Hello. I'd be very pleased to have somebody adopt me. I'm not completely new to the forums, but I need additional help to stay motivated and a mentor could assist me. I'm very interested in the realm outside of lucid dreaming – astral projection, explorations of consciousness, entheogens/others and the expansion of the mind/ego death, synchronicities, etc. I'm interested in the works and theories that help evolve my understanding; Carl Jung and the collective unconscious, Stephen LaBerge's ETWOLD, Robert Bruce's Astral Dynamics, the philosophy of Buddhism.

I know there are some naysayers who disagree with the ideas of a universal consciousness or the possibility of shared dreaming, but I am quite optimistic about the power of my beliefs. Thanks for taking the time to consider adoption.

P. S. I have yummy candy in the back of my not-scary not-kidnapping van.