan, skyrim
    8. Some non lucids

      by , 07-22-2017 at 03:57 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I was in some park on a hill. Bjork was off in the distance singing and walking towards me with a cameraman behind her. She kept looking at me and smiling. I was wondering how she knew me and why she was walking towards me. she had hair down to her chin.

      Money confusion.

      I was getting a ride with C who lives with my aunt. My cousins girlfriend was outside the window and handed me a large envelope filled with cash to give to my aunt for a car payment or something. C offered to take it for me but my cousin's GF said that I should take it instead indicating that C might pocket it for herself. I agreed to take it instead.

      C grumbled and let me out of the vehicle. I seemed only to be a block away from my house and started walking. I noticed K from work standing on a lawn and staring at me. "Are you stalking me?" I asked her. She said nothing for a long moment and said, "yes," jokingly? she started walking with me. I was saying, "nothing really to see here... After work I go home here and do basically nothing." I went in and forget what happened after.

      stay safe

      I was in my inner world house. Asuka and data were around. I thought there was going to be and earthquake. I saw some knick knacks on a corner shelf wobbling. I went into a door way and held on to it. Asuka asked me what I was doing. I said apparently this is the safest place to be in an earthquake. everything wobbled for a bit and then stopped.
    9. bleh

      by , 07-02-2017 at 11:42 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Now I can't figure out which time I'm supposed to sleep on my days off...


      Asuka, my dad and some other people are waiting at a bus stop. I'm walking under them underground and someone is preaching in the background. "Why does he listen to that stuff?" My dad asks. "To keep from being Demon possesed," Asuka says.

      I live where?

      I'm walking on top of some garage roof or something. I float down to a door to a house that is Bjork's but it also feels like I'm living there.

      I go inside. Inside is all nice and wooden, like a log cabin but also a huge house. Bjork and a friend comes up from some stairs. Her friend is blond, she looks at me and then Bjork, and does a gesture with her fingers implying me and Bjork are doing it. Bjork scoffs and tells her to shut up and then storms off downstairs. The woman who I also seems to know disappears into a bathroom up stairs. She is still talking to me. I notice i have to use the bathroom as well.

      for a second I have my phone out with a bjork app on it but I put the phone away before Bjork can see. Anyway I try to find a washroom downstairs. The girl is talking to me through a square hole. Though I can only see her face I get away from her view to give her privacy. She laughs and says it's okay. But I'm not paying attention, I'm looking at a small doorway to what looks like another bathroom but with a bunch of dolls sitting in a tub. I try to get in there when I wake up.


      I'm flying by a bedroom window. I look in and see a ghostly girl enter a closet.\

      FA, and I'm in the saem room and the same thing happens.
    10. still low recall.

      by , 06-16-2017 at 03:31 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      This is only over the past couple of days.

      Weird house

      I was in a house with a strange lady. I kept telling her she looked like the female version of John Goodman from Roseanne. That's all I remember.


      First I was in a living room. I heard Chuck missler from youtube talking through the dream. My Brother was there and he was looking for the source of the sounds. It looked like he wanted to shut it off.

      Suddenly I'm outside. There's a large bee around the front door of the house and I am trying to avoid it.


      Something about seeing her and smiling at me.


      I'm with my mom and we are watching movies. In one Jim Carrey is fighting Satan. Suddenly I'm inside the movie and I'm flying around a black space. There's something like a grey pyramid I start climbing. The whole time the devil is trying to tempt me.

      Suddenly I'm in the living room again. and We are trying to figure out which movie to watch next.
      Tags: asuka
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. What?

      by , 06-13-2017 at 04:39 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Kicked out

      I'm standing in the doorway to my dream home with someone. Asuka is mad at me and telling me to get out because I'm drunk. I explain I'm not drunk and try to prove it in very long and coherent sentences.

      Raven's explanation.

      I'm on Facebook chatting with Raven Knight. She sends me a message that reads: Read the signs. and has a link with it. I click it and I'm standing inside of her post. I see four dream journals scrolling down. I seen mine with the purple title's Raven's, Noad's and someone else's maybe viatorem's... There's text above the four journals... but then I notice another dimension to the text. The words hich I can't read are arranged to form other words. Read the signs she said I remember.

      I'm inside the supposed dream she wants to show me. In it I am Bjork and Raven has me by the hand and we are flying through the forest. "This is how you died." she is saying. Then I see myself as a woman standing in front of a train. "No" I say... "It can't be." I'm frightened by it. I see myself get run over by the train. Then I see myself as an angry spirit chasing after the train. Then I realize that I never was Bjork... but a spirit who thought she was bjork when asleep.

      Fun with vehicles

      I'm flying over a world map. I go past Israel and over by Saudi Arabia and wind up in some muddy place. I find a humvee jeep and steal it. People are chasing after me.

      Looking for a place

      I wind up at Cousin K's looking for a place to stay. She has three houses all over town. I find one where she is currently and it's night time. The house is filled with friends of hers. I am smoking a cigarette. I am in the living room and I ask if I can rent a room in one of her houses, I tell her I am working overnights so money isn't a problem. She kind of nods. I get up and walk around, one of her friends follows me and asks me for a smoke. I notice sets of stairs everywhere I go exploring until I wake up.
    12. Crazy

      by , 06-10-2017 at 02:44 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      There's no way I can remember all the details of this. I spent most of the REM period having False awakenings in a large white room. This is undoubtedly a remote viewer/templar attack. I was intercepted on the way to check on Bjork and heal her if need be. At least that was my plan falling asleep.

      In the dreams I'm with a large creepy bald guy. Half of the dreams have another woman in them, L from work. I remember she was present during the last attack in my inner world where I told her it was a dream during a lucid and I witnessed her do a hand reality check. In some of them I am watching her pretending to be tortured. In some she is trying to ask me questions about why I am there, but I am unable to speak. The man does everything from cutting off limbs to rape and no I'm not going to specify to whom. There seems to be around 50 to 100 Fa's in total. After so many it is impossible to keep track of them all.

      I eventually wind up in a school field during a festival of some sort. I find L there and ask her if she remembers anything about being held captive by the man. She told me not to worry about it, nothing happened. I protest and say that I saw her being tortured how can she deny that and not even appear shaken up or angry. She doesn't say anything but looks at me like I'm completely insane. At the end I figure she must be a co conspirator.


      I'm watching TV with asuka, about a space traveling arrogant hero archetype dude. In the early episodes he has a giant ship that crashes into an ice mountain every time it tries to take off. In later episodes he gets a more smaller ship that is easier to navigate.

      Another movie

      Dream of watching a comedy movie with Asuka. It's a war comedy with 90's Jim Carrey, and other comedy actors. It reminds me of Tropic Thunder but more slapstick.
    13. Low recall.

      by , 06-08-2017 at 03:35 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Tying to adjust to the overnight work schedule.


      This dream seemed to be a slight replay of my overnight shift. I'm at the backdoor crushing boxes and taking out garbage. I go into the restaurant but everything looks weird. there's weird solar panels all over the place.


      Asuka is shaking me awake in a false awakening. Data is emitting a high pitched sound standing at a window. Asuka said there is someone outside. I ask if it's Bjork? She says no. I tell data to shut up. He says he's testing out a new alarm system that detects strangers, if someone comes close by he opens his mouth and emits an annoying sound. I tell him to maybe make it less annoying. Can't remember the rest.
    14. A few dreams

      by , 06-05-2017 at 04:43 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I'm in a huge battle around Bjork's inner world. Me and Raven knight are destroying Remote viewers with song spells. Raven is switching songs rapidly.. lots of metallica. My song was more guitar riffs, I was playing something similar to the four horsemen by metallica. The remote viewers died way too easily. I guess their bark is worse than their bite.

      Briefly lucid

      I was walking in some neighborhood during daytime and decided to take a shortcut through someone's house. Going inside I became lucid because I don't take shortcuts through someone's home. I walked away from the back patio. I walked through a kitchen back to a living room and found the front door open as I left it and walked through it. my memory fades after.


      I'm tunneling with a pick axe like in minecraft. I am creating an underground route to Bjork's place so no one can follow me there. It's like a direct underground tunnel from my inner world to hers. I finally bust through a wall and find Bjork sitting on a couch. I tell her I'm sorry but I can't stop wanting to see her. I keep repeating: Can't stop. She says it's okay she can't stop as well and that she loves me... yes she said that. I kind of went into rant mode talking about naguals and other crap I don't believe in trying to downplay what she said. Kind of dumb of me, but my dream self gets into a mode where he likes to hear himself talk, luckily I woke up before i put my foot in my mouth any further.


      I'm walking past Cultus lake in Chilliwack and I'm holding a white kitten tightly. The kitten is Bjork in animal form I'm wanting to show her the town where I grew up in. I wake up before I can show her much.


      I'm wandering in a park with a giant hill. Somebody hands me a giant scroll that says Wikileaks on it. It's thousands of posts by various people. I wonder if I will come across anything by Jamie, and old friend. Instead.... You guessed it, a post by Bjork shows up. one has a 3D clay pot where I reach in and feel something inside of it. I go to pull it out but I wake up.

      There is no Bathroom

      Walking down a residential street and I have to take a leak. I wind up in a park that has a public bathroom. I go through the door labelled boys, but inside is a room where kids are sleeping. There's no toilet anywhere and a man walks in and tells me to get out. I ask him if this is a bathroom? and he ays it's the boys dorm for kids camp. I get annoyed at that and walk out.

      Work argument

      I'm in the employees lounge at mcdonalds.The room is a little bigger and I'm on my laptop. D, who was mouthing me off on facebook over dumb stuff said my name. I told him if he wants to have a talk about my performance at work we should have the store manager present to avoid a loud argument. He starts ranting at me and behind him I see Asuka disguised as Manager R run into the women's bathroom and give me a knowing look and half closes the door, she's ready to get him in trouble if he crosses the line/ He's asking if I ratted him out to C the consultant. I said yes, and then he starts swearing. I tell him I think he read what he wanted to into my facebook posts and took it out of context. I start ranting myself when I wake up.

      Updated 06-05-2017 at 05:55 AM by 6012

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    15. Whole lotta WTF.

      by , 06-03-2017 at 03:54 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Getting my sleeping schedule back to normal... Which will be adjusted again when I start nights next week.


      Kind of a divergent dream. I'm standing in a kitchen or on top of a wooden landing. In both versions a woman is pointing to a ladder which I go to climb down. In the kitchen version it's Asuka who is making herself look like bjork because she knows I like her looks, and there is also a trap door in the floor where the ladder is. In the wooden landing version it's bjork, but her smile is a little less sincere, a smile that is only trying to conceal something else. It's almost as if she's telling me to leave almost the way you tell a drunken customer that he's not only overstayed his welcome and is on the verge of causing an embarrassing scene - that he has already almost crossed the line. But what that line is: I'm not sure... I don't have much to go on as usual, no context, just half remembered dreams and tail ends of conversations that don't say as much and are as ambiguous as ever. She is also smiling in a way that says," come back tomorrow or another day when you are more yourself and we can conduct our business as usual." But what that business is exactly is a mystery wrapped inside and enigma and buried in so deep in Pandora's box that I could spend a lifetime, no... an ETERNITY trying to solve without more information or proper information...

      I think what asuka is doing is kind of replaying the scene and trying it make it a more happy moment. I guess that's a better thing for Asuka to do, instead of giving bjork a series of nightmares.

      Creepy Hospital

      Well, I've worn myself out typing that last dream so I will type the rest with less detail. In this dream I am outside a hospital that is a top secret military science gone wrong hospital. No outsider is allowed in and I'm with a bunch of protestors outside the fence clamoring to be let in. Me and another passerby have a small conversation about it at some point. we both agree that we saw a large skin sample being carried by a window that was made up of pig and human. At one point a giant black baby with acidic skin crawls out of the window and burns the grass. People in hazmat suits with flamethrowers burn it to a crisp. Disturbing.

      I get bored of this somehow and check my phone. I'm on a bjork app where she is about to have a live chat with her fans on the app. I immediately want to ask her about my dreams. Does she think I'm mad for having them? Does she still pay attention to dreams? Does she remember me in her dreams? etc etc. But I decide not to, because I remember she already has a history of stalkers. The last thing I wanna do is scare her with strange questions so I put my phone away.

      FA, I get out of a sleeping bag by the hospital. K from work walks by and says we better head to work soon. but instead I find a trapdoor that leads me to a basement where Alex Jones is living and is doing a live broadcast on the hospital. He says I can watch TV on one of his monitors. I begin watching one but he changes the channel and I give his shit for changing it because the show was getting good dammit. He just shrugs and continues his broadcast.

      Dark Tower Craft

      Third person perspective dream of me watching. Roland from The Dark Tower and his Ka tet consisting of Jake, Eddie and Susannah are in a land rover driving by a mountain. Oy is running behind the vehicle. At the base of the mountain right below a sand cliff. They run into a Zergling Hatchery and get pulled under ground by a tentacle. I'm supposed to save them so I send a bunch of dragoons to destroy the Hatchery. they start getting killed from Sunken colony tendrils. I look and can't see any sunken colonies, but I spot that the earth is different in a line directly behing the Hatchery. so I shoot a gun at the line and kill all of the sunken colonies. I am about to spawn more dragoons when the dream ends.
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