Well, iv'e been lucid dreaming for a about 3 years now. Iv'e had plenty of lucid dreams, Usually iv'e used techniques as DEILD, or DILD's. I don't remeber a time when iv'e set out to WILD and achieved it, But when i do happen to come accross the opitunity to WILD, it usually happens very quickly and i hit sleep paralysis within a few seconds, im in a very sleepy state of mind, on the verge of sleep i suppose. But still highly aware, and i feel my body locking into SP, And everytime i say to myself, right just go with it this time and try and visualise the dream and forget about it. But i panic from the sheer sensation of not being able to move my limbs and i feel suffocated and claustrophobic, so i quickly pull myself out of it before the paralysis gets aney deeper. And this will happen a good 3 - 4 times whilst im trying to simply get back to sleep. Then eventually i will loose all conciousness and i wont notice the SP and fall asleep into a normal non lucid state. I would like to learn how to relax myself whilst entering sleep paralysis so i can achieve a WILD. Can anyone help me? thanks.