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    I stopped posting my DJ's for various reasons, one of them being the amount of work required. I do believe the time you spend posting your DJ online helps keep your mind on dreams and reinforces your dream recall, both of which definitely help with lucid dreaming in my experience. If you want to view my dj without the Photobucket stamp on all the pictures, you may want to pull it up on archive.org where you can view past versions of webpages. Easy link: https://web.archive.org/web/20171208055654/https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/fogelbise/ and at the bottom of each page you can choose page 2, 3 etc.

    1. 7/20/14 Flight to an Alien Planet

      by , 07-21-2014 at 05:32 PM
      On a trip. At mall. Sears. Make my way past miscellaneous stores; overall path is a D shape with the curve being the mall and the straight line is the parking lot and my way back to point A from point B. Big movie theater with areas to sit and a huge ramp-like area to watch from with people laying and/or sleeping on it. Sealed door exit from the theater. But a guy comes in through sealed door. I can go out then and I do. This looks like way back to my car. Somewhere in here I'm thinking that I haven't gotten a hotel yet. I can use my phone to search for hotel deals. Walking in parking lot I see my wife's cousin N with his nice convertible. This has to be a dream to run into you here out of town! Yup! I do some of my I know I'm a lucid challenges basically bragging but it's great for confidence...I say to him, hey can I have sex with ( his wife's name). "It would be like" and I make the motions as if his wife is laid out on the hood of his convertible. I say you could have sex with (insert my wife's name). This was somehow much more fun than it sounds and just acting it out around the hood of his car felt a lot like doing it. I think: Down to goals! I think I want to do the planet one next. I considered doing it with the elevator one but no
      elevator around right now so just decide to fly up into space - way up and it gets dark I can't see anything but I stay calm fly up some more and then decide that I will just freefall until I hit a planet. (Note: It is my dream, I can make that work no matter how improbable IWL, LOL! In the dream I only thought that I can make this work. I didn't even go there with thinking about it being improbable IWL.) I simulate to myself a soft landing and I get it...I basically just find myself on solid ground as if I floated there like a feather. I can see through kind of a window or space into this other room or void (this is probably the dream reforming the environment after the void and free fall) and there are green rocks that have a lot of straight lines kind of like blocks thrown together creating odd shaped rocks, not unlike crystal formations. I cross through and there is big huge rocky formation that looks like it has teeth. I studied for a moment so that I can remember it later. The teeth are jagged kind of like sharks teeth. But the rest of it is not really shaped like creature really more like a big rock. I look around the room or space and there is another set of different shaped items that I come back to later but two of the items are shaped kind of like elongated travel chests. I could
      see something move off in the corner of the room the distance but when I look over there there's nothing. I walked over that way and I say "I come in peace" while holding up my right hand while kind of laughing to myself . I am creating my own cheesy 50's Alien movie here I think to myself. He comes back out. It is very difficult to describe what he looks like but he is a short creature maybe 2 feet tall . As for something you would find on the earth, he is most like an octopus perhaps but the base that he walks around on is a little more rectangular shaped than circular like an octopus. He has a bit of a goofy friendly face and is kind of a grayish bluish color. I try a line from one of my previous lucid dreams and I say "bring me one of your hottest alien women." A doll looking thing comes down from above on a rope. It becomes more and more lifelike, and more human woman like as this plays out. The rope is around her and slipping up and down her body pulling up her white nightgown and revealing her naked body. It is strangely erotic. I will
      leave out the rest of the sexual stuff with her but I may share by PM if requested. This space looks a lot like a big house. I decide to go back to look and kind of draw out all of the items on a sketch pad that I summon to help me remember this dreamscape, to really lock it into my memory. I go back over by the elongated chests but the chests are no longer there but I study the rest of the items but I drop the idea of drawing them. There are two clear glass bowls with a clear liquid in them. One has round multicolor items in it that look like fruits. The other one has some loaf shaped items sticking up out of it. It looks like it was set out for a party. I go off to my left and sure enough it's kind of liked a little party with my son there and some other people. Either I am back on earth now or they came up to visit! I then see my son's friend C and I think about how everyone talks about how promiscuous she has become. Not sure if she is still in college IWL. I think of another test / brag to my lucidity. I told my son I'm going to get it on with his friend C. I start to mount her and I see her luscious lips and switch gears and stick it in her mouth. She does a very nice job. Wow!!
      After a bit of that
      the dreams fades back to bed but I remember that I to always have to check to see if it's a real awakening...but alas it is this time. I was reminded yesterday to put more of myself in the self awareness work. I also switched up my SSILD somatic cycle a little and did some self awareness work during WBTB which I shortened. I also woke up closer to 5.5 hours after bed for WBTB whereas the last few nights were around 4.5 and I seemed too tired to make it work right. Woke from dream around 7 something. 175

      Late Late dream 10 a.m. Young guy is broadcasting himself in his bedroom on justin.tv for a long time. At this point it is on the news...his girlfriend got shot through the bedroom window while he was broadcasting and I said what are the chances of that...that can't be...that's impossible. Then a playback of all the stuff that happened before the shooting. His run in with some other teenagers at school, they call him something weak and they have some kind flipping competition to see who could do standing flips. The scene where his girlfriend was shot had him holding her in bed rolling around and it just did not look natural like he was acting, but it did not make me lucid either...none of this thinking that all this was impossible. The dream explained it away. Oh well, had my awesome LD already.

      7/21/14 FA: hearing the alarm turn off warning stop without key punch sounds made me realize I am dreaming. I never really understood people feeling sleepy in a lucid dream until this time. I felt like dozing off within my lucid, so I did. 176

      071814 a guy is telling me about all these cool artifacts he found...I'm seeing them visually like I'm in video game. Golden breastplate, etc. Thai government is looking for him (movie at bedtime=character is in Thailand before heading to Cambodia).

      7/17 crater in ocean. Where I was when 17, recurring dream. Go back for son. Hydrofoil boat. Coach M has game at 6pm. L on sons grades, report card. "Lucid" is written out on grades in one place but instead of a clue that I am dreaming, I worry that wife will see. Coach M talks about how he lost his father. I relay this to my son. Looking for school office helps with college apps. It is after 5pm but she's still there (5am? Wake 545am). Lady sits funny almost showing up skirt. A skills test is done: measure the area of two adjacent tables....easy. Life lessons you need I guess.
    2. 2 LD's Both Late, last one 10 hours In

      by , 04-13-2014 at 02:00 AM
      4/12/13** My awareness is still not up to pre dry streak levels but 3 LDs in 2 days...I'll take it! Lots of fun as well! To bed around 12:10am - tried to simulate son waking me like on 3/30/14 which launched a nice early LD, this time using a gentle alarm ~70 minutes after bed for DEILD attempt but may have had some REM rebound the previous time...will try 80 minutes next time. Completely missed the 3 snoozes 1 hour apart and turned it off at wbtb...my alarm app has a max snooze of 60 minutes so...may be better for late DEILD attempts.

      Interesting non lucid tie-in to another non-lucid in same night. Father Fitzpatrick (name not known to me but I bet there are a few somewhere in the world) is coming by and a Patrick comes by...could it be Patrick Fitzpatrick I wonder...no just a Patrick. In a later dream I tell Father Fitzpatrick "You will not believe this! I had a dream about you last night and this is the first time I am meeting you!"

      DILD 1 - wake from it ~8:40am. I am in a kitchen unlike any from my memory, old style. There is a bag of candies but only 5 left and they look picked over and broken. I am peeking out my curtains and apparently there is a house in the back yard, like an in-law unit but it is a good size white single story home that looked most like an old farm house. I could see someone in the window and then the curtains close. I go back into the kitchen and there is a stranger standing in front of the sink and I realize this is a dream. I decide to knock around the stranger and go on a bit of a rampage around the house messing with different DC's and eventually fly up out of the house and then realize I should fly back down and think about what goals I should do before losing awareness or most likely waking up since I don't recall anything after and my recall was fairly strong tonight.

      * sexual content warning *
      DILD 2 - wake from it ~10:50am - 2 different components from this WILD attempt turned DILD showed up in my dream - an HI that I played with via visualization and then a completely manual visualization. My father and I are on a bus or RV and guiding the driver. I have been here before (false memory) and it goes from 3 lanes to 1. "You can get over one lane...actually you can get all the way over now." We jump out to help in some way and plan to get back on at the red light but the driver runs the red light and leaves us behind. We cross two crosswalks at intersection to get on same street he turned down to see if he pulled over. Nope. We go into a nice hotel lobby and my father says he has the driver's number. I should get it also I think. My father jumps on a University transport bus to borrow a phone but the doors close=2nd separation (1st from others on RV/bus). I know if I stay at the hotel he will find his way back to me and he does later and it has shopping like the hotel is connected to a mall or just a really large hotel with some shops including an ice cream shop. My father makes some corny joke to the lady in the shop and repeats it in case she missed it the first time. I see a woman standing provocatively and realize I am dreaming but start off with lower awareness. She is standing on a ramp elevated purposely giving a view up her skirt and I take a look (this was also the theme of an HI before the dream). I go around like a bit of a dog and enjoyed in particular this large breasted blonde woman (more blonds than normal I think as a result of Scarlett) with a white pull over shirt and jean shorts. I pull up her shirt and she pulls it back down. I tell her "you know you like this" and she goes along. I pull it up again and am expecting a bra clasp in the front and lower the shirt and raise it again willing it to be in the front. Nope, so I reach around and undo the clasp. Nice! I remove her shorts and underwear and my own and she remarks "I think your **** is too big, you might hurt me" but as I stick it in she enjoys it. We go at it a good while to the point of me thinking that this dream just keeps going and going. I carry her around the mall with her legs straddled around me and continue to have sex. We make our way into a movie theater and my father has followed...oh well. They are playing a racy movie on the screen and we continue to have sex in the theater seating. Someone grasps my shoulders from behind and I know that it is my wife. She says "you have saliva all over your ****" I say "saliva...uh, yeah right..." I use my mind to change the movie to a cartoon. There are kids around but I am dreaming, it doesn't really matter. A's friend M (another visualization before dream) comes over and the blond is gone now and she sticks her hand on my **** she just has to get a feel on it. My underwear is back on but I yank it out and let her feel it some more. I wake up physically affected...enough said.