Hey dudes. I've been lurking the forums for a few months now, and from what I've seen, this is a cool community with some pretty cool people. I've been trying to attain lucidity for quite some time, and I finally decided to try the mentoring program, because a lot of you really seem to be genuinely intelligent people who know what you're talking about. I've only attained lucidity once, completely by accident, and it was what made me interested in lucid dreaming. I've gained great dream recall since I started trying to go lucid, and I completely attribute that to you guys. I believe in some of the paranormal aspects of dreaming, I think that the Akashic records could exist, but I'm skeptical about astral projection. I'm definitely not one of the idiots who believed in the whole "dream walkers, night stalker" thing. So, that's about all I've got to say about myself. If anyone wants to take on a reasonable, semi-intelligent peon to take under their wing, reply, by all means.

TL;DR: I'm not an idiot. If you're not an idiot, reply.