My ex was in my dreams again last night, was with her for 3 years and she broke up with me in mid september and she is now with someone else, still love her though and think about her every day.

First we were in a massive car park and i was driving the car i recently sold, and she was walking along the side of this car park. Then we were drawn together by this guy selling car doors (weird)

My dream went on and i was in London visiting old neighbours (they dont live in London) and i remember thinking about her throughout that bit.

Then we were in this place together saying that we loved eachother and i was shocked that she said i love you, then i remember saying theres a problem though your still with this guy and she went all funny on me, in the dream he wasnt paying her enough attention and wasnt sure about them. I then told her off about it and said finish with him or dont talk to me and she said no so i remember being torn up about it and i also remember then walking down my street and seeing him then beating him up and thats it...

Got to mean something surely.