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    Memorable Dreams

    1. First attempt at remembering Dream Objectives - Touch and Increase Clarity [DILD]

      by , 10-22-2012 at 10:10 AM
      Black - Narrative/Thoughts

      20 October 18:39

      Throughout this long non lucid dream I was beginning to get frustrated with the events which were unfolding. I was standing on a ladder leading onto a little house in the middle of a dessert. Then, without warning, I suddenly questioned why I was dreaming.

      I thought that this couldn't be real as I couldn't remember to how I got where I was. So I looked down at my hands and I saw that my pinky and ring finger were attached and slightly bent inwards.

      I then said, "I am dreaming!" and I instantly jumped into the sky and started to fly. Flying this time came completely effortless. I stopped and thought about the conversation I had when I was awake with my girlfriend and that I wanted to touch something in my dream and feel it, as well as increase the dreams clarity.
      I wanted to do this, because in my other LD's I haven't done it and I always read about people experiencing touch and increasing clarity.

      I flew to the floor and picked up an empty crisp packet that was conveniently lying there. I put the packet in my hand and began to scrump it up. The sensation I felt was just like I experienced when I was awake. I felt the sharp corners against my palm but it felt more "sharp" and just amazing that I could feel such detail in a dream.

      I then went to a lake and tried the water, I felt the coldness of the water, but what was interesting is that I didn't move my hands, but the water felt like it was being brushed over my hands as though I was moving them whilst in the water.

      I then shouted, "increase clarity!" but it didn't really make the landscape clearer as such, instead it was like a pulse wave emitting from my body and as it went from me, I could see the waves go past the landscape. As it passed some objects, it created new ones, for example, it left a bush in place of a table when the wave passed it. It didn't make it clearer as such, well it may have, but my attention was drawn to how the landscape was changing in front of me.

      I think I went non-lucid after this as I can't remember much more. Also this was a dream in the middle of a long series of dreams, so I am quite amazed I remembered it as it was this morning and I have only had the time to write it down now. Very short LD experience, but one of the most amazing experiences ever.
      lucid , memorable
    2. First Lucid Dream [WILD - I think]

      by , 10-19-2012 at 09:19 AM
      Black - Narrative/Thoughts

      25th September 2012 - 22:00

      The one night I got confidence to attempt to lucid dream (after reading and researching for a month every day at work) was after a very long weekend with my friends drinking from Friday through to Sunday evening. That Monday I was shattered and I came home from work and went straight to sleep at 18:30. I haven’t had recall of my dreams for the past couple of weeks, and I put this down to my irregular sleeping hours.

      However, this night, I had a very vivid dream but I was not lucid. I was able to recall points in the dream that happened when I awoke abruptly at 9:30. I was very groggy and I thought I was in a state of sleep paralysis… so in my dreamy like mind, I thought it would be best to try WILD. I lay there dead still and closed my eyes but I can’t remember what I thought of as it all happened so quickly, it felt like a couple of seconds. The outside ambiance noises (the computer being on in my room) suddenly faded away and I started to hear a loud but VERY quick “woosh” sound, I really can’t describe it as I was half asleep and it felt like it happened so quickly.

      After this woosh sound came it felt like I was being fast forwarded in a DVD and the dreamscape just appeared from a little dot in front of my eyes and it grew larger and larger in front of me. But it is so hard to explain, it was like it just appeared in front of me and it was all so very quick from the sound that I heard.

      I somehow remember thinking to myself that, this experience was very weird and I needed to check if I was dreaming… I looked at my hands (which I have been practicing as my reality check for almost a month now) and I looked down and saw that my hands were very fuzzy and not focused, like if you were to have poor vision and not wear your glasses (I don’t wear glasses, but I presume this is what it would be like). But this was not all, on my left hand, my middle finger seemed to mould into my index finger and it looked very weird, creating four fingers (or 3 fingers, one thumb!)

      After this reality check somehow I became so enlightened and I said I am in a dream! I instantly got shivers down my spine, It was weird it wasn’t fully vivid, I saw it was all wispy and wavy; I can’t explain it, like a ghost realm. I knew I was dreaming but I was also cautious. I peered up to see a door. I’ve never seen it before, but I knew that my friend Rich was behind it. As I walked through the door, there he was, sitting in his dark room, he did not look happy. As I went to speak to him and tell him that I was a in a dream, I felt a big rush of excitement and fear, when I spoke to him, it came out as a whisper, in a very croaky voice… but this did not deter him from hearing me, and he said “you can’t be in a dream, are you ok?”
      I replied, but this time I did not move my mouth, I was communicating through some sort of telekinesis; and he understood me! I said that “I am dreaming, I can show you, I can fly”.

      And with that I jumped in the air, but I felt very weak and not in control fully (the dream felt very fuzzy thinking about it) and I merely stayed in the air for a couple of seconds, before returning to the ground). But this was enough for Rich and he finally accepted that he was in a dream.

      Suddenly my friend Brooker comes in and says that I am asleep in my bed, so how am I standing here. I got freaked out by this, but I kept my cool and I said that I was dreaming, and I can show him. He didn’t believe me so I said I can show you. So I did, I made a commandment to fold him up into a brick shape and fly through the glass. And he did, he folded up individually into a small brick shape and then I moved him back and forth through the big gothic windows, with a movement of my hand. I did this four times and smashed four windows.

      When I stopped, he got out of his brick shape and he was delighted and he believed I was dreaming. I heard a knock of the door and it shook me. I went to the broken windows and peered down to see who made the knock. It was dark and there were a lot of unknown people just looking up and staring at me. I then commanded to show the person who knocked on my door, but nothing happened.

      Frustrated, and without anticipation, I went down the stairs, as I went down the stairs I saw the broken glass I had smashed in the hallway, and three people standing there, staring at me as I walked down. I don’t remember walking past these people then I came against another door. Which somehow I knew my friend Tony was behind there.

      Walking into the room, Tony was there and someone random was holding a mirror. I think this was because I don’t want to see a mirror in my dream, as I have been reading about “horror” lucid dreams from mirrors – but not surprisingly, as it was in my subconscious, it came through.

      I remember the mirror being 3D and I had to climb over it, not looking in the mirror, I climbed over it but then all of a sudden it went 2d again, and was against the wall. I know in my dream I didn’t want to look in it, so I avoided it. But something compelled me to look in it, so in my dream I looked at my hands to ensure I was in a dream again and nothing could hurt me (I didn’t really consciously do this, my dream just made me do it, and then I thought ok I’m dreaming”).

      My hands still looked fuzzy and the middle finger was joined with the index. I gave in and looked in the mirror. As I looked in I just looked very fuzzy, like how my hands were when I did my reality check. I was smiling and my head was very liquidy. I looked the same; just had longer scruffy hair and I had lots of spots on my chin.

      As I looked longer in the mirror, I knew I would start looking for something scary (because I do this in real life, I am curious) and this worried me, so I forced myself to look away. As I was forcing myself to look away I felt my eyes darting around the mirror trying to find something, and I hear a feint rumbling noise in the distance, so I quickly looked away and there was a person right beside me.

      He seemed like he had a quite scary face (but I don’t really remember because I think I was coming out of my dream, or losing lucidity). I think he grabbed my shoulders and I said I was dreaming
      and then all of a sudden I abruptly wake up and have total vision of my ceiling in my room, like my eyes have been awake the whole time.
      Tags: first lucid
      lucid , memorable