Well I just woke up from what I believe to have been my first lucid dream, but I'm not sure. I've had dreams before where I'll say that I'm dreaming, and I might even realize it, but i shrug it off. The parts that really make me question if it was a lucid dream or not are that while I was excited, I didn't wake up, and I had quite a bit of control over my dreams (I made like 3 things and a person appear around corners and stuff). I suppose my biggest problem is that I never have to stabilize or anything, I just went on my way.

I remember doing the nose plug reality check and feeling air rush through my nose even though that shouldn't of been possible and I remember looking at my hands to find them really messed up. I also remember hearing so many people say "you're not dreaming", but each time I heard that I did a reality check and was like "well how is this possible then?".

So, anyone have any idea of if it was a lucid dream or not? I want to say it was just because I want to, but so many things seem different than most people's first lucid dreams that I'm questioning if I really had one.