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    BlairBros' Adventures

    Here I will post all of the dreams that I get lucid in, are memorable or significant or I think might entertain some weird people out there who have a similar sense of humour to me .
    Apologies for the poor grammar and spelling mistakes that are probably rife, I generally just try to bash these out when I wake up and am not thinking too clearly.
    FOR 2016: I will post here every day that I can as part of my resolucid, hopefully to significantly improve my recall.

    1. DJ#102: Drugs & Portal

      by , 03-13-2016 at 10:49 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was taking some sort of drug through an injection. I was in the city at night with an orange glow where this happened.

      Dream 2: I was the prisoner/accomplice of someone, who was guiding me through a building and monologueing about their plan to me. We got to the main room of the building and then a horde of creatures started piling in to attack us. The guy's guards held them off for a bit but they were overwhelming them, so my leader and I shuffled to the back of the room and went through a portal to a corridor somewhere safe.

      Fragment: Something to do with a mountain and designing a new pokemon game cover.
      Tags: non - lucid
    2. DJ#111: Expo, Public Transport & Filming

      by , 03-12-2016 at 11:18 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was playing around with different shouts in skyrim and looking through the different books in the game to see if I had all of them.

      Dream 2: I was at high school in a classroom with some random people from my year level. I was sitting on one side of the room but then moved over to the other side to talk to someone. I think there was a fire so we all had to evacuate.

      Dream 3: I was on a bus with quite a few weird people on it. There were two old, mentally unstable people at the front talking loudly about random stuff and there was a guy at the back who was super bogan and super high. The bus stopped and that guy at the back walked forwards to head out. He saw those two people at the front and yelled out at them and they shook hands and started drinking beer from the old guys bag.

      Dream 4: I was filming an action scene using a green screen outside of a house. I was in a small, claustrophobic area with the greens screen behind me and we took a few shots at the scene, which involved a motorcycle going past.

      Dream 5: I was outside of a large mansion which had some serious security. The fences and gates were camouflaged to blend in with the trees and they were reinforced with sandbags and metal bars. The owner of the place came out to meet me, carrying a shotgun, and he told me about how he build the place himself and was using it as a shelter from all the bad stuff in the world, sort of like doomsday preppers but on crack.

      Dream 6: I was in a university building on a floor filled with open plan office areas as well as study rooms. I walked through the office and got some mission/assignment from someone there to take home. The next day though I needed to go in, however it was a holiday so the place was almost empty.

      Second Awakening
      Dream 7: I was at some sort of technology expo involving a Chinese and Australian company working in partnership. I travelled downstairs from a garden with the other guests into this huge room with tv screens everywhere showing a soccer game for some reason. Some people gave speeches in both Chinese and English and I wandered about looking at all the different stuff. I think we then got shuffled down to the level below where there was a theatre with some promotional film playing.

      Dream 8: I was walking down a street near my house with my little brother, talking to him about how to use public transport and giving him advice on that sort of stuff.

      Dream 9: I was watching an online tutorial on how to build this clock-like device from scratch, similar to an online uni course or something. I followed along for a while and then someone I knew from high school popped into the chat with someone else an asked what this was, then saw me and was like "heyyyy, long time no see" and stuff like that. After that another person taking the course revealed to me they also went to my school and I strted talking with him.
      Tags: non - lucid
    3. DJ#110: Second Hand Sale

      by , 03-11-2016 at 10:32 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: My brother and I were packing up all of these old Yugioh and MTG cards for moving house I believe. We were trying to stack them all up in big piles and we noticed the MTG cards were firmer at supporting themselves. We also took a few out and looked at them and reminisced and stuff.

      Dream 2: I was in a room of some kind or corridor, like in a hotel, jumping around (can't remember details too well)

      Dream 3: I was at a huge second hand sale in this giant convention centre, similar to Jeff's Shed (for Melbournians :p). I was there to buy books I believe, however I had also donated a lot of my own stuff for the sale as I think the proceeds were going towards refugees. Anyway I walked in there and was looking through books when I saw a few books which I had donated there. I laughed to myself at the ide of buying my own books which I had donated, but then my brother appeared and told me that for each book I bought from there I would get a voucher to go meet this guy. I thought I may as well do it and bought two of my own books and went off to get my vouchers. I got the vouchers and then somehow glided through the crowd like I was on iceskates/rollerblades. I went up a set of stairs and then swung around to see the guy I would be meeting behind a desk with a few other people. Turns out I was meeting my old English teacher, Mr Spiller. He turned and faced me and said "Ah, good to see you again Matthew" and waved his arm around. I stopped and looked around, spotting a stack of newspapers for taking. I took one and the front page news was the UK leaving the EU. "Shame, isn't it" Mr spiller said of the story, "Not to mention the Sun's poor writing" he added before turning back to the other people.
      Tags: non - lucid
    4. DJ#108: Scary Face

      by , 03-10-2016 at 06:04 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: (I was semi conscious at this stage early in the night, mosquitoes attacking me lol) I was at a voting centre for Bernie Sanders and I was pivotal in deciding which way the vote would go. Every time I rolled over (while trying to sleep better) I changed who I was voting for and the numbers on the screen were having a hard time keeping up.

      Fragment: At grandparents house doing something

      Fragment: On a train in the city, pulling in to Flinders St station

      Dream 2: I was at a theme park, in line for a rollercoaster with my family. It was in an underground line and we could see the other people already on the ride whoosh past as they came in to the dock.

      Dream 3: I had discovered this guy who could make the scariest face known to man. He had long, Snape like dark hair and big dark eyes. When he made the face his eyes grew huge and vicious looking and his mouth nearly disappeared; what was left of it was snarled while he released this incredibly unsettling banshee cry. I showed this guy around to all my friends and random people making him do his face, scaring the pants off of them.

      Fragment: Throwing a gridiron ball with someone else

      Dream 4: I know this was a very long dream but my recall was pretty average when I woke up so I couldn't quite recollect the details of it. I was watching tv with my little brother and some important thing was happening. I tried to teach him a lesson about what was happening on the tv, but he didn't seem that interested.

      Updated 03-10-2016 at 06:07 AM by 63366

      Tags: non - lucid
    5. DJ#107: Waterslides , Mardi Gras and Pizza

      by , 03-08-2016 at 10:01 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was walking back to my house past a petrol station when two people got out of a car in front of me. They were two girls who went to my high school, one of them hung back and the other came and said hello to me. We talked for a bit and then she asked me something about me speaking Chinese, and I told her I could, which seemed to impress her a lot. The other girl sort of waved nervously at me and I waved back, then the two of them drove of and I walked back home. When I got home there was pizza everywhere :p.

      Dream 2: I was watching a dota game, where one team had an absolutely huge OD who was almost able to 1v5 the other team. That other team was relying on their spectre to farm insanely to give them any hope for the late game.

      Dream 3: I was at some sort of Mardi Gras like party, I think in the square of the old gaol next to my university. There was music and dancing and our prime minister got up on stage and hugged this guy and then announced that gay marriage was suddenly legal now, everyone partied hard.

      Dream 4: I was in an African jungle themed park with a ton of different waterslides with my dad and brother. We were supposedly on a big trip going to all different water parks and riding all of the waterslides. This park was centred around a huge tree, with different sections around the circle of the tree dedicated to different types of slides. We chose first to go on a big white one that started off from way up high.

      Fragment: Getting my arms and legs stretched super far.

      Fragment: Being in the city doing something
      Tags: non - lucid
    6. DJ#106: Aztec, Desert and Slapping Contest

      by , 03-07-2016 at 09:58 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was at school I believe, in some school vs school competition, city vs country. I had taken inspiration from a youtube video I had watched about ancient chinese slapping competitions, so I challenged another person to one. We each had a whip/strap and would take turns slapping the other person in the butt until someone gave up, the winner would get to eat this huge plate of food. The competition went for a few minutes before I think my mum walked in and ordered us to stop and then gave a lecture about how stupid that was etc.

      Dream 2: I was in a desert sort of landscape with a house along with a bridge over a chasm to a pyramid. I think my extended family were visiting at the house, and I didn't want to be there so I wandered off to the pyramid. I crossed the bridge and then entered the pyramid, where the inside was like an industrial factory with pipes and machines all over the place. I walked through a bit until I could see light and hear noise from down a flight of stairs. I walked down and saw a giant shop selling all sorts of things. I asked someone working there what was going on and they said it was a second hand sale of all the stuff my family didn't need anymore. I wandered through the shelves, looking at all the clothes and toys and things which I supposedly had owned.

      Dream 3: I was in a discussion with my grandparents about their planned holiday. They wanted to go back to the town in Austria where John had come from, but my mum was telling them not to do it. They wanted to see this huge Aztec style temple/pyramid in the middle of the town that had only been half built when he had left. My mum was telling them that John could hardly walk and his knees were weak, and considering he had only just managed to climb the pyramid when it was under construction and half as tall, combined with his deteriorating health, that they shouldn't go.

      Dream 4: I was walking down a city lane with someone else that was filled with vendors of all sorts of ethnic foods, maybe something about paella.

      Fragment: I was in a fight with someone, or a big circle of people.
      Tags: non - lucid
    7. DJ#105: Minecraft & Plagiarising

      by , 03-06-2016 at 08:56 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was in a minecraft world, snowy and icy with mountains off in the distance. I flew around a bit and then I spotted a small village. I went over there and saw a couple of buildings in between two mountains/hills, and suddenly realized this was my village which I had started building a while ago. It was in a Nordic style however I saw that a lot of work was needed to improve the buildings. I made a bit of a wall around the castle tower and fixed up the roof of a house, then decided I needed to build a lot more to make this a good town. I build a small dock area and 3 or 4 more houses on the waterfront, ended up quite pleased with the result.

      Dream 2: I was taking the train to school with my brother when he told me he got caught for plagiarising on an assignment. I asked him what subject it was and he replied IT, to which I scolded him saying he should have known better than trying to cheat when the IT teacher has software which detects it. He said it wasn't his fault and he didn't deliberately do it and stuff like that, but I didn't believe him.

      Dream 3: I was watching dvd's in a small room on a little tv. I was searching through a few trying to find the right one, however a lot of them had other bits and bobs from the tv recorded over the top of some parts. I searched through a few but couldn't really find what I was looking for. Someone else came into the room I think and I showed them something I had made/seen. We travelled down a hole into a cave and then out through the other side where there was a large bridge made out of wood and plants. It was curled up initially but I made the plant parts and giant leaves unfold to provide a walkway for us. The other person was quite impressed and I told him I had only just started working on this and there would be a lot more to come.
      Tags: non - lucid
    8. DJ#104: Soccer and Dota

      by , 03-05-2016 at 09:59 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      (To try and stretch and improve my recall I will be going for as much detail as I can to make that extra level of detail come naturally)
      Dream 1: I was at an assembly in a school hall, it seemed like a catholic school to me for some reason. The floor was dark polished wood and there were about 15 rows of those black folding chairs we were sitting on with a gap in the middle with people at the front speaking at a lectern. The speeches finished and I got up along with everybody else and started walking outside. On the way outside I bumped into a girl I hadn't seen in a while. We were both happy to meet each other and she hugged me, which was a little embarrassing in front of everyone in but never mind that. We started talking for a bit and walking out together; once we got outside I was going a different way so I had to say goodbye and we went our separate ways.

      Dream 2: I was at a soccer game in the stands, full of green seats and screaming fans. I didn't know who was playing or anything and almost all of the seats were full. I eventually found a spare seat next to a middle aged guy who said I could sit there as long as I barracked for his team. I told him I didn't know either of the teams playing so I would barrack for whoever he wanted. He laughed at that and I sat down. He told me he barracked for Cardiff, the orange team, and I think they were playing Hull (I don't know lol). so I started cheering for Cardiff as the ball was run up and down the pitch.

      Dream 3: I was part of a Dota 2 tournament in a stadium similar to soccer match. I'm not sure if I was meant to be a pro player of if I was a randomly selected player or something but I was going to be part of some big game in front of thousands of fans. I walked through a lounge where players and officials were resting and I sat down and watched the end of the game before mine, can't remember what happened in it really. I could see through a big glass window the fans sitting below me and the stage where the players were in front of them. I then remembered something my brother told me about leaving my computer with the casters for them to upgrade it with all sorts of cool stuff, so I walked over to the casters booth and knocked on the door. The opened the door and LD and someone else was there, commentating on the result of the last game. I left my laptop on the desk next to LD, who looked quizzically at me but then an official scurried over and took the laptop. I walked out and then went into my game.

      (Warning unnecessary dota specifics )I was playing Nyx Assassin, and while I was playing alright some of my teammates where being really stupid. One of them tried to tp back to base in plain sight of a pudge, who hooked and killed him, and others were just feeding and getting ganked. From what I could remember I had arcane boots, a magic wand, bkb, orchid and some other item, maybe aghanims. I know I was trying to get refresher orb so I had a staff of wizadry. I went invis at top lane for a gank and travelled through the jungle to the middle lane and killed one of their heroes, however the rest of them came through and killed me, which was bad as it was a bad trade and I was very important to my team. They came pushing in for the rax and I was contemplating whether to buy back or buy the refresher orb, I think the dream ended before I decided hehe.

      Fragment about walking through a forest a bit like around Orthanc before Saruman went crazy.
      Tags: non - lucid
    9. DJ#103: Ambient Building

      by , 03-05-2016 at 01:45 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was involved in some building competition in Minecraft where myself and some other people had to compete to build the most ambient build. We all had the same map to work with which largely featured a huge forest. We all flew around scanning the area for where to build when I had an idea. Everyone else would likely be building in the huge forest because it was so obviously ambient, so I chose to find somewhere else instead. I flew off to the side and found a beach leading into a desert like terrain. Someone else was with me, either on my team or a judge or something, who I explained all this thought process out to. I then starting working on the build. Eventually night fell and my first day of building was done. I had build a little desert shelter featuring a canopy, the lighting was superb and while it was small it didn't need to be much bigger for the ambience to shine. The other guy and I sat down by a fire and watched the night go by.

      Fragment: I was playing chess and checkers with my brother in a small cottage with my parents reading the newspaper/watching tv off to the side.
      Tags: non - lucid
    10. DJ#102: Giant Ice Spikes

      by , 03-04-2016 at 01:49 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      I remembered a few more dreams than what I can recall now but I went to a late night gig and woke up early and exhausted to I didn't really try to recall dreams.
      Dream 1: I was at school for something, not my actual school but one down the road from where I live. I think I was in trouble for something.

      Dream 2: I was in my backyard where a sprinkler/hose from the front had gone crazy and was shooting out water every which way. Somehow, through magic or a cold snap or whatever all the water jets froze and so there were giant ice spikes floating through the air. They were made up of all sorts of crystals of ice, jagged and pointing out in every direction. I touched one of them and it shattered at that point and travelled like a fuse, spitting out ice shards everywhere. I did this a couple of times and then called out for my brother so come see this, but my grandma came out instead.

      Dream 3: I was changing my ringtone on a train to a metal song, getting weird looks from the other passengers as the songs played out.

      Fragment: Getting kicked out of a bar.
      Tags: non - lucid
    11. DJ#101: Epic Jumpin and World Building

      by , 03-02-2016 at 08:11 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: A couple of people and I were watching the new star wars movie.

      Dream 2: There was a documentary sort of thing about these 5 people who combined to do the highest vertical leap. They had a ball which they passed along from one member to another until the last guy, with all this momentum, took a step up a cliff face and sprung up a few metres. This last guy was really tall, 7 feet at least, and sprung up crazily high, it was amazing to see.

      Dream 3: I was travelling through an underground lake sort of thing, with a few other people I think. I can't remember the details too well, but we got sent the wrong way and ended up trapped by some evil force, however we managed to escape. I then guided us to an opening where there was sky light and this beautiful valley opened up. There were half a dozen or so other people there who had appeared to be waiting for me. A meeting started, and apparently this was a group of worldbuilders which I had been a part of years ago but which had fell through. They had reunited here in this valley which we had started creating years ago to finish it off. I 'remembered' all this and starting helping out with carving out the river and shaping the side of the mountain.

      Dream 4: I had to take my little brother to school, and then a sort of FA where I was awake talking to my twin brother when our mum cam in and made him take my other brother to school since I had done it last time.
      Tags: non - lucid
    12. DJ#100: Heretic

      by , 03-01-2016 at 10:29 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      I remembered about 3-4 dreams when I woke up but I forgot to write them down as getting extra sleep was a major priority, so I can only half remember one or two now.
      Dream 1: I was in a room in a building underground with a ladder reaching up to the surface level. I kept on trying to climb up it to escape but was continually forced back down, because I was a heretic or something. I kept on trying with different costumes and tried flying and stuff but nothing worked, they weren't fooled.

      Dream 2: I was on a large waterslide with my little brother. I was facing backwards and watching him to make sure he was alright. The slight was pretty cool with a massive drop where we got some air at the end.
      Tags: non - lucid
    13. DJ#99: 2 Months Down and Lots Dreams

      by , 02-29-2016 at 08:33 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: Watching a movie on dvd with a few other people, can't remember what it was about really.

      Dream 2: I was at my grandparents house with my family, there was some discussion about the pros and cons of old age going on between my grandparents and my parents.

      Dream 3: There were a whole bunch of people at my house and we were playing a bunch of games that involved throwing objects into small holes. I was in the study with someone else and we had to throw a couple of fish into a hole that was moving. We got pretty frustrated as it was quite difficult. Another person came in and gave us some advice, so eventually we managed to get it in successfully.

      Dream 4: I was in a prison, not sure why but maybe for expressing a political view or something. I was in a ell with a couple of other guys, with the cell next to me full of black gang members. I tried rattling the bars of the cell but wasn't having much luck, however I saw the bars on the other side of the cell looked much thinner. The people in the other cell noticed this as well and starting bending the bars, and they actually started to warp. The guards noticed and ran over, yelling at them to stop. They continued and started making a bigger and bigger hole.

      Dream 5: I was out in the front yard of my house. There was something about making pizza, and there were lots of people moving around and sort of parading off stuff, I can't really remember the details on that. Someone showed me off to the side what they were working on, which was a huge, self sustaining tank thing. It had food and wood farms and weapons and could drive around and sustain a lot of people. I travelled with her to this other town on a cliff and worked on creating a few of these tanks and then came back to my house where I think one was parked in the street outside. I received news that China had declared civil war, north vs south, and the north was winning handily. I decided to join the fight on the side of the south and used the tanks, however I think we were still being pushed back a lot.

      Dream 6: Fragment, something about a kids tv show and Ella.
      Tags: non - lucid
    14. DJ#98: School, Park & Games

      by , 02-28-2016 at 09:30 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was at a park with a few other people, hemmed in by buildings on all sides, sort of ghetto like. I think we were either skipping school or we just didn't have it that day however people would think we did. Anyway as we walked into the park we saw a few police officers milling around. We were torn between asking them what was going on and not wanting to draw attention to ourselves, however eventually one of us asked them why they were here. I was walking closer and I spotted someone lying on the ground just as I overhead the police officer say "He's dead". I started backing away, feeling sick, and we all ran away out of the park. I'm not too sure what happened after this but I think we ended up going back to the park later after it was cleared and we had some sort of friendship building, emotional experience haha.

      Dream 2: I was at my old house and there were a few guests outside on the deck. They came inside and I realised one of them was a young Oprah wearing a purple dress. I started trying to flirt with her for who knows why but it wasn't very successful.

      Dream 3: I was playing IWBTG, or my dream version of it, and I was stuck on the second level trying to get through a low corridor filled with moving spike traps.

      Dream 4: I was in class in high school, probably politics as my politics teacher was there, working on a project. For some reason I got extremely angry at my brother, ended up all emotional and separated from him and basically distracting everyone. After I calmed down a bit I stood up and apologised to the class for my actions, tears streaming down my face.

      Dream 5: I was at a media awards night (the subject at my school). I arrived there alone, unsure of what exactly was happening, but I walked to where the theatre would be however it was locked and my teacher was there, telling me it wasn't ready yet and to go back to the waiting area. I did so and suddenly there were people there. I sat down on a bench with a few of my classmates and watched an introductory video being played on loop next to us. There were a few interview questions and I heard myself give an answer. Somehow I cut to myself building a giant dumbbell in minecraft surrounded by a park, however I hadn't quite finished it in time so I lost some marks on it; apparently it was my media assignment. Therefore I was sort of dreading the awards ceremony as I didn't think I would win anything.

      Dream 6: I was involved in a cross between playing a capture the flag style video game and watching the trailer for it. Although we were playing the game there was a voiceover guy explaining the rules and the different classes and stuff. My group slowly made our way to the enemy teams flag, losing a lot of our players but taking out their defences. We eventually got to a courtyard type place where we could see their flag with no defence. We thought we had it in the bag and sauntered over and picked up the flag. We stood around for a bit, then just as we were about to leave to head to our own base I turned around and saw a masked soldier on our team shimmer and transform into an enemy soldier, right behind one of my comrades! I yelled out but it was too late, the shapeshifter had plunged a knife in the other guys back and then shot the rest of us. As I lay dying on the floor the voiceover came back, solemnly saying "... and that is why the Shapeshifter is the most important member of each team. Important, and deadly: as the shapeshifter turned into a floating purple hat(?) and flew away.
    15. DJ#97: D&D (Driving and Dota)

      by , 02-27-2016 at 10:56 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was driving a car with someone else instructing me. It was a sporty car and we were going around a track with a few dozen other people, all with their own cars. A few cars zoomed past and the instructor pointed out how they had a lot more power than us, but that our turning and acceleration was better so I had to make up ground on the corners. I slid around a few corners and stuff.

      Dream 2: There was a Dota panel/cast where they were talking about me like I was one of the players.

      Dream 3: I was on a site that was like a fake version of YouTube. I clicked on a video which was a reversed version of Gravity supposedly by Coldplay. (I really should have done a gravity rc there doh )

      Fragment about Tiny tossing people a huge distance.
      Tags: non - lucid
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