Back in my June I witnessed my dad having a seizure. It was a traumatic experience for me, and I was afraid I'd have nightmares. I never have, but the day after he did I woke up and had a hallucination where I saw his face. The face wasn't very complex, but I thought it was sleep paralysis and was terrified of having a vivid hallucination of, say, my dad having a seizure next to me in bed, while I was paralyzed and forced to watch the hallucination unfold.

Eventually I realized it was actually a hypnopompic hallucination, (Thanks in part to having an actual episode of sleep paralysis, although I just heard a loud buzzing noise and my eyes were shut) and that removed the fear. I haven't had a single hypnopompic hallucination since then, as I realized I had them when oversleeping, and I adjusted my sleeping habits.

However, despite no longer worrying about it, and often not even thinking about hallucinations for days on end, I have dreams, that while I wouldn't consider them nightmares, are very disturbing to me.

Basically I will wake up in the dream and think I woke up in real life. The setting will look identical to my bedroom, and I will even be in the exact position I was prior to falling asleep, and I will have an episode of sleep paralysis in my dream. I don't feel an actual sense of fear in the dream, which is why the the content of the dreams isn't an issue, but rather that fact that I completely believe it's real in the dreams. I have many lucid dreams, and the few dreams that aren't would mostly be in fantasy settings. But these dreams normally occur right before I wake up, and I used to have them every morning prior to waking despite not thinking about, nor being stressed by, the thought of sleep paralysis.

They went away for a bit, but after being particularly stressed out I had a dream where I experienced sleep paralysis. I tried to shake myself out of it, but couldn't, and finally woke up in the dream, only I was still dreaming. I then had another episode of sleep paralysis in the dream, and this continued several times, until I finally woke up for real.

I have no trouble knowing when I wake up that what I just experienced was a dream and not actually sleep paralysis. But that fact that these dreams occur so often, and are so realistic, is scary, since I don't know how to deal with them.

If things are bothering me I'll have dreams pertaining to them. I'll deal with the issues, and the dreams won't happen anymore. Yet these dreams happen over an over again despite me not feeling any worry about sleep paralysis, and outside of the last dream, don't seem to just occur in stressful situations.

Does anybody have any idea how to resolve these dreams, or at least how to realize in the dream that it's not real? Thanks!