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    Visions in the Dark

    Lucid Dreams in red.
    Non-Lucid Dreams in blue.
    Dream Conversations in purple.
    Comments in black.

    My spelling and grammar are terrible. Expect mistakes.
    Thank you for reading!

    1. The City in the Sea

      by , 01-20-2011 at 08:49 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off with me standing at the edge of a river. On the other side there is a fight going on between a team of strong looking men riding big cats (lead by someone who looks like Heman) fighting some other dudes on horses and chariots. I cannot see any of their faces because they are wearing animal masks, but there is a man with long black riding a Siberian tiger that I keep looking at. For some reason he seems familiar to me.

      Suddenly I am in a stone built circular city that is an island of itself and in the middle of a turmoltuous sea. There are many waterways on the lowest level of the city to allow water to flow through, but occassionally there are mini tsunamis that rush through the tunnels and often flood the lowest level of the city, which sometimes even sweeps people not quick enough to move away. There are only two to four levels of the city, depending on what area you are in. The center and the east areas of the city are wealthy and technologically advanced while the west and south edges of the city are downtrodden and poor. The north edge of the city is a huge wall and many breakers to protect the city from the turbulent water and to lessen the inpact of the many tsunamis that hit.

      I am at the northern edge of the central part of the city (the "downtown" if you will) looking up at this glass box cars that move along rails in the air, like elevators that move horizonally instead of vertically. I am wandering around looking into shop windows because I am too poor to buy much and I meet a man with long black hair outside of a small museum. He is handsome and really nice and I do know it in the dream but he is the young man I saw the other day riding the tiger. There is an instant connection between us and we spend all day wandering the streets and talking and he asks me out to which I respond positively.

      We go on a few dates and I learn that the is the son of a wealthy bookseller in the eastern part of town but I am too embarassed about where I live and always arrange to meet him downtown so he doesn't know I am poor. We develop a quircky way of expressing our feelings but saying "I have a confession to make..." and then revealing something deep and personal. I am able to tell him everything I feel except that I am poor and live in the western edge of the city.

      I am totally crazy in love with him and even travel to his father's bookstore in the east (where he works) to visit him one day. When I first enter the bookstore the entrance hall is stacked with old war books and the such and I see one book cover that says "Sexual Trauma for Police Regarding..." I cannot see the last work but I think it is "Women." There is an old man milling about just outside the store. He looks like a scruffy Gordon Pincette and he eyes me warily. As I leave the store a mini tidal wave hits and floods the lowest level of the city.

      Inside the store I meet my boyfriend and ask when he is getting off work, to which he says 2:30pm. He then asks me if I would like to go out with him for the weekend to the only hotel on the island city to which I say yes. I visit the resturant beforehand to determine how nice of a place it is and find that it is so posh that I will have to go out and buy a new dress, which will not be easy because I do not have a lot of money. On the weekend my boyfriend treats me to a wonderful meal and then we return to our lavish hotel room and drink wine and make love all night.

      The next day my boyfriend is called away unexpectedly and we have to cut our weekend date short. He has been called away because the heman crew needs him, but since his identity is supposed to be a secret I do not know this. He makes up an excuse about his father being ill. Later in the week I drop by his father's bookstore to see him but he is out and I am confronted by his father, the Gordon Pincette character, who is unhappy about his son's relationship with me and tells me that I have to stay away from him because I am a distraction. When I ask what that means the father threatens me and says that if I see his son again, or tell him about the threats, that he will have me killed. I am scared and heartbroken and run home. I do believe that the father could kill me because he is very rich and has a lot of political power in the city

      That night I am working on a soapstone turtle by candlelight (it is how I make money) when I hear two men fighting outside. There is a terrible scream and I open my window and look out to see the two men, both whom I do not know; one man running away and the other man laying on the ground badly bleeding. I run outside and try to stop the bleeding but the man dies just as the police show up. They see me covered in blood and try to arrest me, but some of my neighbours come out and tell them that I was just trying to help. The police take me downtown anyway and after questioning me all night they release me in the morning.

      While I am walking home I run into my boyfriend and he asks why I have been avoided him. I say that I cannot tell him and start crying which caused him to insist more. He tells me how much he loves me and misses me and I turn away from him, saying that I just cannot see him anymore. I run away from there and to the northern point of the city where the breakers are and contemplate throwing myself into the sea. The two police men who questioned me earlier suddenly show up just stand there and watch me from the highest platform.

      In the distance I can see a tsunami approaching rapidly and I make no effort to reach higher ground because I am so depressed that I do not care if the water takes me away. I can hear the policemen shouting too me to get off the breakers and back onto the safe platform but I ignore them. There is a pole nearby and when the water hits I wrap my arms around it at the last moment and avoid being washed away. Afterwards the policemen make their way over to me and asked how I survived because they say that they have seen many people try to grab the pole and get washed away anyway. I remember saying something about crossing my arms around the poll rather then just hugging it or something but the dream changes and the policemen suddenly disappear.

      My boyfriend is there instead and he puts his arm around me in comfort and says "I have a confession to make..." and than proceeds to tell me about his secret identity as the tiger riding man. I also say the confession line and than tell him that I am poor and live in the western end of the city. He tells me that he doesn't care where I am from and wonders why I ran away from him earlier. I tell him about his father threatening me and he doesn't seem surprised at all. My boyfriend tells me that his father knows about his secret crime fighting life and told me to stay away from his son because he was afraid that his son would forget about being a crimefighter.

      I am relieved and happy, but still feel unsettled about something I cannot describe when the dream ends.

      Updated 01-20-2011 at 08:52 PM by 6048

    2. The Orc King and the Princess

      by , 12-30-2006 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      Dream starts off in a land of monsters, which is ruled by a short, ugly orc who lived in a white and green marble castle. Because of a civil war going on, everyone is trapped in the castle, including a beautiful human princess who was seeking shelter from the fighting. It is not made clear in the dream why the Princess was in the land of monsters in the first place. The Orc King and the Princess had names in the dream, but I forgot what they were upon waking.

      The Orc King lets the Princess into his castle and makes her stay in a cage that is suspended above the throne room. The only way into the suspended cage is up a rusty ladder that is leaning against a pillar and then balancing on a tightrope. Though he tells the Princess that she is not a prisoner, the king will not let her leave the castle. The ugly, little orc also makes his lustful desires for the beautiful Princess be known, but she rejects any and all of his advances. The king is dissapointed, but respects her wishes to be left alone. Before he leaves, the Orc King has the suspended cage lowered to the floor and tells his servants to meet every demand that his beautiful human captive makes, as long as it does not involve leaving the castle.

      The king leaves the throne room and goes into a cave below his castle. There is an old orc witch who lives there and she tells the Orc King of a powerful magic item that is owned by the father of the Princess being held captive upstairs. The Orc King immediately begins to plot holding the young woman randsom in exchange for the magic item, but the witch warns that the Princess has some magic power of her own and will enchant and destroy the king if he is not careful. The Orc King tells the old witch of his sexual desires for the Princess, which have been increasing every minute to the point where he was beginning to wish that he was human, so that his beautiful young captive would recieve his advances. The orc witch is horrified at the kings confession and flees the cave in disgust.

      That night the ugly ruler of the orcs laid upon his bed and was just falling asleep when the Princess appeared in his chamber. She splashed a cold, silvery liquid on him immediately it began to feel as if it was burning off his skin. The Orc King screamed and writhed in pain on the floor, but as quickly as the pain had come it was gone. He stood up and realized that he had been transformed into a human. The effect was temporary and wore off when the sun rose, but not before the Princess finally recieved the king's lustful advances. For many nights afterwards the Princess returned to the Orc King's chamber at night and splashed him with the strange water that transformed him into a human, and every night she came to him the king fell more and more in love with the Princess.

      When the fighting in the surrounding area suddenly stopped and it was safe to venture outside, the Princess wasted no time in escaping the Orc King's castle and fleeing to her own kingdom. The king was heart broken but he did not pursue her. That night as the king sulked under the light of the full moon, he suddenly felt a searing pain and was transformed into a human again, even though the Princess and her magic water was no where around. He hid in his chamber until susrise when he expected to revert to his normal self, but when he did not, the king snuck out of his own castle and went to find his beloved Princess. His heart and mind desired nothing else now except to be with her.

      The transformed king searches for a long time, but eventually finds the Princess. She is surprised to see the Orc King in his human form and is more so when he asks to marry her. She accepts and as a wedding gift, the father of the bride gives them the powerful magic item that the Orc King once plotted to obtain. (For some reason this powerful magic item looked exactly like an old-school typewritter.) The new groom asks if he can take the magic item to his kingdom, to restore peace, and the Princess and her father agree. The older king insists on going ahead though, not knowing that his new son-in-law's kingdom is a land of monsters. Taking the magic item with him, the old king leaves the newly weds to be alone.

      The Princess and her new groom try to catch up to the old king after consumating their marriage, but when they are about half way between the two kingdoms, the Orc King suddenly reverts to his ugly, little self. He is distraught because he believes that his beloved human bride will have nothing to do with him while he looks like a monster, but the Princess comforts him and does not leave. The Orc King asks his bride if she has any more of the magic water but she shakes her head no. The Princess tells him of a magic fountain within a cave that will fulfill any one desire if he bathes in the water, but the Orc King has to journey to find it on his own. The Princess then returns to her own kingdom to wait the return of her new husband.

      The dream either skips a bit, or perhaps I have just forgotten the sequence, but the Orc King travels for a long while before finding the magic fountain in a far away land. He washes himself in the water and his ugly green skin melts off and he is transformed into a human again. Unlike the previous transformations, however, this is a pleasant experience and not a painful one. The transformed king rushes back to his land and finds that not only has the fighting between the monsters increased, but his father-in-law has been viciously murdered and the powerful magic item stolen. Because none of his subjects recognize their king in human form, he is attacked whenever spotted and has to sneak around as much as possible.

      The transformed king find his way to his castle and spies the orc witch in the courtyard. She appears to be in possession of the magic item. When she sees her king, the witch immediately recognizes him and hands over the magic item without a fight. She also gives the Orc King an amulet and says that his loyal subjects will recognize him as long as he wears it. The old orc witch then falls over in pain and blesses the union between the Orc King and the Princess before expiring. From her dead body a white bird flies forth and disappears into the expansive blue sky.

      Actually, though the king has many loyal subjects who respect his peaceful rule, there are equally as many monsters in his land who resent being ruled by a human. A bloodthirsty rebel faction kidnaps and kills the Princess and the transformed king abdicates his throne in his intense grief. His land breaks out in violent war again, but he does not care. The Orc King buries his beloved bride on a hill between the two kingdoms and then lays down on her grave and dies of despair.