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    I stopped posting my DJ's for various reasons, one of them being the amount of work required. I do believe the time you spend posting your DJ online helps keep your mind on dreams and reinforces your dream recall, both of which definitely help with lucid dreaming in my experience. If you want to view my dj without the Photobucket stamp on all the pictures, you may want to pull it up on archive.org where you can view past versions of webpages. Easy link: https://web.archive.org/web/20171208055654/https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/fogelbise/ and at the bottom of each page you can choose page 2, 3 etc.

    1. TOTY Success - Sled Task Completed and Repeated

      by , 06-27-2017 at 12:00 AM
      I go back to sleep fairly quickly so once again I have an NLD before brief wakefulness and then DEILD entry with eye clench (to confirm strength of vibrations) then visualization to try to influence scene. Seems NREM visuals...an extended period of flying through odd visions mostly like space-scapes, not that different from those on Twin Peaks The Return episode 8 which was mostly trippy visions. There were voices; I couldn't make out what they were saying. Towards end my mind recalled some of the creepiness of Twin Peaks from last night and the little bit of schema poisoning teased and then dumped in a DV thread recently (I just remembered, among the last ethereal scenes included panther eyes in the dark, after seeing a cheetah on TV IWL) but I handled it well with a sense of my own power much like facing creepy spaces IWL. Weird scenes blur out, as part of my subconscious solution I'm guessing. Then exploring some darkish rooms and halls with DC's.

      I want to do another TOTY so I spin while imagining a snow covered mountain for the sled task.
      I find myself in the snow at the top of a mountain with snow blowing and not giving me much to look at. I form my sled with my hands motioning the outline of a small one man sled. I get on and I go down at a medium speed. As I approach the bottom I imagine the earth opening up and I go down further which leads to calm endless ocean that I float above for a bit.

      I want to do this again and see if I can make it more interesting by going down faster and I'll make it notably cold while I'm at it. I spin again and imagine being back at the top and feeling the cold and it works again. I notice the cold air and this time I just assume the sled is already in my hands and I hop on it in mid-air while aiming down hill. T
      his time it feels fast, out of control and much more thrilling. I still didn't try to influence what I got at the bottom but after having the ground at the bottom open up it leads me to something different this time. It leads to shallow stream with lots of pebbles visible through the clear water that I float just above following the stream. Water both times interestingly, though vastly different bodies of water.

      After flying a bit I find myself indoors. I explore.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      I wake after a good amount of fun.
    2. Odd Message Pyramid-ish Monument - Sensei's Competition Night 11

      by , 02-04-2015 at 08:48 PM
      Going for a DEILD and an image forms and it becomes apparent that it is more than HI and lasts several minutes. A series of notes are brought to me related to dreams. The components are in an unusually wide pyramid shaped "monument". The notes are read to me in a weird written/spoken hybrid one by one but the info seems to be slipping away from me. The crowning note is projecting out from the competition semi-glowing monument. I was trying to remember the words as they seemed somewhat profound. The last part or crown was something like "(something...something) just under the surface." Possible NREM before waking fully. Timing makes sense that I may have been done with 3rd REM cycle before this as I had a mini-awakening and went for a DEILD and got a lucid NREM or just a weird disembodied LD. My total focus was on soaking in the experience and remembering the words/message...no thoughts of scoring points for the competition. I only wish I didn't wake up so fully afterwards.
    3. 6/18/14 - 6/26/14: 4 DILDs + Possible and Semi

      by , 06-26-2014 at 07:49 PM
      2 DILDs 6/21, 1 on 6/22 & 6/26. Possible lucid 6/18 but not counting it. Semi Lucid 6/25

      6/18: possible lucid/not counting - working from my family room everything went completely dark and I knew something was odd, this is dream-like and I stay very calm just the way I respond to the void and I think quite different from the way I would act IWL. (This makes me wonder what I was dreaming right before this). After a short time in the void it went to some NREM-like visuals including a grid pattern which seems relatively common for me (smaller and uneven blocks within the grid than in the past). Also acted lucid-like with a young lady who apparently goes both ways and I said we should invite a female friend to join us.

      6/21: DILD#1 leaving out details since I told this person about the dream. The person wasn't making any sense in their answer to my question so I realized it was a dream but didn't get very far with it anyway. 163

      6/21 DILD#2 later in night; I had been disappointed that I didn't get another Father's Day appropriate lucid like I did Father's Day 2013 but I got one late featuring my son as a toddler in the house he grew up in. It was cute. At first my thought in the dream was why is my son (who is a young man now) pretending to be a little boy and making a fuss but I finally looked over at him and noticed his head was barely visible, looking closer he was not sitting on the floor but was just a little boy and I realized I was dreaming! I love seeing my son as a small boy again in dreams. The dream fades to a visual of my ceiling and then of what seemed like a dreamlet of a friendly looking talking tree and then a close up of my face with my eyes closed (assumed it was of me sleeping)...odd! 164

      6/22 Great New York City dream flying around the city. Hanging on the edge ofa tall building and seeing a guy dancing around on the streets and the song New York, New York playing. Where did that come from?? Also some discussion on slowing down for the important parts (of song? of life? NY tour? of speech? of explanations?). Wake, recall dream smiling.
      DILD: * I am in a big room don't think it has the airport yet but becomes airport later. I see a guy go by in a really nice suit. I see elder bro-law walk by. Also N the show tunes lover perhaps brought to scene by thoughts related to bro-law. Bro-law comes back by and says something like your family all left you and went on vacation. Now it seems like I'm at the airport and there's some announcements I don't know if it mentions my wife's name or my name but I got up to look at the screen like they have at airports. Amazing, the screen says "(insert wife's 1st & last name) your flight is on hold because you are lucid." What? I am dreaming this? I float up and start swooping around this airport waiting area with high ceilings and I almost go for this hot young thing but I think let me just explore. I fly around a bit more before it goes dark so I decided to land back down on my feet on the ground and I start walking in the dark waiting for the scene to come back but instead I find myself back bed. 165

      6/23: excited to hear that a friend saw me on an episode of Lost. Oh yeah, I must have been an extra...doh! Also found out my voice would be used in a World Cup video game.

      6/25 Kevin Spacey as an assassin stalking a sexy blonde. Played more like watching a movie. I don't think I was involved in the story. +Two very sexy dreams. One with someone I know, another I don't recognize but super hot! Seemed semi-lucid. Yowzers!

      6/26 DILD: At odd version of where I play league games. Then changing in bedroom like set up. Son with me. I decide to change in front of woman and she hangs behind me seemingly checking out my butt. Wife calls and sounds half asleep. Confusion as uncle D(?) hears the call and it is a mix of wife's call and client call like I switched between calls but client was still on line and can hear client at end of call. Becomes a family gathering... some Susan lady is there...why is she even there? She tore two of my old photographs. Each had my cousins in them. Two eldest cousins I think. Why would she do that. I am so angry! I feel like waking this Susan up right now! Aunt of eldest cousin dissuades me. I go out front door and through a big locking gate (to my car?) but can't lock gate when come back in...a little fear like someone might be following me to gate. I leave it and head for the door. A strange woman and family let me in. Huge dog seems friendly at first but then the owner has to hold him back from knocking me over. "How did I get to the wrong house? This is like I stepped into the Twilight Zone. Ah I know what's going on...I'm dreaming." I look around at this family and feel frisky but it goes dark but I stay calm. I remove my pants and underwear in the dark and it gets tied up around my ankles so I whip it the rest of the way of with tk (ignore problems/ take decisive action). Off shirt, fully nude. Soon I hear someone talking to me and I am back in a room with a large family....not sure if it is the same and is not my family...I don't see the strange lady. I scan the room and there is a cute girl but too young and she slightly morphs to a boyish look. I turn to my left...she will do just fine. I reach over to her and she turns away a little. I Jedi mind her and say you know you want this. Intercourse and then whip it out and stick it in her mouth. She does well but I decide to be more romantic with her pull it out but dream fades. 166
    4. 4/29/14 Another Likely NREM Lucid Finally, Very Odd!!

      by , 04-29-2014 at 07:16 PM
      4/29/14* My wife moved abruptly to turn off her alarm (timing was right IWL), but due to all of the HH's I get with my wife moving, I took it as an HH and kept my awareness basically attempting a DEILD. I had the sensation of laying in bed but a visual, over to my right, of myself (I assume) floating face down above the bed. That scene and the following was too much of a lengthy continuous scene to have been HH. I think this might have been influenced by a scene in the poorly rated movie "Apparition" that I saw over the weekend where the main character sees himself stuck on the ceiling and is unable to move on the bed either but eyes wide open (looked like sleep paralysis) while his girlfriend is being attacked by an unseen force. Mine was more of a dark outline of a male body on the ceiling. I believe it caught me in one of the NREM stages but the bizarreness of it eventually woke me up for real (or my wife moving again). I remained calm but continued to get rotating dark figures above me so I just laid back...mostly enjoying the show. Very memorable. 139